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Dec 2019 · 242
Kate Red Dec 2019
Sadness is drowning me
and it seems that you don’t care.
I tried reaching out for your hand
but you turned your back at me.
Things I would do for you are the
things you would never do for me.
Its always I who loves more, who cares
more, who would do everything for you
yet when I need you, there is no you.
Nov 2018 · 437
Kate Red Nov 2018
I spent 3 years loving you.
I poured my heart out yet you left me.
You left me because of the freedom that you wanted.
Yet there you are, looking for another relationship.
I’ve been questioning myself, thinking that I wasn’t enough but I realized, you’re the one who can’t be contented of me.
You wanted something more.
All I did is care for you.
All I did is think of what’s best for you.
You left, not because you needed freedom,
But because you wanted someone else.
Oct 2018 · 473
No Response
Kate Red Oct 2018
As I hold this broken piece of mirror in my hand, tears keeps falling.
I tried calling him to see if he cared,
But I didn’t hear anything back from him.
I realized I have pierce myself
deep, blood gushing out from my wrist.
I lay on the floor waiting for his reply.
As I bleed, one last tear dropped.
I didn’t hear anything from him.
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Kate Red Oct 2018
Why do I have to be an option?
I set you as my priority
yet I’m not even in your important list.
Why can’t you be more sensitive?
I always put your feelings first before anything
yet you only think about yours.
Why do I always have to be the one who understands?
You do me wrong.
yet I don’t feel any sincerity in your sorry.
Why do you say it when you never mean your sorry?
You say sorry
yet you do it all over again.

You always take my kindness for granted. But sooner or later, this soft heart will be for someone else and all what’s left for you? Your regrets.
Oct 2018 · 339
Tell Me
Kate Red Oct 2018
Being with you is all I wanted yet
Its the reason why I’m hurting.
Hurting because I feel like I’m alone
in this relationship.
Relationship isn’t always about happiness,
I get that, but why do I feel like the pain is heavier now.
Now that we’ve been together for so long, things are not as strong as before.
Or is it I, who got weaker?

Why have we come to this point?
Why did you stop trying?
Why is it always my choice?
Why can’t you decide this time?
For the last time, tell me what you truly feel,
So I know where I stand in your life.
Sep 2018 · 311
I Thought You Were
Kate Red Sep 2018
I thought you were the one who will shelter me from all the pain, yet you were the one causing of it.
You caused me sadness that even happy things around me can’t make it up for it.

I thought you were my angel who will watch over me and keep me safe, yet you were rubbing salt to my wounds. You give me deep scars that can never be erased.

I thought you were the one for me, yet you were just a lesson that God taught me. You were my happiness but you’re the reason why I’m so broken.

I thought you will be my future yet you are now a past that I must forget and move on. These thoughts made me weak. It took me a while to realized my worth because I loved you.

I thought you love me so much but those are just my thoughts, it will never be real.

You will always be what I thought you were but never will be my reality.
Sep 2018 · 473
Safe Haven
Kate Red Sep 2018
When you build a wall around yourself,
Make sure you make a door.
A door where the person who is willing to enter without knowing what’s behind those walls.

Wait for the person who is willing to build a wall around both of you so you don’t have to keep yours up.

A person whom you feel safe knowing that you’re not alone anymore.
A person whom you can let your guard down knowing he is there to protect you from anything.

— The End —