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Ironatmosphere Apr 2017
My mind is a prison
But why did I have to start a riot?
Ironatmosphere Mar 2017
If I die young let me be the sadness
Let me be the thing that contrasts the light
Let my death be beautifully tragic

If I die young let me be your inspiration
Let me be the thing that gives you strength
Let my death rebirth you like flowers in the spring

If I die young let me be your comfort
Let me be the thing that calms the waters of your stormy heart
Let my death remind you that we are all made of stars
If I die young know that I will always be with you
Know that I want you to be happy
Know that I want you to thrive
Please know that it is enough for me if you live your fullest lives
Even if I died too young to live mine
Ironatmosphere Mar 2017
She longingly looked up at the stars

They were taunting her
Shining with their beautiful yet flawed perfection

They were shrinking her
******* all the oxygen out of her lungs
Slowly burning her life force to dust
Letting her become
One of them
Ironatmosphere Mar 2017
In the most beautiful of places
Oceans made of mirrors,
a sky made of glass

In a golden forest of green
a hell

Screaming souls
trapped in cages,
feeding on their own bodies

Their entire existence,
A dance
of pain
Ironatmosphere Nov 2016
And I wish I could live in that world of pastels
Where the dark isn’t as frightening
And the light isn’t as harsh
Where everything is mellow
Drenched in sunlight’s yellow

I wish I could live in a world made of clouds
Where edges aren’t sharp
And curves are forgiving
Where everything is a soft hue
With mountains made of blue

And I wish I could live in that world of light
Where shadows aren’t as dark
And beams are the opposite of hard
Where happiness is bright
A prism made from white
Ironatmosphere Oct 2016
I switch on every light in my house
Making it glow like a star in the night
In the hope that you will find me
Or that the absence of darkness will make me feel
Less lonely
Less broken
Less like there is a hole in my chest
In the place where a heart should beat
Ironatmosphere Aug 2016
They always met at his place
Because he didn’t know
He never expected
That when it ended
His walls would whisper her name

He didn’t know
That the absence of her voice
Would echo and bounce
Magnifying the space
To what would feel
Like infinite expanses

He would never have imagined
That the light
Would change
Fade and disappear
As if she had brought it with her in her eyes

They always met at his place
Never knowing they would ruin it
By making it theirs
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