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Ironatmosphere Sep 2017
I feel like ripping off my skin
Tearing piece after piece of pale off
Letting my raw exposed flesh breathe in the sunlight
A snowfall on the asphalt
Ironatmosphere May 2017
Maybe I’ve been holding the words in too long
Because now they are too afraid to come alone
Ironatmosphere May 2017
Sometimes I feel a little too happy
A little too intense
For no particular reason at all
And it scares me
Because I feel like I might explode
That the blood pumping through my heart is building pressure
And I know it is unsustainable
I know that I am burning a little too bright
And I am scared that the world will catch on fire
Or that something will happen to extinguish my light
Ironatmosphere May 2017
I am banging on the walls
Loud, angry thuds echo around me
I am screaming for you to see me
But you tell me you can’t
You can’t see through the walls,
The walls you claim that I have built
My legs tremble as I fall
The skin on my knees curl around the gravel
And I wonder
As you walk away
Why can’t you see me through these glass walls?
Ironatmosphere May 2017
I wish I would just cease to exist
Evaporate into nothingness
I want to become tiny water droplets
To be the moisture in the air

I wish to follow the wind
Over the mountains and fields
I want to be the blue in the ocean
And the green in the trees

I wish to fade into the wet grass
Of being nothing more than a whisper
I want to fade out of your memory
Leaving only an echo of a heartbeat
Ironatmosphere May 2017
My plants are dying
I have lost my perception of time
It moves like the water I keep forgetting when to give them

Sometimes I feel myself staring into the darkness
And I can’t remember the last time I blinked
Or how long I’ve been there

I can’t answer the simple question of what I’ve been doing all day
Because I can’t remember if what happened,
Happened today or if it happened at all

I can’t tell my imagination from reality
I don’t know what is really happening
And what is just a dream

So, I think my plants will keep dying
But maybe some of them
Will even outlive me
Ironatmosphere May 2017
I pretend I am in my mother’s womb
As I curl up into a ball under the covers
But it is a scary thought
Being born again
And untainted
As if the moment I step outside the air will pollute me
And I’d have to live it all again
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