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Kirsten Claire Apr 2018
Lips softer than a rose petal
Cheeks like plums
Ripened before the season
And fingers with the softest touch
Of a bird's feather
You are absolutely stunning
Kirsten Claire Feb 2019
How quickly can someone become a stranger
To your safe harbor?

Kirsten Claire Sep 2019
If you sit at a table where
And trust
Are not being served
Politely stand
Collect your plate
And leave

Do not dine
With pigs
Dressed in gentlemen's clothing

Kirsten Claire Sep 2019
And so I sit
In a stunning
But old painting
Perfectly poised
Occasionally admired
But always forgotten

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
How finicky time is
When one hour without words
Feels like a chasm
That pushes me further from you
Like being stranded
On an ever melting glacier
Drifting from home

Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
I cradle your affection
In the palm of my hand
Like a seed so small
That if I am not careful
I might just lose it
Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
She wore her heart on her sleeve
Like a home decor item
Tucked tightly in the corner of the living room
Always seen
But never acknowledged

Kirsten Claire Mar 2019
Before I could release your air from my lungs
You suffocated me
And took my life support

Abusive relationships are destructive.
Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
She whispers a truth
Into the silent air
Past the raging mountains
Through the badger's hole
Around the Redwood trees
To the not-yet-hatched birds
Under the bustling city
Until this truth has penetrated
Every crevice of this earth
And with one breath
She utters the words
"I am alive."
Kirsten Claire Apr 2018
It was one breath
One step
One long free fall
Back to Earth
But I feel alive again
Kirsten Claire May 2023
The verge of a depression
Feels like an economic recession
Its the ascension
Before the descension  
A slow mental digression
And my therapist says:
"While we're in session,
Do you have a confession?"
And I say, "No,
It can't be depression."

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
Words and gifts acknowledged
But never received

Broken words left at doorsteps
Of broken homes

Fathers absent for years
Showing up at Christmas dinner

A lump in the throat
In the middle of a fight

Adoption papers left unsigned
At an empty work desk

A broken plate
Hidden under a bed

The memories of a child
Deep within their head

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
You almost got the promotion
Like you almost finished your education

You almost made it to the finish line
When you almost broke your leg

You almost got married
Like you almost got pregnant

You almost used the knife
Like you almost told your therapist

But ***** "almosts"
Because they never got anyone

Kirsten Claire Nov 2018
He knocks
                                                          ­                                        She is hesitant
He hums a melody
                                                          ­    She peers through the hole to look
He smiles
                                                          ­                                               She smiles
He tilts his head like a puppy
                                                           ­                                             She laughs
He stands calmly
                                                          ­                     She creeks open the door
He holds out his palms
                                                           ­                          She sees they are bare
He looks at her
                                                             ­                                 She looks at him
He allows her the time she needs
                                                           ­                              She is grateful for it
He waits patiently
                                                       ­                                           She is nervous
He says nothing
                                                         ­                                         She is shaking
He sheds a tear
                                                            ­                                         She is crying
He knows exactly why
                                                             ­                              She shuts the door
He waits outside like the loyal puppy he is
                                                              ­     She leaves a rose while he sleeps

For even though her chamber had been violated before
By hands tainted with lust
This new loyal companion never forces
Never asks
Only respects
And waits patiently
Outside the doors to her sacred chamber

Even if she never opened the door
He would wait outside for an eternity
Because he loves her
With an undying loyalty
Grounded at the core of true love lies loyalty.
Kirsten Claire Sep 2020
I wonder what really makes a man?
Is it the blueprint or his plan?
Will he be judged by his deed?
Or by the child he ministered to in need?
Irregardless of the wealth or the fame
A man shall always be known by his family name
Like a stalwart tree against the gale
He stands strong, never to fail

Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
O' Costa Vida
That the heavens might ring
For glorious is thine corporate name
The sauce which you so delicately craft
Flows through my veins
And the sweet pork
Oh, the sweet pork
With one bite I am enslaved
As the taste bursts within my mouth
With the strength
Of Zeus' great lightning bolt
The inhabitants of the land Utah
Praise thee all the day
And may thy glory reign
Forever and ever

Insert humor here.
Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
I carve open
The sealed door of my heart
And with one breath
I breathe back to life an archaic machine
That has hidden itself away from the world
In the caverns of myself
But like all old parts
The mechanisms slowly
But surely
Crank back to life
It has been ages since its last heartbeat

My heart is worn down
And a little bit broken
And I have never felt as exposed
As I do now
But I am not afraid to wear it proudly
Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
I listen to music
In another language
Because it allows me to feel the emotion
And fill in the blanks
For my own story

Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
At the threshold
   Between calamity
      And perfect harmony
         You and I walk
      On ropes too tight
   And heights too great
To make a mistake
Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
Memories of you
Are like a book I read
Ages ago
In an abandoned attic
With items long forgotten
But never lost in value
And now I sit here
Digging through that attic
Trying to remember better times

Kirsten Claire Nov 2018
He is a warrior
And I am glad to fight
The battles of life at his side
Kirsten Claire Jul 2019
Beauty carved
Like a marble statue
A silhouette
Formed by the sun

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
A lump in the throat
And a winter night without a coat

Language of the heart
And a raging storm about to start

Words begin to form
And a storm that leaves me without warmth

So I freeze instead
Caught on the articulation of a word
And a tempest blazing inside me
And I do not speak

An ode to social anxiety.
Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
(Read from top to bottom and vice versa ~ a reverse poem)

It's the End
I don't know what to think
The unknown fears that lie
Beyond that chasm
I jump
To something more hopeful
Something worth living for
The Middle
The great bridge
I enter
Upon a grove of trees
With light glittering through the leaves
It's serene
Here in these strange woods
I have found
The Beginning
Beginning to End or End to Beginning, is one better than the other?
Kirsten Claire Mar 2018
When did I start worrying about
What to be
Instead of
Just being?
Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
The train passed by me
Like a leaf in the wind
And pretending to keep to myself
I put in headphones
But they played no music
And just when I couldn't feel
Any more empty than I already did
I catch your eyes
Blue eyes
Too blue
With a hint of gold
And my gaze lingers there
One second too long
But a second worth it
Because he smiles
And there are a hundred and one
Hidden messages in that smile
And I look away
With heat pulsing against my face
Because some boy
With too-blue eyes
And a hint of gold
Made me feel a little less empty
And a little more something
Smiles are worth it.
Kirsten Claire Mar 2018
I thought I was
   A calm breeze
      By the seashore
         Instead I became
      A burning flame
   That burned all
In it's way
Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
Can you accept the reality?
But can you also accept the fairy-tales
That await beyond the storm?

Kirsten Claire Apr 2018
Hands clasped over your eyes
Wet rivers of red seep down your face
You are covered in the stains of your tears
But I do not care
Not one bit
So I remove your hands from your face
Grab a clean rag
And wipe away the pain
I clean your clothes
And put you in something
Not marred by the stains of your hurt
So when I say that I want to care for you
Hold you
Help you
Know that I mean it
Kirsten Claire Aug 2018
He catches the eye
Only for a linger
And not a stare

But he catches the heart
Like a falling star
You only see once
But it is enough to make you lock the door
And throw away the key
Kirsten Claire Mar 2019
Change the world
Then do it again
Smooth out the curves of the jagged river
Grow trees amongst barren land
Make mountains upon mountains
Then climb it all
And jump to the deepest depths of the ocean
To the very bottom of a lightless land
Then in a moment of hyper speed
Go straight to the sun
Say "Hi"
Then come back to Earth
Back to your bed
And back to your dreams
Wake up
Change the world

Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
There is an imaginary checklist
As she is evaluated
At Love's front door
Her leg is shaking
Because she fears
She might not meet the mark

Kirsten Claire Sep 2019
This was always a chess game
This Game
That you and I play
And again
And again
And again
I have the checkmate
Locked in the deepest
Confide of my heart
While you play your queen
From all directions of the board
And with my hands up
I surrender my winning piece

Kirsten Claire Dec 2018
There is crinkled wrapping paper
Littered across the mahogany floor
And untouched presents seem more like delicacies
For this twelve year old girl
As she sits alone
Again on Christmas morning
In a house too big
To hold such a small girl
Kirsten Claire Jan 2019
There is imperfection in my words
Can you not feel the tremor in my voice?

So when I come off as inarticulate
Or fail when communication is needed
Forgive me for my shortcomings
For in my mind
I speak all the words
My mouth cannot seem to say

Kirsten Claire Mar 2018
To the person I will one day love
I know they will say you are my other half
But know that I was complete
Long before you came along
Because I had to ensure
That if you wrecked me
I would be whole enough
To fix myself without you
But although my heart is complete
I would still like you to have a piece of it
Kirsten Claire Oct 2019
There are millions of stars
But we limit ourselves
To only a handful of constellations
To tell the stories
Of the sky

Kirsten Claire Dec 2017
He was a cosmic catastrophe
In my heavens
An earthquake
On my foundations
Opened the door for
Into my universe
And he could see the worlds I carved
And the galaxies I molded
And how every star I created
Lined up perfectly to make a constellation
A story
My stories
It was all
He saw it all
And wrecked it
I let him in
And he violated me,
My universe,
And all of the precious worlds
I held in the palm of my hand
And with every
Fight late at night
Every word left unsaid
Every bruise somewhere new
I could feel the law of gravity
Unwinding itself
The worlds falling out of orbit
Galaxies fading
Stars dying
My universe was in cosmic chaos
Because I didn't realize
I was the brightest star
And he was a black hole
Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
He said he wasn't into crazy girls
Like it was a sorority
But I hate to break it to you darling
I am club president

Kirsten Claire Mar 2018
When my skin no longer
Prickles at the blow of cool air
Or the butterflies that ignite
Every time I see you
Or when the moon
Has traded places with the stars
Or when my body becomes a casket
For all of your grievances
I hope you know that as all things die
So has our love
Kirsten Claire Oct 2019
They asked me to describe
This feeling
That dominates my very soul
But you see
It's kind of-
Sort of-
It's like the heat waves of-
Some eternal flame
A dove-
That flies just in front of the sun
It's like a slipping rope
That makes you take hold of-
Everything and nothing
It seems to be void of-
Deprived of-
Bereft of-
But like the stars above-
It can chart your course
Into unknown terrains
And even as I speak
I fall short of-
This abstruse feeling
Called love

Kirsten Claire Nov 2018
Her hands in shackles
Crumpled to her knees
She begs him
Pleads with him
For a love she cannot have
Because he's locked her heart in a chest

With one hand he holds the chest
And her chains in the other
Wielding both at his disposal

It's my hope that no one falls into an abusive relationship like this.
Kirsten Claire Dec 2017
When I had my first swimming lesson
My instructor told me
I was a feather
Afloat the shallow end of the pool

But this is not a swimming lesson
Nor is there an instructor
I am a heavy weight
Ready to dive into a treacherous sea

You are the sea
The water
And everything in it

I am ready to dive into you
Soul first
I just hope I don't drown
Kirsten Claire Jan 2018
Aboard a raft
   I am tipping
      And turning
            And then falling once more

It is a delicate game to play
Going down the river
But I enjoy the ride nonetheless
Kirsten Claire Oct 2019
She desires the artist
And the dreamer
But is unwilling to pay the price
Of the dream

Kirsten Claire Sep 2019
They play dreams
At my funeral
Because even they
Liked the idea of me
More than the actual me

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
A stolen shirt returned to your bed
Or a text message still left on read

Yelling goodbye from an arched doorway
Or sending gifts although far away

A hushed "I love you" gone all too soon
Or taking hate outside the bedroom

Little efforts
Often broken
And a little bit messy
But efforts nonetheless

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
I wish I could be as eloquent
As poetry and prose
Well structured in verse
Like a metaphor to a rose

Kirsten Claire Sep 2019
My words are broken droplets
That never quite
Penetrate the surface
Matter without substance
Feeling without emotion
I may write my words
But you will never read them
I will speak aloud
But you will never listen

Kirsten Claire Aug 2020
Is it possible
Not to give your whole heart to someone?

Just for once.

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