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Emotions drift with an influx of selflessness,
Edging and forcing one to do actions which may in turn be unwanted,
Emotions drift with a sweet sense of goodbye,
Relieving one of many duties and giving the most ever precious reward,
Emotions drift to a new source,
But the love still remains
Holding hands
Creates wet lands
More like sweat lands
Our palms become lakes
That precipitate
Oh great
He don't seem to mind
All that water dripping behind
Hope we don't cause a flood
That'd be dangerous
Maybe we should wear a glove
On the hand we share
So that there
Is no cause for dismay
I laugh aloud
He asks, What was that about?
Oh great
What should I say?
Don't wanna offend my babe
But anyway
Can't lie to his face
So I say, Drowning people.
We suddenly stop
His blue eyes, pop
Right out of his face
But confusion's erased
As our sweaty hands, interlaced
Become free once again
I give a big grin
Kissing his chin
As we continue to make our way.
Hi puppies! My name is Henry, I'm 19 and a half, and my boyfriend is way better than yours!
Back at the shore, on my own this time,
I'm free now, yes, but alone.
I'm left with nothing,
No pain,
No rhyme,
On a beach less sand than stone.

The tide still licks the shore for crumbs,
But nothing hides beneath.
No voice calls out in dark, feigned scorn,
No stoic secretly cries for release.

The world outside worked magic for real,
It promised us strength in identity,
But now I'm just beginning to feel,
There's actually something wrong with me.

I can't go back until I know,
That your death has served some purpose.
What chance is there, to survive and grow,
When even ghosts can hurt us?

"Perhaps", I said, "it's all unspoken", aloud,
To myself, discovering,
How words can wound but silence drowned,
A heart that's still recovering.
A follow-up to my poem, "the Unbroken"...
I wanted to revisit "the interface" once more, where our traveler seeks new insights.  Poor *******... Nothing significant here, honestly, the concepts are off-the-cuff, almost random, but the mood I wanted was one of placing the reader on the cusp of despair and a subsequent hopefulness as we try to make sense out of life's pains.
The FBI chief, Mr. Comey,
was loved by Trump like his best *****.
For he went around hintin'
about emails and Clinton,
making Trump fans excited and foamy.

But then Comey provided reflection
upon Trump aides and Russian connection.
Trump did protest and howl,
stamp his feet and cry foul,
for the tide has turned since the election.

Trump thinks Comey is guilty of slander,
though his Hillary probe raised no dander.
So I guess Trump's excuse
is what's good for the goose
simply does not apply to the gander!

So why Donald Trump am I hounding
through this verse and this poetic pounding?
It's Trump's hypocrisy
that so motivates me
and we're used to it!... That's what's astounding!
You can also see this and my other Trump poems at:
Link to video of this poem:
Written: May 11, 2017
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