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 Jul 2014 Kay
Suhaib Tariq
This is not a love poem.
That was not love I fell in.
Rose covered graves,
is it death that I'm smelling ?

Fate knocks on my door
and I don't bat an eye.
"Fate can't be ignored !"
well neither can I.

Winter spread across the world
as the days went by.
My men fled the lands
to catch the last of the tides.

Preachers deep in prayer,
seek refuge from the skies.
Monasteries abandoned
in pursuit of the tides.

Drowning in herself,
in service to her pride.
Not a law left unbroken
now show me one I can abide.

Mountains took shelter
where I chose to reside.
Born to the storms that
cast terror upon the tides.

The storms called my name
until I saw it in those eyes.
Disbelief had all but claimed
what I'd salvaged from the tides.
 Jul 2014 Kay
M Ellis
 Jul 2014 Kay
M Ellis
When I speak 
The right words 
Always cease to escape
I keep the best ones 
Locked up 
Within barricades
Sometimes they wander 
Like vagabonds on streets 
Yet inevitable I know
One day they'll find their way
 Jul 2014 Kay
Alone .
 Jul 2014 Kay
The space on my bed becomes more and more vast everyday
as every second grows into an eternity
in the absence of you.

All of the things you gave me to fill up the spaces
are now just a reminder of the emptiness
I'm trying to hide.
 Jul 2014 Kay
This Summer
 Jul 2014 Kay
Wonder lust,  I saw him starring through my flaws
subtle like the summer breeze,
Curious and all
I might have been adapted
Semi serious but even when I'm fearless he teaches me the most.....
I adhere to all the unspoken rules
With him I feel slightly marvelous
 Jul 2014 Kay
S Smoothie
The moon wanted to hug me
The stars tried to console me
I was cold, sitting on the edge of a windy cliff bleeding love
And he just stood there till i felt he was gone.
 Jul 2014 Kay
Marshall CB Hiatt
It always catches me off guard.
That first strum in the saddest song I've ever heard.
The first song she played for me.
The anthem of our time together.

Sometimes I wish you didn't sing it for me,
Cause now I'm hooked on a new kind of melancholy.

You can hear his heart break when he finishes the stanzas.
You can hear the pent up tears,
And the dried ones.
You can hear that those are the memories he's trying so hard to forget,
But they mean everything to him.

He's hoping that time goes on after she's gone,
And hoping that he won't give into old habits.

He's hoping he's okay.
 Jul 2014 Kay
Tark Wain
A boy and his father sat by a lake
fishing rods in the water
but no conversation in the air
the dad asked what he learned in school
the boy said nothing
as his hook remained afloat
ok the dad said
but one day ill be gone and you'll wish you had told me

That boy became a teen
concerned with bigger things
like girls and homework
and designer jeans
he had his first date
but declined to tell his dad
that's fine the dad said
but one day ill be gone and you'll wish you had told me

that boy became a man
who had a little trouble getting on his feet
he was afraid to go home
to the parents that raised him
he felt his failures were a disappointment
so he said he was fine alone
just know the dad said
one day ill be gone and you'll wish you had told me

That man landed a better job
and met the woman he loved
now he was secure
and everything was ok
He picked up the phone
and had so much to say
but it turns out that day
was one day
 Apr 2014 Kay
 Apr 2014 Kay
As I look around me,
The room is filling with smoke,
There are people drinking, smoking,
And people snorting coke.
I guess you could say,
I ended up in the "wrong crowd" of people,
There's a banging on the door, "police, open up",
And someone looks out the peephole.
There's a cop in the doorway,
6 foot 2, brown hair, and semi-large ears,
We all scramble and scream,
"**** there's no way we're all getting out of here".
This will be fun to explain,
To my parents who thought I was studying,
"I was testing the effects of drugs,
It was ******* that I was snorting".
Come on, this isn't fair,
None of you understand me,
Lock me away in jail,
So I can plead "insanity".
I need mental help,
From a psych ward or something,
I'm willing to go, or you can baker act me,
It'd be better than doing nothing.
 Apr 2014 Kay
AJ Claus
 Apr 2014 Kay
AJ Claus
I am stuck in a sticky state.
I’m a piece of gum,
thoroughly chewed.
By now, quite overused,
I've lost all taste.
My life has become an endless blur,
every day the same,
like an old song on repeat.
I’m sick of it,
and have been for quite some time now.
I need change,
need it.
I can’t live like this anymore,
can’t live every day on repeat,
never changing my pattern,
never changing beat.
Nothing anymore makes me happy,
no food tastes as sweet
as it did before,
when my life was filled with open doors,
with opportunities,
chances to rearrange,
to take on new adventures
every day.
But now, every day is a struggle,
always the same.
My depression has taken charge,
taken over what little control
I had left in my life.
It is my captor, and I its hostage,
locked up in its grasp, its chains,
until further notice.
I pray for the day
that it sets me free,
which is hopefully soon,
but probably never.
I’ll die before it lets me go,
yet I sometimes feel like death
would be better than feeling this low;
it would be release,
release from my endless days on repeat,
for which life just can’t seem to cease.
But for now I am stuck.
I am the gum you've been gnawing on for hours,
and you want so badly to spit me out,
but now just isn't the right time.
So you keep
that tasteless gum of mine,
wishing you could trade it out
for a piece with real flavor.
All I wish for
is a life with real meaning,
so that finally, again,
I can start feeling.
Until then,
I am numb,
much overchewed,
tired and used,
and feeling abused
by my own mind,
this cruel, cruel depression
that’s running my life,
and now I’m running out of time.
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