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 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
i knew they were all fake
and it's not that there was 3
it was that you lied
i would like to say i'm surprised
even this last piece of you
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
Justin Case
I tried reaching out to you.
Don't you remember when you said you still wanted to "be friends"?
I was trying to put aside our differences, forget what you did to me.
I tried being your friend again,
But you rejected me.

It was your idea, don't you know.
I still wish I never met you.
But now that I have,
I can't live without you.

I tried to be "just friends",
But you no longer even want that...
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
When he kissed me I was breathless,
you asked me what I felt I was speechless.
I smiled then looked down you picked my chin up
then kissed me again.
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
It's that heart-clenching feeling when you want something so badly.
It's the ache you feel right down to your bones when you feel a part of you is missing.
(how could you miss arms you've never felt?)
The pain, the longing just has a way of eating you from the inside out, until all that's left is a hollow body.
Just a living being wanting, wanting to feel that semblance of warmth, of love.
i saw a picture today which made me feel just like that. i miss her. i wish we could grow closer. i can't wait to find love.
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
I was looking at your name on my screen
I've seen it a million times
for some reason I was nervous to click [message]
scared of the perpetual feeling
that our friendship was over
when we ended talking
when we didn't give reason to our being
and why we stayed quiet but still knew
we shared the same longing emotion
and fear
to talk again
because things would be different
less comfortable
more lost
when we had laughed like young children
just months before....
And I found my answer
when you didn't respond to my message
and I didn't respond to yours
The last part was a metaphor when I said
"when you didn't respond to my message
and I didn't respond to yours"
I did not mean a literal message, it was more of referring to a cry for help, or a shout in the darkness with no response due to fear
 Mar 2015 Thoughtful
Remember before this
when faith,
synonymous with bliss,
caught you on the down side,
gave you heart to fly?
The hero isn't the fable,
the circled hands at the kitchen table.
Change isn't just a constant
without it we are haunted

There's more space out here to breathe
the budding branches after fall
that big orange ball
alone, after all,
since there is no more than one.
And, coming over the hill,
I feel free to revel in the sun,
in purple, indigo, pink blazing horizon,
and I choose to smile.
"What's a few more miles?"
Because right now, I am the Soldier
feeling heart and bones get older
ordered by this Sergeant Brain.
But soon, I will be the Farmer,
trading weapon and armor
for soil and grain.
The sound of the wooden flute
it's as if I'm listening to the song of the warbler
those that visit at sunset
bringing rest and relaxation to the weary

Their song resting on a bed
of an ever present drone
of the didjeridoo
comforts and quiets me

There, the stick
beating on a block of wood
I feel as if there are
droplets of dew
falling from leaves from a tree above me
into a pool of water at my feet

It's as if the water of life
my life
is returning home

As the shamisens strings come alive
I see a field of wildflowers
they wave gently in the breeze
that is brought forth from its music

Peace is mine

Happiness abounds

My spirit is renewed
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