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 Apr 2015 Thoughtful
Keelyn Mac
We meet here
At our final passing
Love me
Love me
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
i am hallowed and hollow.
a divine being with
something to **** for.

trapped in a flesh cage
i am wild and furious
desperate to be freed.
desperate to be

lightning struck me in my
angel childhood
left me with shattered wings
and electric human blood.
i am something in between.

i wish i could meet my match.
i wish i could fight him.
i wish i could win.

i am made of heaven and stardust.
of flesh and bone.
i am made of something inorgnanic,
something untouchable.
if you touch me,
i am divine, and you can't touch me anymore.
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
Shi Em
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
Shi Em
i missed the times where we used to
just watch scary movies and laugh through out it all
instead of being scared;

where we spent late nights on phone calls
and text messages where we
talk about everything and nothing;

where we even notice the small things,
where I paint our moments with a pen and a paper
and you capture it with your camera;

where we can just be happy by doing nothing as long as
we were together;

but we get caught up in the moment of our fights
and misunderstandings;

we started to focus on our differences and
mistaken beginnings;

then just like that our fantasy

c  o  l  l  a  p  s  e  d

with you walking away,
leaving me behind with nothing;

while you walked away with everything.
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
It's my own **** fault.
Oh well oh hell oh well, just the Beatles and this mint ice cream and maybe some Mr Buffet
Dull grey starlings come,
Parade on gardens not won,
  .  .  .  Never too soon— gone.
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
Next week is gonna be dangerous,
An adventure perhaps,
Maybe I won't live that long,
But I'll dance the whole way there.
Don't beleive me? Just watch.
This song ***** brah
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
the hardest part
about missing you
is knowing
I shouldn't.

yet here I am,
up all night
aching and thinking of you
and you're sound asleep.

your dreams aren't filled
with the faces of a lover
who made promises
that were not kept.
(but mine were.)

you don't wake in the morning
wanting to return to your dreams
just to see my face
or hear my voice.
(but I do.)

you don't go about your day
wondering where I am
or what I'm up to
or if I'm thinking of you.
(but I always am.)

and at night
when you lay down to sleep
you don't wish
you were lying right next to me.
(nighttime is the loneliest, you know.)

but I think the hardest part
about missing you
is not dreaming of you,
or thinking of you,
or wishing you were here.

the hardest part
is knowing you made your choices
and I wasn't one of them.
If one could forgive  .  .  .
Truly see love flaws in each,
  .  .  .  What flowers can be.
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