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Kaazmeya May 2014
You remember who you are
in that moment of invisibility
repeat your name
where you are, why you are

You are who you remember
You decide
what you

You who remember, are you*
lost in what was?
braced for what may be?
in denial?
Kaazmeya May 2014
You are what you eat
I *****
She looks familiar
  May 2014 Kaazmeya
Charles Bukowski
as the poems go into the thousands you
realize that you've created very
it comes down to the rain, the sunlight,
the traffic, the nights and the days of the
years, the faces.
leaving this will be easier than living
it, typing one more line now as
a man plays a piano through the radio,
the best writers have said very
and the worst,
far too much.
from ONTHEBUS - 1992
  May 2014 Kaazmeya
Brynn Louise
Trying not to let the ocean drown me
Trying not to let the sheets smother me
Trying not to let the fingers strangle me

But it doesn't seem to matter what I do
Where I run or hide doesn't seem to help
Because no matter where I go
No matter where I look
Everything is out to get me
  May 2014 Kaazmeya
Francie Lynch
Fury found in eyes that glare,
Fuming sheets that smoulder;
Clenched, my fist once did hold
A love, but now a soldier.

     Meet me in the morning,
     Just as the sun will rise,
     And there we'll mark our paces,
     And pledge our love won't die.

Search in autumn shorelines,
I'm standing in the sand;
Found guarding my own pill-box,
With destruction in my hands.

     Meet me in the time of love,
     Will you be my second?
     Relieve my eyes that guard a fancy,
     Release a heart so fecund.

Leave me shrouded in the evening mist,
Help the shooting stop.

Now leaves are yellowed with vericose veins,
And loosen with arthritic hands;
Our one-time love lifts with the night,
I've lost you once again.
  May 2014 Kaazmeya
She hides her smile
behind black lipstick.
Her voice is low
and in between.
She smells of loneliness
and cigarettes.
She sings for me
when she is high.

She gets me higher
than I can go.
She takes me low
and in between.
Her heart's on fire
when she sings.
Her voice is smokey,
full of pain.

She sings of loneliness
and broken dreams.
Her dance is low
and in between.
She gets me high
and lets me down.
She kisses me
with black lipstick.

r ~ 4/29/14
Kaazmeya May 2014
Smooth porcelain skin
lungs, a vibrant pinkish hue
The crux of the problem
enamored by the image of her
indifferent to the soul of her
unflinching in his deconstruction of her
a terminal case
without restrict
he breathes in crisp tainted air
exhaling in a roar of satisfaction
this poem was inspired by NBC Hannibal
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