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 Jan 2016 JWL
 Jan 2016 JWL
there's truth in your

there's a story
in few

six word story.
 Jan 2016 JWL
Sam Y Starlight
..She tried to find herself
in places that didn't exist
Aaargh! Can't believe I won the daily! Thank you to everyone who liked and shared. Lots of love.
 Jan 2016 JWL
K Balachandran
From the green hill, blows downwards
a wind, gently titillating the languid trees
of this dense forest,the rustling of the leaves create,
an impromptu tune, proving they are taut strings,
yielding willingly to the sensual fingers of the wind.

Super moon,while raising, listens keenly awhile
as if she had never heard one like this before.
The wise silver owl, sitting on the high branch
keeping account  of every stroke of night,with an imaginary wand,
as the conductor, catches the emerging mood that seethes
within the million pieces of orchestra that gently merge,
get exhilarated, finds a pause to punctuate it with a timely hoot,
the moment freezes, falls in to the repository of time for keeps.
 Jan 2016 JWL
Sarah Spang
All things fade
Rain washes away the deeds done
Somewhere on the earth, in the trees
On a winding path, where the fireflies
Like failing Christmas lights flicker.
To make a small donation if you enjoy my poetry, visit my GoFundMe:
we were just like
two numerical numbers
from the opposing sign
added together
and the result is zero*

you want to witness the truth?
you shouldn't see it
with your eyes*

i don't know what's worse
you're a fool
you've been fooled

to reach your destination,
you must walk slowly
with passion
and dedication

lesson #2 from turtle

use hardship to fuel determination to be able to reach the dream success

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