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 Aug 2014 Kimberly Eyers
1:35 am
in the indigo infinity of the night,
i could've loved you better.

2:18 am
between the folds of the sheets
and the ache in my bones,
i warmed you from the inside out.

3:46 am
we are two stars,
unable to put our words into
we will be our own downfalls.

4:28 am
you pull my hair and tell me
you love me in-between the groaned pants
and one day, underneath the cracked lips
and trembling hands
i'll find the courage to say it back.

5:19 am
i am the inferno that'll burn
your paper heart down
and when you're left with the ashes,
you'll see just how much of yourself
you gave to the girl with the sleepy eyes
and bruised knuckles.
i am sorry.

6:21 am
like the morning sun,
i'll rise to fill you with warmth
but i will have to set again.

7:34 am
"i can't hold your universe together."
 Jul 2014 Kimberly Eyers
"Truth will set you free"
"Truth will set us free"

is that real? is that true
truth will set us free? maybe
but tell me

am i suppose to believe that if im trapped?
trapped because of the truth?


then why am i trapped in this lonely world full of truths
why am i trapped in this mind full of truths
why am i suffering because i know the truth
why am i hurt
why cant i find my way out even though i know the truth
why is the truth hurting me so much, that it wont let me go away
why am i trapped?
why am i trapped if the truth will set us free

The truth will set us free, or.....*not
- PD
I just woke up
And I love you **no more
When you wake up one day unloving someone; ask and assess yourself, "is that true love?"

Love has two faces. One loves for the sake of the world's gravity and force; and the other with the Eternal Promise of the One sitting on the throne. Love is indescribable indeed, like He who has bestowed us every thing.

We love because He first loved us. - 1 John 4:19
 Jul 2014 Kimberly Eyers
When my dad had a heart attack,
              His friends bought him a LazyBoy
                                                reclining chair,
as if to say

"rest up, buddy

we've got your back."
                                        Now a man myself,
               I know that my friends

would pitch for a chair,
 Jul 2014 Kimberly Eyers
I know it’s selfish
... but I wish you spent six weeks in a hospital bed.
I wish that I could have spent seven fifty on parking slips
every day for those six weeks
Just to say goodbye,

I wish that hospital smell
grew familiar in my nostrils.
that I could walk the route with my eyes closed
to room whateveritis
and sit in a familiar chair,
slowly watching,


for you to die.

I wish you had a nice view out your window

one filled with trees,
one that birds flew in front of regularly
because you loved watching them.

I wish I didn’t leave you
drinking merrily with friends
joking about everything
because I wanted to spend your last moments by your side.

I wish I could have observed your strength

slowly fading

as your smile was
quick to appear.

I wish we could have talked
once more would have done
although I wish that conversation could last forever.

I wish you could have ******* about hospital food
like you did when you were sick before,
and I wish we could have laughed about it.
         wish we could have joked about sneaking beer into the hospital.

I wish the beeping of hospital things drove away silence.

I wish we could have stared at the ground
as we discussed life,
and other important things.

I would have wished

that it wouldn’t have been awkward
but we would have known
what to do with your ashes...

Instead of leaving them on top of your sound system
and never looking at them.

I wish you were able to stand with us today
instead of swimming in a pool of regret,
instead of somewhere else.

I just wish you didn't die

and take a part of us with you.
 Jul 2014 Kimberly Eyers
Even the darkest night is followed by mo(u)rning
You are
the ink,
the page,
the poem.
"Surely you must've known, it was all for you." -Pride and Prejudice
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