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K Balachandran Mar 2016
The diamond studded dome resplendent
we know as thought, is the abode of God,
the throne he sits is the most powerful
of seats, here he is alert all day and night,
if one invites Him with an awareness what it means,
His presence lights every  nook and corner of
each  thought's origin, path and culmination.
See a mouse and it's nemesis a wild cat
play together in peace like long time mates.

Just the result of a thought changing
it's course, moving like the God of peace.
"Hail  the God seated in the diamond  studded abode of thought"
Kumaran Asan 20th century Malayalam language poet of Kerala, India.
K Balachandran Mar 2016
At it's ecstatic heights,  life is
a splendid display of ballet moves.
I watch you fly high precariously,
stopping a  beat of my enamored heart
with  an astounding move speaking beauty
and dexterously land statuesque,
in a graceful  arabesque stance.
Defying gravity with amazing ease
you create beauty none ever dreamed,
so kaleidoscopic, appreciating it means
touching the eternal with one's being
in a fleeting moment, get transported.
For that, one needs a mind as sharp as
razor's edge and constantly pirouetting
360 degrees embracing  you at the
speed of light, before you turn to a
lightening flash,of different wavelength,
all over again and begin the next cycle.
Arabesque is a ballet position, in which the dancer stands on one leg(the supporting leg) with the other leg(working leg)turned out and extended behind the body, with both legs held stright
K Balachandran Mar 2016
When the harvest was over,
                 grain and chaff separated,
the birds congregated
                 around the barn had flown to lands distant,
the grains even from the last of stalks
                  were sun dried and filled in granaries,
it's time to set aside all other things
                 to take up the one passionate thing.

From it's true inspiration, beauty's intoxication,
                    poetry begins it's wild run, no holds barred,
the other lives of him as a man about town,
                   lover, son, father , partner of a woman,
a singer of the soul's wanderings,
                   a seeker of truth, at last takes an ecstatic turn.

The many lives he lead, the rough riding days
                         on the road, seep in to the words he collect,
now writing poetry becomes more than a game
                         of chess, an equation that balances life and death
that allows  a peep, in to the abode of immortals.
                             poet looks at life, still a changing  apparition,
                mysterious one with an enigmatic expression
on it's face and ask,"Show me all you can,
                           it would make my day, what else one can demand?"
K Balachandran Mar 2016
I am your favorite fruit,
from the tree, this morning
you've freshly plucked
with a visible delight,
driven by an avid desire
that moved your dust coverd
pleasure seeker part
still kept alive, astonishingly
though you are no more
that young adventurer
once  you enjoyed being,
and have turmoils to handle.
You kept me safe in the
favorite nook of  your kitchen
not before caressing a bit
feeling my texture and
inhaling elating  fragrance.
you wanted to sit and eat this fruit
you did covet, so much when
you are free from daily grind.

But it's already sunset,darkness creeps,
there is no chance of a respite
for you, you easily forget
that there is no tomorrow,
perhaps you keep the thought
away,though you know
the things work out only today
as you want it, but can't help.

But as a woman of many parts
you may think it doesn't matter
you can throw the fruit out
before the night advances
hissing through your teeth
"Oh! it's gone to rot too soon"

I would still exist in the neuron
of your deeper brain, a sweet wish
unfulfilled, a little  eclipse in your
inner sky of many bright suns,
a neuron twitches continuously
independently, breaking the tune,
but yes, the world exists for both
it's sweet and bitter disappointments too.
And it necessitates taking life after life
to fulfill such small desires
and clean up, smile with contentment.
K Balachandran Mar 2016
1.A walk with one's ego

"Take your ego out for a walk", the master asked, all aspirant monks
one monk who took his pet across the river left it there and returned
the rest after a nice walk hand in hand, brought each, little wet but
rejuvenated, missing master's word in it's real sense altogether,
only for the wise one, the door opened, others had a lesson, painful

2.Tending one's ego
Two  monks , still not ready to part with
their egos,tended both the way each deemed fit ,
The first, so obedient, followed his ego  like a lamb,
one other made it follow him with it's strange requests,
a third the first one to **** his ego with his sword of mind
kept smiling seeing the misery of both still not bold enough.

3 Catty

Ego, was her, fluffy black pet *****
her show piece, she always loved to pamper,
crafty was the creature, hell bent  to keep
her reputation as an attention grabber,
the fact was this, the cat and her mistress
were thoroughly insecure, borrowed colors,
caterwauling in the sound of screeching tires,
she mated with Tom cats that came in jumping walls ,
her mistress was entertained, felt proud,
so ego grew large to the stature of a feline 'top dog',
it's metamorphosis made her owner too bloat up,
Ego one would have to think is her alter ego.

4.I won't ditch my guide dog

Every one thought she was nice, why so egoistic
gets her way every time,  projecting her larger than life ego.
"Well it's my guide dog to get around, as I am one blind person,
I am not yet a renunciate on a quest, I chew my bones too well"
K Balachandran Mar 2016
He is an underwater being,
who left behind a life in a lovely land,
adapted to the demands of marine myths,
still an alien, largely frowned up on,
enamored by the coral reef rendezvous
they first met and hopelessly
fell in love.
                    She is a cursed mermaid,
that wants him to teach her only this
as a love gift; flawless  moon walk
through the night sky of ocean depth.
K Balachandran Mar 2016
1.Emotional obesity

Her enlarged ego, she proudly wore
as if it was an impregnable armor
what an observer could see was
an emotionally obese siren on the prowl.
her mate too was thoroughly
compatible  to her,
when they danced, two enlarged
egos rubbed in a way really wrong.

2.Ego trouble
Every ego is different in shape, size and measure
but in essence all egos are capable of making troubles.

3.Killing ego
Killing ego isn't about blood and gore, it's good riddance,
that's the way to make light go euphoric, proliferate.

4.Ego goes in to a bag

Every individual ego soon  finds on its own,
an equally capacious ego bag to carry it around.

5.System breaker
When an ego problem seeps in to a system,
it'd establish it's nuisance value; helps to easily sell it.
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