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 Sep 2015 Jessica McFall
And so he was the beauty and I was the beast
Our love was animalistic
So he caged his feelings
I can't see that he loves me behind his mask
And he's too afraid to remove mine
Nobody wants to touch an ugly thing anyway
Feelings of inadequacy, we all go through it sometimes
Its 2 am
And you're not home
Because you were never mine
And i was never home
 Sep 2015 Jessica McFall
Kai Kai
To me
The scary thing about relationship is
You either going to love that person forever
Or lose that person forever

Each of us is different
yet we are (bottom-line)
the same
true to self
that's what really  matters
words are the joys and tears of our heart
none can stop them--never, ever
 Sep 2015 Jessica McFall
You're still messing up my days
Ever since you went away
Your existence leaves a haze
Months, even days
Still your presence seems to stay
I lay and I wonder,
Who could you possibly be under?
As the rain started to fall
Mother Nature began to thunder
I could feel it all start to crumble
I miss the way our hearts would brush
I miss your fingers and their touch
I miss the way our breathing would sync
Our hands could always find their way through the sheets
Do you brush her hair while you lean down and stare?
Does she make you laugh when your days aren't fair?
Do you think of my eyes and skin?
Do you miss my embrace and my frame, so very thin?
Or was I just a pit stop down the road?
You, I may never decode
Instead I watched you erode
Slowly unravel and become new
The boy with the smile of blue
A stranger before me, someone I would never know
Still I can't help but wonder
About the boy without a number
The boy who was quite the jumper
The innocent boy who smiled of blue
The innocent boy who left
for something new
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