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Now these tearss I shed
R too strong
As I can't control my
Mind why I feel anxious
It's so bad
You ask me why I go
Because no one's requested that I stay
You wonder why I run
Because I've grown exhausted of this place

You think you know my heart,
But it's still searching for its home
You attempt to negotiate,
But this soul already roams

You dream I follow yours
Yet, they consist of sleep
While mine encourage growth
Your story reads as fiction
While I live mine under oath

© JL Smith
 Oct 2018 Jon Jubail Aquino
i closed my eyes tight
and in the glimmering stars
i found your soft hand
i wrote this about someone i'd like to hold once again.
i guess
i’ll love you
the way the sun
loves the moon
and you
will love me
the way the grass
loves the trees
perfectly in synch
but just a little too different
to ever truly
i think the love of your life and “the right one” are two different people
She speaks
Though without words
Her expression says it all

She speaks
Though without words
Her hands do the talking for her

Why was she born this way
Without a word to say

The world shuns her
turns her away
All because of what she can not say

Is there not someone with a loving heart
Is there not someone who cares
Or will they all just stop and stare
At this woman without a voice

She wants to speak
She wants to convey how she feels
She wants to love
As well as be loved
Instead of seen as a voiceless freak

She cries when no one is watching
For to let the world see her cry
Would be letting the world win
That she can not let happen

She is strong
Despite the pain
She carries on

She feels no shame
She was just born this way
She prays for those who mock her
Hoping they see the light some day
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