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Apr 2017 · 326
Building Blocks
Kati Davis Apr 2017
Teach a man the word no
Instead of telling the women that she have used her nails to create daggers along the
Lines of his back, use her feet as the rocket that must launch him off of her and onto the pavement away from her
Teach the man no
It is not a question but a demand
Instead of teaching women self preservation skills to use in a dark alley where no one could see another one top of her, pushing and shoving her,
Her back, marked up not only by the marks that will stay on her even when they’ve faded, but by the pavement which she will hate forever because it didn’t have the power to swallow her whole
Teach a women the word no
Instead of telling him that he could have knocked her off,
No problem. It is a women, he is a man, it wouldn’t be that hard.
Men are stronger than women, it should have been easy
Teach them no
They are telling you stop
Screaming, crying, kicking, but pinned under them but they can’t hear a thing besides the fantasies of their consent
Instead of teaching them to use the muscles in their arms, in their legs, in their mouth to push her off,
She is just a women.
Teach someone the word no,
Please stop
When they are holding a gun at a man’s head, pointing, ready to shoot
Ready to rip flesh apart, while ripping a home apart that they haven’t even touched
Teach someone no,
Hear them out, listen to their calls that only seem to be noises in the wind, drowned out by sirens
Because they are really pleas, banging on someone’s window, hoping someone could just hear their calls
Teach someone to say no
They are wrong
When they have make a false accusation, judged someone’s personality by skin
By religion, by sexualtiy, but not by their traits
Not for the way they crouch down by their side when they are too weak to whisper in gratitude, not by the way they scream with them when they are promoted, not when their corny jokes make their dimples show and their mouth lift up at the sides giving their stone face a crack
Teach someone the word no
Because we even though it is a two letter word
It still seems to trip people up
Oct 2016 · 285
Kati Davis Oct 2016
Cracked from its own weight
Nobody wanting to try and take a swing
That's okay,
One more swing
and I am a goner.
Sep 2016 · 299
Kati Davis Sep 2016
over the foot
that is connected to the
hand, that helped me up
Sep 2016 · 253
Faces With No Name
Kati Davis Sep 2016
A women, a phone stumbling in her shaking hand, wiping soft tears off of her sunken cheeks
She walks forward with a smile slapped onto her face.
A man, laughing at someone’s comment, as they walk away he rolls his eyes,
He walks the other way chuckling to himself.
A girl, head bowed down, eyes going left and right, devouring something on her phone
And smiling victorious as she struts away.
A boy, fingers intertwined with a girl’s while his eyes stare at his friend’s lips, wanting
But knowing he has a dangerous secret.
A figure, eyes tracing his moves, noting his hand movement, and sees him walk into a building, and stalks out of his hiding space with a scowl on his face.
A child, chubby palms touching everything, wandering as his mom smiles and chases after him with outstretched arms, while memories fill her eyes and fear grows and she walks a little faster.
I wrote this while watching other people's expressions. I know it's a little weird but I like it.
Aug 2016 · 403
sound of silence
Kati Davis Aug 2016
The sound of silence
races through my mind
creeps in the corners of the streets
stalks the locals
until, it quiets the city with a roar
Jul 2016 · 344
Oh My
Kati Davis Jul 2016
when my ocean of personality comes
crashing into your town
will you rebuild and stay
or pack up and find a new ocean to settle with.
can you deal with my personality?
Jun 2016 · 439
Kati Davis Jun 2016
Stuck in a room
With a car, running, fumes of hate
Streaming out of the exhuast pipe
I am dying to get out here
Jun 2016 · 251
Kati Davis Jun 2016
You left me
behind you, to trip over my own shoes just trying not the step on yours
You kept walking, even though I stopped.
But I came running back because I fell underneath the spell.
You left me
and I got to cough up the dirt that you left behind
And I still would do anything to just keep walking behind.
i dont know where this came out of but i like it.
Jun 2016 · 252
Into You
Kati Davis Jun 2016
My body, covered in the smell of gasoline.
You walked in, with a match lit
Yet, I still walked into your embrace
love is sad.
May 2016 · 596
Right, Wrong
Kati Davis May 2016
You always have a choice, he made the wrong one
It may be a costly one
For me

You will get a choice, choose wisely
I thought it couldn’t happen to me
Especially after I made the right one

Lights fade, screams turn into whispers
Glass dives into my paling ivory skin
Pavement absorbing the blood

A party, filled with people,
Too many people
     My vision is clear, not a drip slipped past my enclosed lips

Cups and cups of the poison fills his bloodstream
Vision dotted, the light is blinding
Head above the clouds, soaring through the sky

Not a drip passed through my lips Mom, I promise
I listened, even though it seems may have seemed like I didn’t
Every words was branded into my skin, burning to make sure I never forgot

He didn’t know that the head high above the clouds would come crashing down
The car came out of nowhere, I didn’t see it coming
It came out of nowhere

Now, lying on the grass
I am now playing a game with Death
and He is winning

The lights on his car, blinding,
I couldn’t move, my hands stuck, glued to the steering wheel
It happened too fast. my leg slamming on the brake, my head flying backwards while my body is flung forwards

Darkness fiddles with my eyesight
Numbness overtakes Pain easily
Nothingness has never been so blissful

The times I got mad at you for searing the words into my skin further seems pointless now
I am sorry
You won’t be able to hear my apologies from the tops of the clouds

I am sorry I couldn’t fight for longer
I hear the sweet song of sirens coming closer, closer,
People rush to my side
Words are mushed into one, filling my ears with the last sounds I will ever hear,
My eyes fluttering open and close this whole time, have now finally shut
The lights aren’t blinding anymore
Numbness has torn through my body, leaving not an ounce of pain
I am not suffering
My breath is slowly becoming smaller and small

One breath
I try to pry my eyes open, but nothing
My hands are damp from the sweat the is glistening around my body
Two breaths
Mom I love you, you gave me so much that I would never come out of debt to you.
Tell my sister, everything will be okay. Even though it may seem like I hate her, I don’t. I love you.
Three breathes
Tell my brother, I hope every dream of his comes true, and I will read him a story tonight in his dreams, then he can play with me once more. I love you.
Four breaths
Tell dad, that no matter I will be sitting by his side every Sunday to watch the matches that play. I love you.
Five breaths

We will always have choices in this world. He made the wrong one as soon as the keys jingled as the engine roar with life,  and the gas sputter out of the exhaust, and the tires turned in endless circles
7 breathes
He made the wrong one
It was costly
For me*

*8 breathes
Game over.
Death won.
This is about a drunk driver.
May 2016 · 310
Kati Davis May 2016
I love storms
They show me that even the painted blue skies cry
That the ground sometimes even quakes with fear
That even the bunches of cotton that float in the sky turn gray with despair and doubt
That no matter how hard you try the sunshine always goes away
But storms also shows me
When the sun finds it way through the crying clouds and shines down on the grass that is Drooping with the tears, and a rainbow, filled with the colors of the world is painted on the skies canvas by the spirits above.
I love storms
I do really like storms
May 2016 · 272
Without a Trace
Kati Davis May 2016
The rosy color of the wilting roses drains out into a pool below the vase
The pool of color drips out onto every flower around it giving it
A shiny new, new hue to add to the array of colors the roses have given them
Blossoming bright with your many colors, but the roses
All beauty is gone and given all to you, but you will never return the favor
I don't really know about this one...
Apr 2016 · 335
Kati Davis Apr 2016
Darkness touched her irises with love as her eyelids closed shut with the grace of falling snow
he showed her the light as she drifted into nothingness.
Pain held her in the blackness of his arms, the warmth of his blackened body filled her ice cold veins with warmth and the pain slowly fell away.
Death swooped her up and flew her high into the sky, where her eyes lit up, and as she laughed with the clouds, Eden fell in love with the smile that made the sun glow with radiance.
But as she bounced among the clouds, sorrow brought to the ones below her.
I hope you like it!!
Mar 2016 · 396
Kati Davis Mar 2016
I can't breathe anymore
many years ago I lost my hope, the glimmer slipped away from my reach, and my arms to short to reach out and grab it
I can no longer see the surface of the water, the dark monster that lays solemnly underneath the sand slowly breathes me in, but every once and awhile my rescue boat will come, my savior will come along and carry me away.
But the song that the sea softly hums as the waves crash upon the hypnotizing white shore.
The pink and purple hues of the sky creates a picture in my eyes, deceiving them, it blocks me from seeing where I am going.
Alast to the sea I sheepishly walk, crushing perfect little seashells in my stroll under my feet, I reach the edge of the beach of where the blue and green colors of the ocean meets the crystal white sand.
I feel the sand slowly loose from its grip on the beach and fall into the trace of the dangerous ocean. The cool waves reach my weak ankles and wrap around them like coil and as the tide goes out I get carried along with the ride.
I realize as the ocean whips me across my draining body against the eroding rocks and it breaks my spine along with cutting my back, I want the boat to find me, be my hero and rescue me and help me to the safe shore, I scream, gurgling water, struggle to keep my head above the pounding currents of the ocean, but the sea, who lives off of the souls of his victims, drowns my screams to a muffle so that my rescue light passes by without a look back.
My head turning and swirling looking for another rescue boat to come along and pick me up, but none can hear my muffled screams or see me in the darkest of nights, even with the brightest lamps. I look below me and see millions of sunken eyes and twisted smiles awaiting to see the next victim fall under the tune of the ocean.
The seas currents churn and spin trying to drag me down, waves crash over my head leaving me with almost no air, the monster climbs out of security to help the ocean in desperate need. He clamps my ankles and drags me down as I fall into his arms. He puts on the twisted grin with the rest of them and I become another victim to the sea of eternal sadness.
It is about depression but I compared it to the ocean. Please give me feedback on it!
Mar 2016 · 983
Kati Davis Mar 2016
I met you and I was light grey
Lovely to some, and shy, never wanted to be noticed
You were filled with colors to complicated to understand,
mysterious. I was drawn into with your rope of colors that you wrapped around my waist and drew me in
When I fell into you, I transformed into red ocean with love
a big, plentiful ocean that the waves crashed into your sly smile.
You danced and blue fell from the seams of jeans
You laughed and yellow poured out of your mouth
You sang, badly, but it showered me in pink
I lived for your colors, they overshined mine but I was okay with it because
I was used to be the shadows behind people's bright colors
You were the sun and I was Pluto, I could get away but you still were drawing
my picture with the colors that I wanted to see.
The white sand that lined the ocean was your words that I took into my currents and kept inside of me to save for later,
but then you decide that light grey wasn’t your color
everything turned black
The clouds that filled the pink sky were alive with bolts streaming across your beach
that I made for you.
My ocean turned into a swirling grey and green, churning until my whirlpool sinks your beach, your memory right out of existence.
It took me awhile to get the colors that you painted for me to become mine
but you have now faded away like light blue slowly fades into night
And I change from grey into an array of colors that draws you now in with rope.
Funny, how when my colors shine bright without your colors
you want me and all my colors.
To anyone feels overshadowed by someone else, you are amazing. You and your colors will soon become so vibrant that you will live for yourself.
Mar 2016 · 368
My Walls
Kati Davis Mar 2016
My walls, blue and green, filling with integrity,  caring and soft, humble and kind, loud and crazy
don't seem to match up with you blank white walls
all they show is your ocean of ego that paints across them with black and grey blocking anything else of your soul, who you really are, from shining through

In the time I found myself, you lost yourself into the ocean of which I almost drowned in because of you.
And when each piece of your black wall crumbled down I couldn't take my wall, and piece by piece and break it apart again to help you float. To help you find the land in the deadly sea, the water in a scorching desert.

That they words that I paint across the room, showing everybody what I think
doesn't match up with your ideas, and what your black wall that shuts off everyone else thinks. That I paint a picture that shines bright through the minds of brilliant thinkers that you could be but your too shut off to see.

I'm different than you, that my eyes didn't hold the darkness and you can never see the stars shine the way. That the day only blinds you even more because you find the sun as a foe not a friend, you see the tree fighting the leaves where you could see them as letting the leaves dance to the tune the wind sings, that the lighting storms **** and punish the houses for sheltering the people or you can see them as the lighting storms that light up the ground making it easy for the houses to be loved as a home not a place.
That the constellations match up in my eyes and I see the galaxies swirling through the night because I know what it feels like to become engulfed in darkness of where I can't even see who I really am. Of where I blinding go through life, not seeing but only touching. But I can't take my stars and aline them for you. Make O'brien's belt and the Dippers shine for you, but I can give you the North Star.
Maybe you can follow it until you find the galaxy that is meant for you and the black walls you jailed in your identity can fall down in surrender and its not a cage fight to see who will win, will the darkness will overshadow your bright identity, it only can if you let it. Will You?
You have to find yourself, it is only you can do it
Feb 2016 · 938
Kati Davis Feb 2016
1 second:
my mind drags my languid body across the tundra of insanity
my eyes focused on a space
a blurry shape focused
something in between reality and the real world
2 seconds:
roles of films show screenplays flickering across my mind, lighting up possibilities of what could go wrong
One goes by, and the film starts again running over and over
as the films play, I slowly drown in a sea of attacks
1,000 feet, my world spins
2,000 feet, my world fades
3,000 feet, my world becomes red, blocking the rest of the colors of the world
preventing the peace of the world into sight
4,000 feet, my soul mending into an entity with no right of way
it drifts upwards as I drift away
3 seconds:
my mind becomes the phantom
black, hollow, clustered, dreadful, worrisome
following my hollow body, swarming with words
creeping up behind me, people pass in blurs
their energy sweeps me up, fills me, empties me, making me feel even more alone
4 seconds:
do I cry, show the world the Prince of Darkness that clings onto my body
pulling strands of my hair, slowing my world to where I stare at myself and see a mess
see the tearing across skin, my face, only my red eyes can see, when they see my reflection
it’s a happy girl, who is never too sad, but the red can see through the mask that is always glued on
or should I **** it up and keep the beast swimming through my brain
prying my mouth open, keep it inside and let it eat me alive
5 seconds:
my heart, feeling four times as heavier as it did 6 seconds before
telling me *you’re okay, it will pass, the storms almost over, the friend always there to help the in pain

even when the expression shows different
the brain, feeling four times heavier as it did 6 seconds before
telling me you’re not okay, nobody cares, see they just passed you, why would someone care?
The common enemy, the one who's always there to tear you down even when the sun shines bright
6 seconds:
to keep the phantom from attacking, breathe steadily, never miss a beat
which would you chose to believe?
The phantom, the common enemy, the one who controls your thoughts
or the friend, there to keep you running through it all?
The choice seems easy, but sometimes
the choice isn’t yours to make
anxiety attacks, this is what happens to me.
Feb 2016 · 313
Kati Davis Feb 2016
The footsteps rang through my head
like sirens ring through the night
and through the darkest of the 24 hours
I realized
I miss you
I miss you, see you in another life
Nov 2015 · 629
A Curse Or A Blessing
Kati Davis Nov 2015
A Curse or A Blessing

Time is a gift
a healer
it heals the wounds we
have yearned to close
it heals the times we
long to forget
it's a healer
friendships grow stronger with each passing hour
couples loving every minute they are together
families enjoying the second spent together
time is a curse
a stealer
poison to our blood
venom that there is no cure too
the only known thing that will never stop
you cannot out run time
it will always win in the end
it’s a stealer
it will tear us apart
our skin going wrinkly
our minds no longer young and free
held down
by the weight of the world
causing us to lose ourselves
time is a
it steals our breath
is the reason why we
learn from our mistakes
we will never make the same one twice
why our internal wounds close
that gaping hole through our heart
that seems to always bleed
seals as
time goes on
why we have to die
why we grow old
why we lose our innocence
everything will leave
the sun will lose its light
the lights that keeps us warm
is slowly fading
the icebergs are slowly melting
the world a little more worried about what
will happen in
10 years
we are becoming engulfed
the wave is about to
crash over our head
drowning us
making us count the minutes
until the class is over
high school is over
college is over
a job is over
a hard time is over
we count each passing minute
till we are finished
we think now we can take a break
but time doesn’t take a break
it stops for no one
and no thing
we have to realize
the wave has crashed over
drowning us
filling our lungs with the moments
that we wish would be over
not the moments we can’t forget
each passing hour filling
our head with moments
that make us think
and wonder when
we get a break
the wave has drowned us
the wave of time.  
Time has won
it always will
the wrinkles on our skin  
prove that
the ice that is melting
the sun that is fading away
the world run by technology
the power
being abused
the hope that keeps us living
one day after another
after all time does in the end
takes our breath away
is part of times plan
we are chess pieces
in time’s game and
we always seem to be in checkmate


again and again
we are losing our sanity to time
the ice melting
proves that
our resources diminishing
proves that
why can’t we out run time?
Because time will keep on ticking

tick tock
goes the clock.
Nov 2015 · 4.3k
Kati Davis Nov 2015
Overdose on love
could be enough to ****
the immortal

mock the strong

do wrong on the good

Overdose on love
could be enough to impower
the weak

brighten up the low-spirited

let the dead live

An overdose
on love
can be a cure
or a poison

Which one will it be?
Nov 2015 · 241
Kati Davis Nov 2015
Failure is an choice
you make the choice.

— The End —