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Is this emptiness
or cosmic space

a love for dark or consummate

You lay there
and I, here
in the same
tangential uniformity.

we are but together
splintered, then separate,
making no difference.

you, in your place
and I, in mine

like some unattended baggage
dragged mechanically
by a tireless conveyor,

a hound in pursuit
of its own tail in intense circles,

left to my own silence brought
to the brink of all the noise.


The morning with its peripatetic
crush of garlic and spry birds.

In an unassuming distance
strip to void, teased to rogue,
the light does not arrive with
its usual taciturn warmth;

your mother gives you a pear
to pare and ******,

my mother, the same in giving,
yet another thing worth grazing

say, the old skeleton of an empty
wine bottle,

a cold stride past womb-tender
bungalows and sleep-shaped mailboxes.
the feel of its bone , gutted out of flesh.

a compelling strike of silence
permeates more silence – like a prayer thumbed
down to its last throng.

there will be no dialogue.
this is the same quietude
in miles that assume our places.

maybe once you knew this domicile
like the curve of your bow-leg,
or the glint of your inner thigh.

the word “love” falls flat on the surface,
taking its station amongst the masses,
flying with the birds soon dead in their tracks.
the word “love” slits,
cuts open, unloosening a wound,

your mother in the kitchen paring
the flesh from the bone,

and you hear it,

as we look out of separate windows,
the hush churning sound,
spreading on all fours once in this room.

the morning lays out its hairbreadth
wire of memory

in some place unknown to us,
to size the measure our own,
still yet not ours, you in your home,

and I, somewhere outside the world
fathoming shadows their own things not ours.
If they taunt me
I'd flaunt myself around them
I'd mesmerize everything I had with
if I were to be a lesbian
I'd say that would be pretty amazing..
loving your own type
falling for your own kind
like forever? Could you?
you,the one pleasuring youself
with  late night ******* process
is the one that complains?
when someone gives same pleasure
to the one, of their type
you'd say NATURE that's not fair
oh ! Selfish creature
how could you wish the world be same?

straight is not a gender,so isn't gay,lesbian
we all are human,that's what matters
if you couldn't accept people loving their own kind
you'd better start hating yourself
cause they are loving themself
like you do at late nights
so if I were to be a lesbian
that wouldn't be problem for my kind.
This poem is a random words dropping out of my mind when my friend critised about lesbian in our chitchat. We are human,we need to respect every other kind.
 Feb 2016 Jaja dela Pena
feels like drowning alive.
It feels like the waves are the monster eating you inside.
It feels like the deep waters are trap and you are stuck.
It feels like there is no escape and you just watch yourself die slowly.
My greedy heart: an endless stomach hungry for your affection.
 Feb 2016 Jaja dela Pena
I felt your stare... stripping my soul.
Body tensing.... Heart rate out of control.
Lungs burning.

You spoke a word... I heard a song.
Mind bending... I accept I was wrong.
Blood burning.

We brushed hands... and evey cell awoke.
Body buzzing... Must relax, before I choke.
Heart burning.

Conclusion: Your Love is Fire,
and its these Flames of Love,
that I am consumed by.
They purify me.
For the Sunflower.
 Feb 2016 Jaja dela Pena
L Marie
The way you breathe,
Play with your hair,
The face you make when
You're deep in thought,
Those pretty eyes,
Your puffy lips,
That awkwardness
Mixed with your
Easy-going nature,
That deep voice,
Your soft laugh,
Those rough hands,
Every tiny freckle,
Your big dreams
And humble outlook,
Your nerdy side
Torn between
Your free spirit,
You are the better half.
There is something
You need to understand about me
I'm older now
I've loved and I've lost

I've lived with regret
After doing someone wrong
Who didn't deserve it

I've judged myself
Wondering if I would ever again
Feel right
Wondering if I would even be able to feel again

Yet I find myself still here
In one piece
And not at all crass or harsh
But only seeing things more vividly

I understand now
That sometimes love and beauty and good things
Mostly only come in moments

I recognize and acknowledge them
While they are at my front door
I take my time saying hello
Instead of goodbye

The memories that will last
Will mostly be made up of moments
I still feel lucky for them
I like girls.
Theyre soft and flush, with eyes bright like diamonds.
Theyre sweet and kind, with lips the color of roses.
I like girls.
but the girls, don't like me.
Because i'm a girl too.
love is love
You're like a flower.
Some people will rip off your petals.  
Other people will water you.
-find the right love

— The End —