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Paul Dec 2014
Stop staring over those green dreaming hills

Stop searching far into the distance and wanting, wishing for that special something!

Stop hunting for the unobtainable

The impossible
The elusive
The perfect one?

Look around you and focus

Look beside you and see

Look ...... Just look.

They are here

They are yours .......

They are Now ........ And they will always be.

Please ...... You only have to LOOK.......
  Dec 2014 Paul
Laura Turner
“Do you have children?”
“No” I reply.
“Did you not want them?”  
What's with the why?
Oh I wanted them alright
But try as I might
Their father never materialised
So neither did they.

Don’t assume my career must have got in the way
Or hypothesize that I’m gay
So proud all you mums of your legacy
it just didn’t happen for me.
some of you think I’ve missed out on life
And to an extent
I’d agree this is true
But how many of you
Have seen as much of the world as I?
I think with a sigh,
At least I am free
But, yes at times
Incredibly lonely.

So please don’t ask that question as though kids are a given
By anybody.
And I have to get on with life
Hearing that question
Which cuts like a knife

I'm sorry
It's fine
It just makes me sad
This reminder that I’ll never meet
The children that I never had.
Paul Dec 2014
Coffee ........ Too hot?

Things not to say when feeling poetic!

I need it to be blown upon by 13 fair maidens!

So wrong!
Paul Dec 2014
I don't look at everything I see

I don't see everything I look at

I don't Listen to everything I hear

I don't hear everything I listen too.
Paul Dec 2014
Twenty years of saying ... I love you
Meaning every word.
One day you turn and say in a cold heartless way
Sorry, I don't anymore!

Plumitting .... falling .... scrabbling .... clutching into an emptiness of feelings and into
a void so deep you feel you could fall for ever, for always, for eternity.....
A plunge into nothingness ........ for hours, for days, for months and even for years ....

THEN .....

What was that?
Something  touches, brushes you briefly.
Something physical .....
A leaf, a twig?
No ...... a branch to grab hold of ....... ?
A tree? No a hand?..............
No, A heart!

A heart?
A new heart has hold of you and suddenly
It stops your hopeless silent fall
It's true ...... You can love and be loved again.

I love you ......
And I mean every word.
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