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i am ruins.
i am dust.
i am rubble and broken windows.
i am nothing.
and You made yourself a home
in these ruins,
in this heart,
and somehow, i don't know,
You make beauty out of these ruins,
You make glory shine out of these
broken windows,
You see that i am not enough,
that i am broken and You make
Your light shine through the cracks
of this heart.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
Jedd Ong
Scares even the
Moonlight away—
His only friend
The artificial
Sun of street lamps
Marking "X"
His position.

I'm quite sure he's
Perhaps a new age
Nightcrawler only,
Not powerful at all.

I can see
His hands—
How they yearn
To clutch something more
Than the cigarettes
And the rosaries
That line his left and right
Ring fingers—
Shapeshift and
Take heart.

Behind him is
The old Senate,
To be converted to
A museum—

His name swallowed up
By the hollow grandeur
Of a once great Nation's
Emptied stronghold.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
JR Potts
We no longer speak
but I conversate with you.
I transverse through
every syllable I ever spoke,
every gesture,
every lie,
every joke,
and every poem
I ever wrote.

We no longer speak
but I've been talking to you;
in dark rooms at strange hours
unable to sleep;
sometimes on clear nights
under a menacing moon
allowing its bright light
to wash me in its purity.

We no longer speak
and it’s time I stopped,
stopped reliving every mistake
stopped thinking,
stopped wondering,
and stopped loving you
because the gravity
that once drew us together
now pushes us apart
and with each rotation
I the moon go further
and further from the earth’s heart.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy

She saw him in the distance,
mistook him
for a man
she hoped he would be

As he stood before her
she still saw him
as he was in the distance

She didn't notice
all the tell tale signs
of a man
she hoped
he wouldn't be

She continued
ignoring the flaws
or was it just
'loving him'?

She may never know
until it's too late

i stared at these blank lines
night after night with a
trembling hand
trying to form sentences for
a poem i had promised.
crossed out stanzas and
dried-out pens
made up my failed attempts to
write about you in any way i could.
by my last attempt, i realized that
no organization of words
could do your utmost magnificence
you're more special than you think.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
Sometimes i stare in the mirror,
looking back at myself wondering how i got here,
how i could have changed so much.

I dont see myself as i was before.

Before when i gazed at my reflection i saw someone strong, someone smart, someone ready for love, a healed itellegent woman.

But in this moment as i look in my reflection i see tired eyes, weighed down by waiting tears.
I see someone hurt, someone intellegent yet naive.
I see sorrow and pain, guilt, and insecurity.
I was once happy, lonely and not in love, but somewhat happy, happy and ready for the future.

Now im here, stuck in the present, ashamed of my recent past, and doutbful of the future.

Now a days im not so cheerful, im not so happy, and im not so optimistic.

Its crazy what love can do to you, and its crazy what someone you love can turn you into.

My soul is sufficated by doubtful love.
My mind and my heart ache from lies and broken promises.

I thought being in love meant changing you for the better, not breaking you down for the worst.
I thought love was different.
All i can say now is .  .  .

look what its done to me.
I once met a girl who didn't believe that she was such a beauty to anyone, even to me
Ah, what a lie she told herself every day that nothing about her was perfect in any way
She'd tell me to stop nagging and to stop dragging her away
She'd tell me that I didn't understand that skinny is OK
I asked myself what was that to her, even if she got it?
Would that fact actually make her happier than she was at the beginning?
She'd collapse in tears as she could not match to society's standards of a body that is seen as attractive
But what she failed to realise is that nothing matters on the outside

Because if you're beautiful on the inside that takes over and purifies what the eyes can see
Because when you are with someone who loves you for who you are, it's all that matters in reality

Yet she'd always go silent and always cry, buckling under the pressure and the fact she wouldn't comply
That she was exquisite to me, that sparkling beauty who always caresses my dreams
She never accepted that if you're kind and charming within ugliness does not plague your skin
The skin stretching indefinitely across bones as she continuously starves, always comparing herself to the warped illusion at large

Then when she sees her reflection, out comes a sigh of exasperation as she cannot see her beauty
I get consumed with frustration as she won't see her perfection, her view of perfection tainted by the world
But I want her to remember for sure

I will always remind you that you are perfect to me, sending out every compliment as if it is a plea
I know that you'll dodge the meaning of them somehow, but I promise I'll be there for you, forever more
I'll be the rain, the wind, the sunset to put you to sleep
Knowing that the beauty I showed is within you as I speak
I slam the breaks on my mind
Reverse. Reverse. Reverse.
Back to a time where everything was trivial.
Where it didn't matter if I tripped up
Cut my knees
Cause they could heal...
Broken things could be repaired.

And now I wonder
Am I too far gone to mend my self?
My troubled head
And fix the way I think about life
I often dwell on death instead.

They tell me: imagine the things you say to yourself now
Are what you are saying to your childhood self
Are these things ok to say to a child?
Or should you shut your mouth?

I slam the accelerator of my mind
Forward. Forward. Forward.
Towards a brighter time ahead.
Where it doesn't matter if I mess up
Be reckless
Cause in time things will heal.
Broken things can be repaired.
I breathe in the fumes
Intoxicated states of pure bliss
In the form of headaches
I feel quietly numb.

Huffing away the days
To forget what's going wrong
In my solvent haze
I remember you have gone.

I breathe in the fumes
I medicate myself with bleach
These tendencies last weeks
I fear it may be my last breath it takes.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
Killing me with every word you say
throw knives in between my rib cage
While my heart is still in my throat
to nervous to speak
just letting my ears bleed
because they couldn't take anymore of your laughs and shallow sympathy
Couldn't you step into the deep end and look into the world, instead
of looking at yourself, smiling at the way you break me...could you give me a break?
These sharp words are making me weak
I hope you **** me now before I choke on this heart beat
Before I suffocate from reality
But I'm wasting my time, when in the end you're nothing more than a cold heart and a speck of dirt crawled up inside my veins, like a worm chewing through endless apples making sour holes into each spot that once was sweet.
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