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  Jul 2017 Kashish Bhasin
I often envisage love
as snowflakes-

Each of us have it different
but it’s really just the same
with its imperfectly etched beauty
only few can comprehend

Its beauty can never be
expressed in words
or even a sliver
of what it’s worth

The snowflakes are piling up
and the shivers are ethereal
we don’t even realize
that it drives us delirious

The snowflakes keep piling up
but it doesn’t end here
it’ll drown us in its avalanche
and leave us gasping for air.


To every comma, I'll pause;
To every period, I'll stay;
To every question mark, I'll wonder;
And to every exclamation point, I'll get excited.
You welcome me w/ the warmth of Your Words,
So, Hello Poetry!

Is it easy to let go of you?
When I know, You're my life.
When I know, I need Your every Word.
When I know, I learn from You.
Can I truly say Goodbye Poetry?

Imagine a world without words
A world full of miseries & Mysteries
Reading actions, mixed w/ emotions.
Imagine a world without language,
A world that's too hard to understand,
Or maybe I would be a nomad now.

If I stop writing,
It's as if I'm drawing myself to death.
I would face empty pages,
I would sing empty phrases
With my dying lips.

If I stop greeting you "Hello"
Still, I wouldn't be able to say "Goodbye."
I would rest in my grave,
I would put hymns in my wandering soul.

And so there'd be no goodbyes,
Instead, I'll say, "Hello Poetry!"
And see you around!
  Sep 2016 Kashish Bhasin
"stop missing him,"*
i whisper to myself
as i try to wash
your name
out of my mouth;
bathe my body
from your touch
and cleanse my soul
from your love.
Kashish Bhasin Sep 2016
Guys are like fries,
You know they ain't healthy
But you just can't get enough!
~ K.B.
Dear legs...
I'm sorry how i've alwYs complained about you not being long or straight enough.
Thank you for still carrying me even though i've hated you with such a passion.

Dear arms
I also wanna tell you sorry, for punching you when i got mad, and also for complain about you being too floppy.
Thank you for still helping me, do everything and for just being there, life would be a lot harder without you.

Dear ****
I'm sorry for all the times i've said you were ugly, you not being round, small or smooth enough.
Thank you for still going along and let me sit on you when i've been tired.

Dear stomach
Sorry for pinching and hitting you whever i was hungr, and sorry for never liking you beacuse you were floppy but i know it's just skin
And that's how you're suppossed to look.
Thank you for telling me when i'm hungry and keeping in all the food i eat, you work like a machine and that must be hard to do!

dear *****
Sorry for always thinking you were too small, i regret everything i've said you've grown nice and round, i'm sorry for complaining so tou had to hurry so much you got stretchmarks
Thank you, for grabbing so much attention, that id sort of funny.

Dear hips
I'm dorry for punching you and complaining avput you being too wide.
Thank you for giving me the hourglassshape every girl long for.

dear skin
I have so much to be sorry for..
I'm sorry for cutting you, and bruising you and burning you, i' so very sorry i have ruined you this much, i'm sorry for letting my emotions out on you, i have made you scarred and i'm sorry about that. Im sorry for also complaining how you were never clean enough
But thank you! For sticking along and holding my body together you're awesome

Dear face
I'm sorry for never liking you and being sad about my eyes not being deep blue or my nose not perfect
Though i thank you for
Letting my friends know who i am

Dear hair
I'm sorry i put you through a lot of heat and dying and all that but hey you're still on my head i bet i would look weird bald so thank you!

Dear body!
Last but not least
I wanna thank you for being so strong and beautifull i wanna thank you for holding on even though i put you through this much

*dear body... I'm sorry.. Thank you
Somewhere between coffee and stupid talks
And infinite random city tours & walks.

The movie marathons and midday naps
Exquisite food and memories gift wrapped.

G-talk sessions and plane tickets to anywhere with you along
While in the journey, discovering our new favorite song.

Imaginary burn books and death glares,
Silent sentences spoken through stares.

Late night calls and whispers in the dark,
Threatening any guy who dares to break our heart.

Never judging each other and reading one’s mind
My love for ***** and your love for Wine.

“I am undateable” to “Open Up” monologues.
Putting up with the drama of all the loves lost.

Making pop culture references and finding it normal.
I don’t remember the last time we were ever formal.

Of making our fool in front of the ‘classy’ audience
And continuing doing that with elan and confidence.

Our love for wanderlust. Places far and bizarre.
To spend thrifting and getting broke in a hep bazaar.

Overeating and then cribbing about our weight.
To consoling ourselves that “him” is worth the wait.

Of nagging parents and relatives that crib.
Of closing our eyes and letting things slip.

Quick fights and quicker reconciliation.
Sharing deep secrets & deeper confessions.

It is between being mistaken for Lesbians
And being mistaken for Sisters.

Our ballad is a roller coaster ride that only goes up
Our ballad is all these things & more, ready to erupt.
  Sep 2016 Kashish Bhasin
Val Chavez
Dear Mom,
You know I love you, and you know I’m forever grateful for all you do for me, and I promise, what I’m about to say doesn’t change that.

But Mom, you need to figure this out.

I’m not the girl you wanted to raise. My grades aren’t perfect, and neither am I. I will make mistakes, kiss the wrong boys, befriend the wrong girls, eat the wrong food, and I will never be perfect.

But please, and I mean please, know this:
Every time you pinch my stomach and take me to the gym the following day, my self esteem gets crushed a little bit.

Every time you tell me I’m with the wrong boy, my sense of judgement crumbles, as well as my confidence in my choices.

Every time you yell at me for the B- in honors trigonometry and tell me I’m lazy, I lose the trust I had in myself.

And Mom I promise I’m not trying to make you feel bad, but please…

let me make my mistakes, Mom. Isn’t that how you did it?
a short piece about the struggles of a teenage girl and her mother.
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