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It is but new words
for resonant songs:
in languages tuned
from old notes.
Imaginations are
rearranged to yield
greater and deeper
human insights,
framed in a
variety of forms.
Truth to  Sincerity
is all.

Nothing in literature
can be compared
to poetry, other
than Beauty.
For, in a word,
Poetry is Perfection.

Poetry is Beauty. Beauty  is Truth. It's loveliness does not fade but increases.  It will never dissolve to nothingness. Look upon all beauty with love,  as if for the last time. All that lives must die - passing through life to eternity. Poetry endures.
Your raw material is Humanity:
You ponder - you produce.
You make things beautiful,
You make beautiful things.
You allow them space,
set them in their place,
to be themselves:
Herself – Himself.
This is The Way
The Way to Love.

Can you hear me?
I’m down here...
6 feet under...
Not where I’m suppose to be
You come and visit me
I hear you constantly pray
To talk to me again
Hold my hand
Hug me tight
Well I’m right here
I hear everything you say
I cry with you
I laugh with you
I pray with you
I am always with you
Even from 6 feet under
I pray myself
To heal your pain
Dry your eyes
Help you move on
Don’t forget me
You know where I am
Always in your heart
Forever your friend
I will continue to grow old with you
Until we meet again
When we walk together in the sky
Holding each others hands
For now I stay
6 feet underground
Loving you
Praying with you
Hearing your voice
As I lay in silence
6 feet underground...
Wrote this from the perspective of a person who has passed away and what they see and feel everyday....
Why promise the stars and moon
You can't even give your time?
Why promise never to forget
You can't even remember a date?
Why promise to last forever
When it's hard to last even a day?

Don't make your love
Sound like so grand
When you can't offer
Your heart and mind

Why let us needlessly cling on
And in the end
Makes it harder for us to move on?
Why do most people make promises difficult or impossible to keep? *sigh*
Calm my heart
And steady these hands
Grant peace among my distress
As the evening moon
Cools desert sands
Ease my frustration
As I rely heavily on faith
I trust in your promises
As droughts await your rain

© JL Smith
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