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 Nov 2014 kaycog
I'm okay.
 Nov 2014 kaycog

A tear today,
        A smile tomorrow.

I cried today,
         and tomorrow I will be okay.

© Pax
from me to you my friends & passer by: i always remember this.. this is one of my principles.. it was based on my experience.. when my mother died of breast cancer few years back i cried almost every night... then the next morning I could do my task alright not to be too emotionally withdrawn to the world around me, it keeps me focus until it made me feel better.

Just let it out, cry it out, then the next day you'll be okay. :)
 Nov 2014 kaycog
frankie crognale
i do not recommend having an anxiety attack when you’re driving

i do not recommend laying in your bed in the darkness in the clothes you wore out today 

i do not recommend sulking

i do not recommend being alone

i do not recommend letting people get to you

i do not recommend listening to sad music 

i do not recommend thinking listening to sad music will make you feel better

i do not recommend ever letting anyone break your spirit

i do not recommend showing weakness 

i do not recommend speaking to someone you care about when you’re upset because you will say something you deeply regret

i do not recommend taking out all your stress on your coworkers or the customers you come across at your job because they truly do not care

i do not recommend telling anyone or anything your problems other than your pets or your notebook 

i do not recommend writing sad poetry 
i do not recommend listening to the person you’re infatuated with’s favorite song on repeat because it will only make you hurt more 

i do not recommend drinking your tea right when you steep it because it will burn your tongue

i do not recommend overthinking 

i do not recommend writing sad poetry 
i do not recommend writing sad poetry 
i do not recommend writing sad poetry
 Nov 2014 kaycog
Alex McDaniel
How beautiful it is to lock your self inside
to turn the volume all the way up
and let the words of your favorite artist,
your most compatible soul, paint the bathroom walls,
with tranquil melodies.

How free it feels to let each note fill the recesses of your mind,
until you are hollow no more

How rebellious it must be stand in the spot where you and him made love, and let the warm shower water cover your icy veins and open wounds with embrace and dignity

How badly you want to scream and shout and declare your anger unto the world,
how badly you want to shatter mirrors and forget the memories,

Well darling, shatter away,
Graffiti the walls with words that make you cringe,
rip the doors off their hinges,
ignite the memories in flames till your mind is burning,
not for the past,
but for something new
something grand.

Throw the ashes in the ground and let them cultivate and grow,
into something they were never capable of being.
break down the barriers.
defy the odds of what this cookie cutter universe of fallen stars and broken dreams has to offer.

You're not like them.
you're not a fallen star,
your edges are never stagnant
you're like the sun,
you rise
you fall
you have your lows
but even when the shadows off the night lurk in,
we still see your glow.
 Nov 2014 kaycog
Alex McDaniel
She fell in love with November,
for the way the sun shined down on
decaying leafs
and chilling temperatures danced upon the tips of her fingers,
providing her with a perfect balance between life and death.

She presented herself to the world in this manner,
always happy and bright, but never content,
as days carried on cracks in her skin led to trails of pieces on the ground.
Her eyes often flickered between a beautiful orange and a sickly brown.
Her heart, as much as it wanted to be warm was deafly cold.

She was a mystery.

And as December rolled in and the world froze over in darkness,
so did she.
The only light in her life was the moon.
how badly I wish she could've loved a month like June.
 Nov 2014 kaycog
If only they knew
That the girl that makes them laugh
Cries herself to sleep
Every.  Single.  Night

If only they knew
Within those quick words
Is a cry for help
But it seems like everyone is deaf or just plain oblivious

It turns out silence can hurt you more than any ill intended words
 Nov 2014 kaycog
When Moonlight wens upon the moore
And Starlight knocks upon your door.
When thrums the hum of Faerie Wings
And the Harpen sound of Elfen strings.
Accompanied by dark Dwarven drums
The music of the night doth come.

A Shaman tends with Force of Night
A Silver Sword of fierce Light.
The wounds flow. The battle bounds
Thunder of Hooves upon the ground.
Tirelessly on the battles fight
But fades away in Mornings light.

And now that morning light is near
I arise from sleep with vision clear.
And the webs of tiredness
Fall from my eyes.
My new day begins
Under the skies…...JMF 11/9/14
Self Explanatory...You can't see miracles if you don't believe in Magic

All the Work here is licensed under the Name
®SilverSilkenTongue and the © Property of J.Flack
 Nov 2014 kaycog
( J ) uniper.
 Nov 2014 kaycog
I met this guy in
white Ralph Lauren
and right then and there
I knew we couldn't be friends.

We clicked like a puzzle;
literally every piece seemed to interlock
and I couldn't keep my eyes away
as if this burning desire lay between us
across some paperweight bridge of tension
and affection

and please, I just want to cross it
and I want to throw my hands up
and scream to the mountains
and just yell ***** it! at the top of my lungs
and plunge into whatever void his presence has planned for me

because I can't seem to
shake him off of my mind,
so I know this is already bad.

I can feel it chattering and creating a
foundation under my epidermis
scattering my nerves in places
I did not think were possible
and there sits a bed-sized
crater just for him. And I
know it's bad, I know
And I shouldn't
even care and I
shouldn't let it
happen but
here I am
o  n  c  e

{this could very well be the best and worst decision I've ever made}
 Oct 2014 kaycog
I hate the term
Tragically beautiful.
If you find something beautiful about my face
or me as a person,
Say it.
Just say it
Quit using that dumb term
it's as good as romanticising self harm and depression.
I will try to help you through your recovery
But I won't kiss your scars.
I will lose my mind when I realise that you are hurting yourself.
There is nothing Tragically beautiful about depressed humans
or humans who are just having a hard time.
If something about that human is tragically beautiful,
try making 'em happy.
Make 'em laugh.
See through them.
and you might find some *real beauty
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