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Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
How do I explain
To the person who is supposed
To help me with 'any problems'
That they are the problem?
Quick question (read the poems... Yeah the story is true)
  Sep 2018 Emerson Nosreme
Path Humble
“every one shall sit in safety un­der his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid.”*

Letter from George Washington, 1790, to the Jewish community of Newport, Rhode Island


multiple motifs present poesy alternatives,
but one supremes

safety in your own chosen orchard,
supping on clear water, wine and figs
children of trees, nurtured by one’s own hands,
children of your children, running the grove,
shouting out in sweet safety

the wasps happy shameless pollinate,
dreaming of more generations,
ruefully smiling, thinking of
Adam and Eve, who ashamed of
their apple’d sexuality,
hid their nakedness of course beneath
the safety of
fig leaves

you do not pray for safety
you do not ask for anything,
nothing to fear says the father,
for you already live in our own
George’s garden of eden
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
Do you try to write from your heart,
But then it goes into your head,
And comes out as a mess
Like me?

Do you have doctors talking
In a language like a label maker,
Saying "they're on this end, they won't make it through life."
But you've actually gone so far
But have a few struggles
That you can't deal with
Like me?

Do you have people around you
Say they understand you
But then they talk too loudly
Around you
Without regret
And you start to cry and tear out your hair
Like Me?

Do teachers or your boss tell you off
For things you can't control
And you start to cry and scream
Like me?

Do your parents tut and sigh
Ask why
And yell when they don't understand
And you just have to leave the room
Like me?

Please talk to me
Tell me
Are you like me?
Do you run on a different system
A beat of a different drum
The tune to a strange song

Do you understand me?
Do you know how I feel?
Do you feel?
Do you understand me?
How do you piece the puzzle?
How do you see it?
Do you understand me?
What do you see in people?
What do people see in you?
Do you understand me?

Do you look at people
Observe them and talk to them
And think about their actions
And wonder
If they
Are like you,
Like me?
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
i'm an emotionless (emo + motion = emotion + less = emotionless) person
I like playing with words
Like emotions
Can turn into
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
What is the cost of loving you, sir?
A slap, or two, or three or four?
Even more than that
If I tip my hat
Can we make that none?

What is the cost of loving you, dearie?
I can see you're asking for quite a lot of money from me.
Can we make that none?

What is the cost of loving you, Ma Chérie?
Another lover, but one who I think
Is not your lover?
Can we make that none?

What is the cost loving you, sweetheart?
You're not so sweet I see
If you want to beat me
Like eggs in a cup
Shattered, bleeding
Can we make that none?

What is the cost of loving you, handsome?
Some hate, not from you.
But from bystanders.
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
It is gushing
In my veins
It is used
For writing things
Like poems and
Thank you cards
And happy birthdays
For saying sorry
For simply talking
To a friend
To ask for
Help for something
It can describe
Your nightmares
And your fears
And your worries
And your sadness
It is gushing
Through our veins
And if one
More demon comes
To ridicule and
Torture me again
I’m Outta Here
Inspired by Bendy and the Ink Machine (BORIS!!! ‘And im outta here’)
Emerson Nosreme Sep 2018
I find that people
Will always yell when
Their computers.
Their phones.
Their WiFi.
Their spouse.
Thier parents.
Their kids.
Their students.
Their employees.
Just to hurt their feelings
Or destroy friendships
And silence
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