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are you afraid of parking garages
do you think of empty parking spaces
with empty cars beside them
like your own compartmentalized mind
do the empty spaces scare you
like my own scare me
are you afraid of the dust
are you afraid of the ghosts
sitting where people once were
are you afraid of parking garages
are you afraid of the lonely silence
are you afraid of the concrete walls
that are more solid than anything
that you have ever created
are you afraid 
that you'll be just as cold
just as lifeless
are you afraid of parking garages
are you afraid of where they take you
are you afraid of the airports 
that you always end up in
missing those that never come back
are you afraid of parking garages
are you afraid that you'll park 
and that you'll never leave
are you afraid of parking garages
are you afraid of the flickering lights
and your own shadow 
bouncing in front you
are you afraid of going somewhere 
and never coming home
are you afraid of your home
and when they asked you where home is
did you stutter 
because you almost said someone's name
instead of a place
or is your home that parking garage
blank and grey 
empty and hollow
are you afraid of parking garages

since you've been gone
i've written a few poems 
& not a single one 
actually says what i want
because i want to say
i miss you
& i want to say
i need you
& i want to say
come back to me 
& you left the door wide open
i thought it was a sign 
i thought it was some poetic way
of saying you'd walk back in
but now i realize 
you just didn't care enough to shut it
& now i feel a draft
a small cold wind 
"get up & change some things
she left you for a reason"

& now i come to find 
that there were never enough ampersands
to keep you & i together

I'm not scared of death.
Sooner or later it is
I feel like a stranger
Stuck in another stranger's body.

-- Eleanor
 Sep 2014 not so anonymous
How many heart strings have to break
Before you die of a broken heart?
How many shards of glass must enter my skin
Before im completely torn apart?
How many times can someone be beaten and battered
Before they become broken for good?
How many hearts in the world feel numb
From the ice growing around them?
But is the ice on your heart
There to heal it from pain
Or is it there
Because you no longer care?
Play the blues on my
Heart strings
So that I can feel the rhythm
As I sing.
When I think about it, it hurts, so I don't.
I got a tattoo.
The artist had coppery hair
That slid into her eyes.
They were green
And I noticed that they changed color
From dark to light
Sometimes almost turquoise,
Sometimes mossy and deep.

She scared me right away because I wanted her hands on me.

We talked about art.
Then we talked about girls.
Then we talked about life
And how when she was young
They teased her for her Southern drawl.
I realized that was the music drawing me in to the sound of her voice-
The faintest remnant of an accent,
Just enough to touch my skin.
It was just a little rough, like velvet rubbed in the wrong direction.

She worked on my shoulder
And I would turn my head to watch her.
Even though I couldn't see the ink-
I could see her face,
Shadowed by the light above her,
Lips parted
Eyes focused and passionate.

It is very dangerous to watch an artist work
To look at her face.
You don't know how easy it is to love someone who holds beauty in their fingers, who molds and shapes it and brings it into the world.
You don't know until it's a possibility dancing in the air before you,
And suddenly you think you must've looked too long...

I tested this feeling, tried to find its limits and its dimension,
Tried to figure if it was solid or smoky.
I couldn't tell, but
I noticed her hands on me, gentle but firm,
And as she was lost in her art I realized that I WAS her art,
And what a way to feel alive, to be a canvas for someone's passion for life!
And I nearly shivered,
And I suddenly realized that I was leaning into her needle,
Subtly but undeniably
And I could not unknow the fact that the pain made me breathless not because it hurt
But because she was inflicting it
Molding me, changing me, making me art and reaching into me somehow.

Afterwards we talked for so long that I walked with her to her car.
She hugged me goodbye and it took me by surprise.
I wonder if she knew any of it.
I wonder if she enjoyed my skin the way it enjoyed her fingers.
I suppose
One way or another,
I will find out.
 Sep 2014 not so anonymous
 Sep 2014 not so anonymous
I believe in the afterlife
But only to a certain extent
For me it all just seems like Hell.
soft now
please step careful round my heart
soft now with all these shouts of joy....
know how easy to get carried away
but lets not get too far ahead
lets just see where firefly's land
lets see where the day takes us
please step careful round my heart
soft now with all these shouts of joy....
cause i really love the way your
open hearted eyes look at me
really love the way your lips feel on mine
so step careful round my heart
soft now with all these shouts of joy.....
lets see how we dance together under the moon
lets see how you romance with picnic basket summer day
lets see how we kiss in the rain
step soft till i know for sure
that you'll make my heart sparkle
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