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stare into the depths of the sky
and you shall not see anything but an eternity of space.
but close your eyes and you see more than the world can offer.
this my dear is called imagination
and it gives us hope and helps us push forward.
sometimes when life just gets hectic I try to close my eyes and just picture what I want. nothing goes wrong when I can control what I see.
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
i can love the moon, and the flowers.
its time that i come out of the dark.
rise up from my ashes and let myself be put back together.
its time that i feel the suns warmth on my skin,
but also be strong enough to feel the bees stings that pierce, and hurt me.
its time to embrace life, and all of it.
we all are broken down till we are nothing but chard from being burnt by lifes burdens. but picking ourselves up and dusting off that chard is a part of life.
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
Twenty years of saying ... I love you
Meaning every word.
One day you turn and say in a cold heartless way
Sorry, I don't anymore!

Plumitting .... falling .... scrabbling .... clutching into an emptiness of feelings and into
a void so deep you feel you could fall for ever, for always, for eternity.....
A plunge into nothingness ........ for hours, for days, for months and even for years ....

THEN .....

What was that?
Something  touches, brushes you briefly.
Something physical .....
A leaf, a twig?
No ...... a branch to grab hold of ....... ?
A tree? No a hand?..............
No, A heart!

A heart?
A new heart has hold of you and suddenly
It stops your hopeless silent fall
It's true ...... You can love and be loved again.

I love you ......
And I mean every word.
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
Devon Webb
This love of ours
is like
a see-saw:
the only difference is
that normally
I'm stuck at
the top.
Too much self-doubt is never stable.
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
Devon Webb
My heart is
but you fill the
empty spaces
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
I find it amazing.

I find it amazing how you can fall for someone.
How you allow, to some extent, someone to be part of you.

The more time you spend together never adds up to enough.
You catch yourself thinking about them, even when you’re not
Start to find yourself using their phrases like they’re your own.
You notice the way their eyes squint and their forehead wrinkles when they laugh really hard with you.

Their hands seem to be made perfectly for yours, the contours compliment one another to a perfect fit.
They are your definition of warmth and perfection.
No matter how hard you fight it, you can’t beat it.
Their magnetic like pull to your weak iron heart.

They some how get inside and passed every wall and trap you put up and set.
Like a thief they creep in unnoticed and go straight for the masterpiece hanging in your chest.

To be in love.
You give that person the power to destroy you. Annihilate you.
You’re not sure what they will do but you think it would be a privilege to be loved or destroyed by them.

It’s amazing.
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
 Dec 2014 Laura Turner
it's okay to be sad.
it's just not okay to stay that way.
life lessons
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