I've had a sudden realization,
while sitting in the corner,
staring blankly at a wall,
my mind running amok.
My daily train of thought consists of
overthinking about situations,
anxiety brought about by simple mistakes,
and staring off into space, while people passing by think I'm looking at them.
My train of thought mostly revolves around
endless ways of trying to better my situation, or,
endless ways of trying to **** myself and end everything;
but most of the time it's just a random blur, dissolving into nothingness.
My train of thought is simply
me, talking to myself, and reflecting
on what my friends said;
nah, I can't say they're my friends; I don't want to assume and get hurt again.
And I have lost my train of thought.
Everything fades into the background,
and everything just feels empty.
I should be doing a lot of stuff but I just want to end myself.
A random write-up, in hopes of making all this overthinking go away.
I have no one I'm comfortable to talk to; they're all busy leading their own lives. My friends aren't therapists; why should I bother them?
I should detach myself from them. I hate getting hurt for expecting from my friends. I'm sorry.