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“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” “Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.” “You may not be her first, her last, or her only. She loved before she may love again."
A black heart
Spray painted white,

Blacker than black,
Darker than night.

A smiling face
Bearing a back-stabbing knife,

A two-faced body;
A sold soul, at costly price!

By Lady R.F. (C)2017
God have mercy on their souls.
Shame on them!
Do you see how see never look twice
Before crossing the road
Or how she holds those scissors
In her hands
As if wishing for them
To cut through her veins

Have you even heard her cry?
How her voice breaks?
Yet she makes a joke
And laughs as if nothing is wrong
Have you ever noticed?
How she never winces
If she gets hurt
How she never puts a bandage
On those cuts

Do you ever think?
Why she never sleeps at night
Why her poems rarely rhyme
How she cut her hair
Above her jaw line
How she says she doesn’t care
But when you leave, she sighs
Have ever seen?

How she never meets your eye
How she keeps smiling
Even when telling something
That’s not even happy
How she closes her eyes
For a bit too long

How she bites her lower lip
A bit too hard
How she no longer writes
Long paragraphs of love
On friendship and family
But all her poems
Have one thing in common
They’re sad In a way
That won’t make you cry
But will make you think
What’s wrong with this girl?

My dear,
Have you ever heard someone cry?
Without making a sound
Without shedding tears
Have even seen a wolf howling
For a moonless sky


Poem by Aditi Singh
I don't think I'll let someone in my heart again
It hurts so bad, so easily, is it worth it ?
I know my chest can't once more handle this pain
And I still can't find out any benefits

I won't be broken by anyone for any reason
I'll be my only confidant my own master
And this time, like a phoenix, I'll be risen
Cause no one will have enough power to see me suffer
You may think you broke my heart
I will admit,
I thought that too
But now I am moving on,
And I have realized,
That it is not my*  heart,
Which you broke to pieces,
But the  puzzle pieces  of my life,
Which you helped put together,
You threw across the room

And lucky for me,
*Puzzles are meant to be put back together again
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