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 May 2017 Jessica McFall
 May 2017 Jessica McFall
My life is full of poetry
in lyrical design
Expressions in a rhythm
that ascend and then decline.

One moment I am full of joy,
then sorrow breaks my heart.
My soul is touched by music
and the thrill that it imparts.

I love the rain, embrace the sun
and smile at winter snow.
I crave the full moon's silver light
and dance beneath the glow.

I savor sweet aromas
taking pleasure in the breeze
And love the gentle rustle,
as it passes through the trees.

Yes, poetic is the gift of life,
inspiring me to rhyme.
I'd write a million odes to it,
but I just don't have the time!
Happy Saturday
When I slumber I dream in color of a meadow by a brook
a sweet bird on a branch of a tree so tall it kisses the sun
in a sky of vivid blues, red, yellow and a hint of orange
listening to the birds sing about the flowers in bloom
attracting butterfly and nectar seeking humming birds
who fly near the place where I prepared a picnic for two.

Drift off to sleep my love
meet me in our meadow of dreams
A blanket spread
classic colors of checker board squares
with a picnic basket of wicker
two wine glasses for the laughter
of sparkling bubbles, we share.

Slowly falling
you glide on angels wings
in the distant horizon
next to the mountain of our desires
walking now
ever closer
stopping to sniff the aroma
of flowers grown by our mother nature
deeply in love with life
stepping on the moss of a fields shadow
your memory imprints a visit.

Our hands reach
and touch, fingers intertwined
feeling the warmth of together
as our eyes met with a look of content
our bodies drawing closer
we feel the purpose of meeting
from across the distant miles
a connection.

A summer rain softly falling
we dance
hands holding
until we fall together on the checkered blanket
laying together we make pictures from clouds
and speak of love everlasting
peanut-butter and jelly
a favorite.

Making plans for the coming days
when the Pacific ocean turns into a field
of green clover
and on the day
we picnic
and make love under the stars
in the meadow where we first met...
Looking into the mirror... as the story unfolds...
"Looking Into The Mirror... As The Story Unfolds.." is about true love and the journey of two people deeply in love. The title of my novel, a trilogy - "The Book of Dreams" ; "The Book of Shadows" "The Book of Awakening"
When there is so much uncertainty.
In time we will know everything about each other.
In time we will share everything.
Because it may not matter.
What matters is how we feel about each other.
That is where we are at.
And it may come quickly.
We may fall in love.
When we share our secrets.
Where we tell our past.
How we swear that knowing everything about one another...
... could protect us... from future troubles.
We will share every moment together.
This life.
Your life.
My life.
Our life.
This wonderful life.
It began when we had no secrets.
When we tell no lies.
And sometimes we will feel afraid.
And that is okay.
Because life is full of uncertainty.
That's why we love.
To face it together.
With someone.
You and me.
Everyone deserves to find happiness.
As do I.
Can we?
Will you?
One should never trust their gut, it is after all connected to an *******, But it is a great indicator for hunger.
As I could walk along the graves
or be carried by the waves,
I don't remember where I've been
or if the waters were serene.
For as long as it may seem
Being with you is but a dream.
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