I have a wound which
the eye cannot see.
Making riddles out of the obvious.
My heart yet not comprehend,
the impervious mischief of brokenness.
A splash of ennui amidst
the savoring intellect.
Listlessness and apathy
endures mortality.
My heart grew fond
of my own enmity.
Bitterness is truancy
that rivals denouement.
Oh my sweet lacksey-daisy heart,
where do I go from here?
Round and round in the roundabout.
River I kept swimming
head over heels.
I'm thinking of a thought
that I don't understand.
As soon as I admit
I'm alive, I am dead.
They say when you're lonely,
you think too deeply.
Maybe, but I don't care.
Should I go swimming?
Or should I be drowning?
I don't know the difference anymore.
White is black, black is white.
But there is no gray.
Oh my sweet lacksey-daisy heart,
do you believe me?
I don't care.
They say good things about me.
But what does it mean
to look beyond me?
I'm already in the middle,
right before I even started.
**iamthe_avatar ©2017