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 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
I'll count the hours of your sleepless nights
Cover your black holes under your sad eyes
Lay on your wrinkled white pillow
Right beside your restless body
And I'm *yours
You strum the strings of my heart with your fingers' gentle touch.
You change the sound of my melody with the firmness of your clutch.
You tune the sadness out of my soul.
You fill me with your rock n' roll.

Please, Oh please don't strum too hard
Or else you'll leave me marred.
For I only have these set of strings
To make my love for you sing.  

Dear player of mine,
Don't be fooled by the shininess of my pine.
My strings have reached their peak,
I am not the guitar your talent should seek.
Trouble finishing a story
Gotta look EVERYONE over
Happy mostly
I love that you're so much like me!
It's hard to write poetry
When the world is so terrible
And people are suffering
And I am not.  

It seems selfish, uncaring, aloof.

If there's time for writing, then there's time for action!

I have to remind myself that writing is action, humble as it is
And creating a small piece of art to send out into that great collection of consciousness

- even if it's a blip on the screen, even if the universe doesn't notice, even if people continue to suffer and all seems so lost -

is a tiny tip of the scale toward light and beauty
and away from injustice and insanity.
My heart breaks for the injustice happening in Ferguson, for the people dying of Ebola, for the families having war waged around them in so many places it's hard to count them all. I feel so small and helpless, but without art there is no civilization. It's not much of a contribution, but I don't know what else to do.
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
 Aug 2014 Jaee Derbéssy
How do I fix this?
The shattered remains of an imperfect relationship?
Tell me what tools to use,
I will work for hours,
Rebuild those walls that enclosed us,
My hands will bleed,
My body will sweat,
But it will be worth it in the end,
Because I will have you again.
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