If my verses give another reason to smile, trust, and believe in the vast universe and that we’re not alone than I will rest better knowing I did well to scribe with purpose.
If my poetry makes another laugh, or sigh, or even stop and move in their truth as divine being of light and love than, I have succeeded to aid one heart at a time.
If my phases excite and give another, room to recall
their greatness and not stay too long in shadows of the dark,
than my title as writer will stay intact.
If my poems empower others to know who they are
to celebrated and face their fears gallantly with dreams and hope than, I will walk feeling my heart open and wings spread.
If my work infused with love penetrates and cradles with words to give insight and encouragement than, I have for-filled my contract as light worker to reset the world for peace.
StarBG © 2017
my inner goals as writer is now expressed. Blessings all.