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 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
drinking and writing are much the same,
i know both by name
both become easy
when you're feeling too much

the only difference is

one is called an addiction,
the other a passion.
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
The downside
of falling in love
with people
who make you feel
and fireworks
in your heart
when they leave you
with nothing but
ashes and smoke.
all time low's "a love like war" inspired this piece idk
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
It's inevitable... I'll always find you
I find you in every love song that comes on the radio
And every time I see a sunflower
I find you when snowflakes fall from the sky
And every time I see a Superman logo
I find you when I'm walking through a crowd, and I think I see your face,
And for a moment, my heart is out of my chest
I find you at every 'perfect photo' spot, because I know how thrilled you would be to capture that moment
And I find you in every dream I dream,
Dreams of our future, our life
I will never not find you my love,
I will never not find you
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
Kyle Fisher
Behind store front glass is where he resides,
as millions of people come strolling on by.
The man is affixed, cannot wave his goodbyes,
and he lusts for a glare through his frothy grey eyes.

His feet, they are bare. His hair stays the same.
Long days, and long nights, he watches in shame.
He dreams of the warm, supple touch of his dame.
As hes fitted again, "This months suit!" they exclaim.

So dapper he looks, and hollow his soul.
He gives them his best, in his suit made of gold.
Still they pass by him swift, never stop to behold,
The Manikin Man, in his glass front abode.
©Kyle Fisher 2016
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
she responds in words as well
not in any beat but of the heart's,
she knows he can feel her,
no matter how far apart
she hears his voice in the sun
she feels his fingers in the sea
he's closing in on her
it's his, she longs to be
part II of "The Meeting" three-piece poem.

final part:
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
Mystery Girl
Don't you stress my dear
Tears will fall
But you'll be okay I promise
These heartbreaks are your lessons
Teaching you what not to do
When you meet the right one
They are preparation
For the one you are meant for
And they are out there somewhere
Going through the same training
The same heartbreaks
Preparing for you
And when you meet
It will all have been worth it
I always smile for a little too long,
a little too strong, so that when
the fleeting happiness is gone, I am still
left with the corners of my mouth turned up, and
warmth in my eyes - I realise,
and the smile drops off, smashes at my feet
and the warmth slowly depletes
from my eyes, so I am
once again
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
The last time we kissed
I broke out in hives
from the honey on her breath
and the sting of her lies.
I swear, I'd die a thousand deaths
if she were the queen of my hive.
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
Blue bandana
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
I miss the holy ghost of her smile.
The silhouette of her head in the night
on my pillow. Her beauty alight.
She was rain on my fever. Rain
through my window. An innuendo
of heavenly morning light. Heart heavy
as the moon on its way to Montana
  wearing my blue bandana.
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
 Mar 2016 Jack Jones
Last night I read your poem
in bed instead of writing
like I'd said I would.  I
had to start over twice
because my eyes aren't
as good as my heart
when it comes to stopping
and starting at pauses
heavy with losses.  Lost
causes and me seem to be
your specialties. Especially me.
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