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 Oct 2017 Kon Grin
Lior Gavra
It haunts us, we are scared of it.
But we spend a lot of time thinking about it.
We walk around wanting it.
It drives us, makes us passionate.
Ditch everything we know just to chase it.
Wake up the next morning hoping to revisit.

It is different for each person, and we try to make the most of it.
Next year we make a bunch of promises, and swear to it.
No more this, no more that, but more of it.
Finally be the person we want to be, get really fit.
Time passes by, we forget it.
Maybe next year we will regret it.

Once you look around, you will remember it.
Slow things down, take a glance, it will hit.
Every second counts, do not ever quit.
You only get it once, before you split.

It is called life, cherish it.
 Oct 2017 Kon Grin
Lior Gavra
We want options but hate making choices.
Looking up to others waiting for their voices.
Easily swayed when someone claims.
This is the right one, no one to blame.

Dating, living, food it is all the same.
The abundance just makes it a game.
Who, what, where fits us best.
Giving up on the original moving onto the rest.

How to pick one and be happy.
When you are just another fish in the sea.
Not hunting for what you need.
Clouded by objects, luxuries.

They say lovebirds only need each other.
Fluff their feathers and stay together forever.
We are no different, no need for royalty.
Just make a decision and keep some loyalty.
 Oct 2017 Kon Grin
Lior Gavra
People power people, and pick their equals.
Ideas, decisions, and what becomes real.
Whether we stand in a line, elections.
Decide who continues on, selection.

The rich become rich only from people’s contributions.
Using their products, services, or through admiration.
Social media, likes, comments, a way to get attention.
Striving to break from conformity, this world’s automation.

Scream, shout, acting strange in public.
Shoot, attack, people turn on each other, frantic.
People become desperate, run out of options.
Detectives try to figure out motives, using caution.

Joker said it best, why so serious?
Wasting time on the small things, getting furious.
When you can turn it around, hear how they feel.
Truly care and help them heal.
Be a friendlier face, selfless.
To those hiding in their shells, helpless.

Maybe everything seems right for a while.
But this world is in chaos, and in need of smiles.

Why so serious?
 Sep 2017 Kon Grin
Soul Searching
i hope you see me at the bottom of your glass
i hope you see me in your sunday mass
i hope you see me in your saturday cartoons
i hope you see me in the summer rain
i hope you see me in the cracked porcelain
i hope you see me in the smile of a child
i hope you see me in the sun upon your back
i hope you see me in your afternoon snack
i hope you see me in the daisy growing through the cracks in the sidewalk
i hope you see me in the face of everyone you love
i hope you see me in the beauty of a dove
i hope you see me in the ember of your cigarette
i hope you see me in every dog you pet
i hope you see me in your lovers eyes
i hope you see me in your dreams
i hope you see me in your favorite sports teams
i hope you see me in your nightmares
i hope you see me in your mirror
i hope you see me when you start thinking clearer
i hope you see me in the faces of a close friend
i hope you see me in the end
cause god knows i see you
 Sep 2017 Kon Grin
It's been a long time
Since i last had a dream
Funny that last night
After what forever it seem
You were still included in my dreams
-both when awake and alseep

In dreams and reality..

When you are at work but this thought comes to your mind and you badly need to write it down so you sneak from work to get it done
 Sep 2017 Kon Grin
amina a
 Sep 2017 Kon Grin
amina a
under a whisper of million leaves that shake as the wind exhales

his breath will replace your breath, giving a second pair of lungs,

just in case you will fly in dreams
 Sep 2017 Kon Grin
amina a
 Sep 2017 Kon Grin
amina a
i want wind to take me away
a place where my weight presses on petals and leaves
when i walk on grass to find flowers for you.
but it takes away only leaves
that leave a scar on my heart flying away from me.
everything's gone;
and only electricity transmission lines spark
as my eyes when i see you,
thunder shatters
as my heart when meeting a ground.
 Jul 2017 Kon Grin
Jagged teeth
Crooked Lips
quickly taken down
Once I remember what they look like
Me and Rosey did a collaboration were I wrote a poem from my perspective and she wrote the same one from's the link to her interconnected poem Rosey is such an amazing poet and this was a wonderful collaboration :)
 Jul 2017 Kon Grin
 Jul 2017 Kon Grin
Can i go back in time
And live again?
This time with my eyes open
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