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I'm exhausted from this rutine,
I need for my soul some medicine.
With a slow pace time passes.
Am I a sheep among the masses?

Every day at six I'm awake.
Portal quote; don't believe the cake.
So why don't I just walk away?
We both know I will, but not today.
Dedicado a Zousen support.
I should have known better, I should have known more.
I should have listened to an old friend before.
He told me things I thought was lies.
Because of this I ended in demise.

I should have known better, I should have known more.
I should have noticed that you can’t look at me in the eye before.
I told my peers that you’re kind and benign.
Who knows that at this day you’ll draw the line.

But its fine, I’m not that disturb.
Of the crestfallen things that I’ve heard.
Still I’m fine, I’m just alright.
Doing things that I seem right.

I’m surprise about your vibrant sinister smiles,
Never thought that it’s just covered with cheap bright dyes.
The weightless words coming from your mouth was all lies.
I should have known better, I should have known more.
I should have never trusted you before.
I was betrayed, stabbed in the back and left deserted.
Be my poison and be my drugs
Give me lustful kisses and tighter hugs
Love me with pain and show me the pleasure
Bury me in lust like your hidden treasure

Caress my body and stroke my face
Pull my hair and let our bodies race
Moan your curses and scream your shame
Bite my skin in this lustful game

Give me more you're my addiction
I love the heat and I love the friction
Slap me here and scratch me there
Show me your eyes, your **** stare

Punish me I need to be taught by my master
Keep going! Don't stop! I want it to go faster!
I'm gonna burst! This deed is almost complete!
When we're done lets lather, rinse and repeat.
Eyes that are expressive,
Lips pursed in a thin line.
I see hope in front of me,
Am I missing any sign?

Dreamt of being next to you,
Short, silent and shallow.
It speaks of what I have to do,
My mind and not heart to follow.

Eyes show you're a mystery,
Lips pursed not saying a line.
I wave white flag in front of you.
I didn't miss any sign.

**You sent paper to write my days,
A page of hope I can't ignore.
Please send me clarity.
Why give me something to hope for?
I have acquired a terminal illness,
that lies deep within my fragile heart.
It shall set my soul into Abyss,
when tomorrow comes, and take its part.

In pain and burden I have suffered great,
Because of the blunt, that I have taken.
That has rendered me, a shattered faith,
Thus affection must be forsaken.

Now with the remnants of my being,
I have to pace forward and venture forth.
To seek relief and vestal healing,
in the cold lonely sea of the North.

Where I’m bound to uphold my duty,
As a nostalgic sailor I may be.
longing for her complete amnesty,
that I think I’ll never live  to see.
Im open for friendship. :)

— The End —