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Nov 2015 · 1.1k
the Jewel


holy ordained slave

beloved to carry the shadows, to keep the pearls of your Love beneath our tongue

to preserve Beauty

we are the estranged, the assigned to remain empty

to mirror Light, remaining always only the reflections of Haqq
for/from/ Shaykh Sidi Muhammad al Jamal al Rifai of Jerusalem, my beloved guide in Love and Mercy
Apr 2015 · 1.3k
to the love i fell in across the ocean, i am still drowning in you. -Amman
Mar 2015 · 5.7k
she has become my distant lover. my heels crave the cracked holiness of her cobblestone. old city, dome, wall, burial you are still circling at my feet. now i only feel at home when i am close to the ground. mimicking the comfort i found at her feet - Jerusalem
Dec 2014 · 1.3k
I remember the moment
you first said you loved me.
Our bodies coinciding
Bleeding into each other
Into the muddled mess of love
We've made.

In between our mouths
You fill the space
with your warmth
And I could swim
In the sky
Of your body

You paused our melting
released an 'i love you'
And I've rolled it on my tongue
Ever since

snatched your love off jasmine trees
placed it in my hair everyday

Your love is as sweet
Fragrant and beautiful.

I am sorry for walking
for not having roots deep enough to grow you.
I don't have enough, baby.
I don't have enough.
To my first love.  I'm sorry for drowning in you, I'm sorry for leaving.
Dec 2014 · 1.1k
our countdown.
i'm not sure if it's ours anymore

i stopped counting my days
into your arms after you gave 15

you gave me seconds of silence
empty pockets of filler space
15 moments of 'let me listen then go'

it has been two months of my
counting on you to honor us

two months of still
loving you and placing it

i was waiting to land on
on the tarmac
and fall into you for days.

you were my days
north star
drinking gourd

you were home,

Dec 2014 · 2.1k
your breath is hot on my shoulders
with pomegranate juice
purple drops of condensation on my skin

your face
drips of rosewater
tears never salty
or reminiscent of the sea

always sweet
always of spring

— The End —