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Red Dec 2020
Old friend, where are you?
When did you leave?
I miss you
  Nov 2020 Red
We grow wild
Our rage is our own
We learn to love like nettles
and pretend we're not alone.
Red Nov 2020
Goodnight stars up in the sky

There you sleep, held so high

Every time you reappear

I whisper words, most sincere;

”I wonder what you’ve seen and know,

You do not die, and do not go.”

From upon your lofty throne,

The sights you must have come to known.

You’ve met my mother, sister, friend,

You’ve met us all, in the end.

Goodnight stars, up in the sky.

Dear stars, please reply.
Red Nov 2020
Good morning, little cat!
With your slow blinking eyes,
And your hairy old man ears,
And your bread baking paws.

Good morning, coffee ***!
With your green little light
And the steady drip, drip, drip
And that perfect smell you greet me with.

Good morning, green leafed plant!
I’m glad you’re looking well,
With your perfect white ***,
And the earth you live in.

Good morning, neighborhood!
Though I’ll never meet you all,
You’re my small corner of the world,
And I love it here so much.
Good morning! My little cat gave me a hug today while I drank my coffee today. Second chance mornings!
Red Nov 2020
Soft footsteps echo through a starlit night
Leaves rustle underfoot, where a lone rabbit watches
Is the dark freedom born or chances few?
A cricket considers the melancholy.
Or neither? Something new?

An engine rumbles on a road a distance away,
Brittle twigs crunch under four slow wheels.
Waving goodbye, or merry greetings,
or something else, in between?
There! The golden arm of beech leaves dance in a breeze

an appreciation of the moment,
as moments, come to be.
a collection of seconds and fragments
from so many eyes
strung together,  as priceless as pearls
or an unknown prize.

will you see what the world offers in true solitude?
when it thinks you won't see what it can offer to you?
or will you pause, like the deer
to truly observe?
quiet nights, moonbeams,  and lone beech trees.
all that the universe believes we deserve.
Red Nov 2020
Second chances exist in the smell of pine needles on a winter day
A walk as the day wakes, bleary eyed and yawning
As dawn breaks to show sunlight over the steepest cliff
The wind in my hair even after I swore I’d shave it off

It exists in the Avett brother songs
Words I learned from someone I used to hate
Melodies that help me heal even now
While the record spins by my bed and I feel like like I’m just now breathing for the first time
The birds chirp to their tune and I can’t help but sigh deep,
in and out

Second chances exist in these moments I’ve crafted
The smell of a candle from a friend long ago
A necklace someone once thought I’d hate
On the dresser my mother built for me
Books I shared with the girl I grew up with
Pages I prayed she’d hold dear even when we parted
A well loved shirt and a hope for my future

Of coffee and cold mornings with you by my side
As we dance to no song, in time
Step, and swing.
You in my arms and your love in my heart.
Onward, towards nothing in particular.
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