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 Jul 2020 Khyati
Nidhi Jaiswal
Love is like an ocean...
Its swimmer must be proficient in all art...
Than life boat will be survive in deep ocean...

Love is like an ocean...
Its swimmer must be proficient in all art...
Than life boat will be survive in deep ocean...
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Esther Pollak
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Esther Pollak
I feel so empty sometimes but I stay silent because I know people wish for a life like mine
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Esther Pollak
Whenever I cry I'm guilty
Am I allowed to cry when another's pain doesn't compare
I stare with a dropped jaw as others tell their hardships
Am I allowed to shed tears when so many wish to lead my life
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Where are you from?
My answer is
Does it matter?
This question requires a five part answer

Where are you from?
When you say from?
Do you mean -
The road travel by me or my mom?

Where are you from?
If I say Somalia?
Will you leave it there?
Or ask me if I belong to the north, east or the south?  

Where you from, your accent is unfamiliar?
I know, language is imperative
when you're lost.

Where are you from?
The answer is nowhere
I am stranger to places
no matter where I call home.
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Vranda Punjabi
I know I'm that someone,
Who's really hard to handle!
But hurting someone,
Is never my intention!

I'm way to staright forward,
when it comes to expressing emotions,
My words come out of my mouth,
Just like a slippery lotion!

I'm sorry to each and everyone out there,
for being so blunt,
I really did not imagined that,
it looked like, I had flaunt!

This poem is not to show off,
It's from a revee,
It's just a poem which I wrote yesterday,
out of my believe!
It's never to late to say sorry, & mean it!
(Glossary help:
*revee: revee is a sweet girl who has a sensitive heart. she will sometimes act like she is tough but on the inside she is absolutely soft.)
 Jul 2020 Khyati
No filter
 Jul 2020 Khyati
You blush without the red face.
Cleaning out my drafts
 Jul 2020 Khyati
Raj Bhandari
A dark room, where I' prefer to sit'
That way' I escape the worldly ****!
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