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Hayley Schiete Jul 2014
today, we can be tone deaf
and cringe at the notes our love once symphonized
today, we can be left handed
and **** up the paper our story was on
today, we can be mute
and let the silence speak for itself
today, we can be blind
and never see it coming

but tomorrow,
we can orchestrate
we can draw
we can speak
and we can see
everything we ever wanted to happen
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
I've never met someone as thought provoking as you
I wake up at 5 am or 2 pm thinking of you
I fall asleep at 5 am or 2 pm thinking of you
I told you on December 26th that I would write poems about you
Maybe even books
But these poems or books would be stacked in the Children's section
Because I drew pictures instead
Pictures of what I hope to see, what I fear, and what we are
I know it's cliche but really these pictures are worth a thousand words
But I can guarantee you out of the thousands,
I love you so much would be painted at least 600 times
Hayley Schiete May 2014
i finally found a love that is constant but still surprises occur that keep me on my toes just like the sudden climatic change in the climate once the clouds cover the sun
i am the sun and you are the clouds and everyone likes a bit of sunshine but they don't like the sweltering heat i can cause so you calmly without a sound appear in front of me almost too relieving to believe like an oasis and you furnish the earth with your cool air and everlasting reassurance that you're here to stay
but nothing is perfect when dominance is present so i still peek through your particles to reveal my warmth and you're there to help me when all is too hot and kiss the world with your refreshing breeze
Hayley Schiete Jun 2014
i hope you died knowing your life was my life's best part
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
you and i
are point a
and point b
we're lucky
we're not separated
by seas

we're entangled
in these miles
paved with love
and hopeful smiles
miles ache our hearts
but at least
we're smart
about reality
and what it may
but reality won't stop
point a
from holding
point b
or point b
from holding
point a
Hayley Schiete Mar 2014
I was born on December 3rd, 1996
My girlfriends say that makes me a sagittarius
I have no idea what that means but,
they say that one of my "traits" is that I'm stubborn
and I will tell you right now that it's not true//
I'm 5'4", think I have been since 6th grade
I weigh 134 lbs//
I failed swimming classes at my local recreation center when I was 6
Something about not being able to swim backwards
I've been struggling in the art of keeping composure when a stressful situation comes//
Maybe my limbic system is acting up//
But I can't hate my brain because the right side is my best side and my best side likes to paint dreams with constant tears on a canvas called pillow//
Some people say that modern art is ugly, shallow and pointless//
And I would have to agree because these feelings that occur are so ugly and come from the shallow side of me which is my worst side and my worst side likes to write pointless, depressing stories//
And I start to read them, and reread them
Like my favorite series//
Soon I believe that these stories are actually true
and that the piece of modern art God supposedly created himself, titled "Me"
Is ugly, shallow and pointless
spoken word (the // are like pauses/breaths)
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
Talking @ 11-12: I'm not here to rap, or have some sorta flow. I'm just here to project my words, the way they were meant to be.. spoken..

[start @ :21]
I retrace the image of us that you've drawn
I can't help but to photograph just for the memories
I time the seconds in between the breaths you take...
I weigh the heaviness of my heart as I watch you erase
The perfect portrait of what you and I had...

There's still shades of graphite left on that blank page
So I paint a picture of something new
As the pigment covers the canvas
I can't help but to notice
The remains of graphite
Peeking through

[before :53]

Our history is left-handed
Each word that's written
Is blurred with a simple stroke
That graphite is blended into the lines of yesterday...
I type so I can move forward
As my hands click with each letter
I wonder what you're doing//
I'll always miss holding your left hand
And I'll miss the silvered side of that hand
From blurring you and I

[before 1:35]

I crave the attention
I constantly push away
I have no one to blame
But myself
How do you accept something
That you can't grasp?
It's like believing in a God
When you were grown around hate
All I have left to do
Is mourn over something
I did to myself
I'm sorry
something I plan on rapping/talking lol
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
The wind traces each pore of my body with forceful intentions of moving me forward
But I am comfortable here
I do not want to move outside the very spot I'm at right now
Everything is flawless, undamaged
Because you've reassured me in only 5 days
You've made up for all the times I've contemplated
"Is it really worth it?"
Mother Nature and its breath is going down my neck
But the only way I'll move
Is if it's towards you
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
rejection is me
growing on me
like moss on a traveling stone
only getting kicked by those who bother
every kick is another mile or two
but where am I going
there's no purpose
I am stuck as a stone
with collecting moss
although I am moving
there's no destination
continuous kicks are continuous let downs
I am made to be kicked
for I am just a stone
collecting moss that is an undying hope
for someone to pick me up
One of my first poems.
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
The feeling I get around you is similar to the dropping of my body at 1:08 am when I'm trying to rest my constant headaches and cycles of things I wish I would've said. No one enjoys worries that cloud over their thoughts and you're my precipitation. Each drop trickles down the crevices of my brain and travels down I-90IWishIWould'veNeverLetYouInTheWayIDid and exits out my eyes burdened with the drops, whether it's salted water or paralysis. But just like the weather these memories or maybe lost hopes are unpredictable, but somehow remain constant like the average climate that's recorded each year. But if you were to record the years I've walked upon this planet, my climate dropped to the coldest since decades in 2014.
Funny how everything about me dropped, when you dropped me.
I just wrote what came across my mind
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
I wear mittens when I'm with you
So I never get the urge to hold your hand again
You took my fragile fingers
And bent them in different directions
You bent them in the ways I should've went
Instead of clinging on to some sort of hope that the December in your smile would turn warm

I'll be keeping myself cozy for the winter
So far it's been working.
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
I inhale the faint smell of menthols and cheap cologne
I want to trace every ridge
And bump
Of your body
With my lips
Scratches chalk outline your back
Leaving red lines that mark my trust
When tears of passion
Fall from my pores
Just know
When you're in me
You're inside my head too
From late August.
Hayley Schiete Dec 2014
So who's to blame in these shambles?
A love so currently old the nostalgic value is priceless
Something I can't loosen my grip on for the sake of the selfishness in my heart
Trying to keep you stolen

So who's to blame in this disarray?
A friendship so foreign its roots cannot be traced to the source
Only a sapling just beginning to grow
Something I can't grasp upon for the sake of a charm
Trying to keep up together
Hayley Schiete Mar 2015
My heart races,
and you came in first place.

There's no competition,
all is fair in love and war.

With you there will be no repetition,
you run to me with all your ambition.

Thanks for being my simple addition,
causing me a better condition.
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
You put up with me,
day by day.
Yet you enjoy it,
you always say.

I can't wrap my head around you,
I no longer want to decay.

You're so good to me,
so I pray and pray
for you to stay around,
day by day.
Day 4 of NPM
Hayley Schiete Jun 2014
i'm dreaming i'm holding hands with the most important girl
writing letters with my palms giving her the anticipation she needs for eternity
scribbled with hopes and promises describing how it'll pass
how she deserves so much more than what her world has to offer
stories upon stories on how she strives and strives again
even if she trips over life's constant cracks

she believes there's nothing here for her
but i am here for you
and you'll never leave
and we'll be okay

darling, i am you and i know it's hard to see the progress your entwining fingers with
it's hard to see the future which is impossible to predict
and that statement is true because all you anticipated was the word shrinking its portions of happiness until you starved to permanent sadness

but what you don't know is that
achievement is near
and you exist

and i'll mail these words to the me i wish i could've spoken to
Hayley Schiete Aug 2014
stuck in the troubled position of deserving you and deserving to be alone

i often placed my head on my pillow as it whispered reassurance for the hope i'll always have into my left ear
and i often sacrifice a full night's sleep for a continuous daydream of you

but that was before i realized that we were built out of paper patience and cardboard perseverance
it only took a liter of lies and a spark of convincing
that burnt us to the creaky floor of something i knew was going to happen
but never wanted it to
our love was the catalyst for brokenness after all

i just never thought it would be something we said would never do

said i would never do

that did just that
Hayley Schiete Jul 2014
i spend my limited time with you
imagining our limitless future

we're priceless
but talk isn't all that cheap
when i'm spending all my effort on one way promises

i wouldn't trade anything in the world for you

i'd scrape the pennies and dimes just to be worth it to you
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
when you're dictated by a follower
a hypocrite who follows in his steps
when he wouldn't want to feel the wear
and shattering of your heart
when the person who raised you
radiates hate
uncomfortable has become normal
this tension lingers
i'm sorry for becoming what you hate
i'm sorry for defying what you would love for me
but this hate will bounce back
the wear
and shattering of my heart
will be nothing but motivation
for being who i love
while you hate from afar
in the same house
Hayley Schiete Jan 2014
He is the one who compliments my adjectives and structure saying I always have a way with words
When honest to God he is the one who takes me a little bit higher every time he says those cliche 3 words
But from him cliche is the exact opposite, I could never grow tired of his love
And I hope he says pretty words out of sheer heart throbbing, butterfly inducing love and not because he needs to

But he is not fake
He is not the people I encountered before who loved me just because they felt obligated to
He is not the people I've met before who threw torpedoes of harmful names but claim the did it out of those cliche 3 words
He is the man who brought me to my knees with this feeling 72 hours in
He is the man who I willfully want to get down on my knees for late at night and taste the love after
He is the man who I see my future with front row on a huge, bright, white screen titled "It's Now Ours"

And although I never was the one to be held down I love the way he puts "my" in front of love because now I know I'm his and I hope he knows he's mine
For you.
Hayley Schiete May 2014
i'm saying goodbye to your empty promises
shallow swears
because just like the human case
love requires the vital heart
but baby you were a surgeon
who didnt put me under any sleep
you promised me the world
you promised you would stay
so i lay here empty
waiting for time to pack my soul
i'm tired of being patient
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
these chills are electrifying
they heat my bones
strain my nerves
freeze my skin
the steady trace
of your fingers
leaves me with flashes
of fluctuating temperatures
the climate of my body
is unsteady
whenever you're around
From mid June.
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
The second time I hung out with my now boyfriend,
I swear I coated on 7 layers of chap stick.
I told myself the night before to hurry up and wait,
let the anticipation and excitement grow, and take it slow.
But guess what I did,

I kissed him... right on the lips... or chin, maybe.
I rushed at his face at 100 miles per hour,
and I'm surprised he didn't dodge or even *** when he saw.
Yet instead he said he melted into a puddle on the floor,
while at the time I had hummingbirds drag racing in my stomach.

He also claimed his plans were ruined,
that I initiated his going-to-be action first.
With that I suddenly mocked, “yeah well, don't worry, you'll be finishing first anyway”.
And as his face slowly morphed into a tomato,
I realized how the best things in life are usually impulsive,
and how hurry up and wait usually means,
hurry up and delay.
Hayley Schiete Feb 2015
A thousand ellipsis on paper,
a hundred more pauses.

Irony is when you can write
brilliant stories
on how you feel,
what you'll do,
or where you'll go,

but still stutter explaining the simplest sentence.

There's blood on my hand,
from how hard I hit the paper,
splattering metaphors hoping to find
evidence that this is normal,
the fact I can't find the exact, blunt words,
in this crime scene,
of a ****** mystery I once wrote,
still stuttering,
trying to find the obvious killer.
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
there are way too many of
them to form a hai
Hayley Schiete May 2014
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
I had a dream where I faced someone I had complications with, I was looking at God. He told me he would tell me anything I wanted to know, know about myself. Squinting my eyes I spoke, "Who is my soulmate?" That's when the floor cracked and I saw into your living room from above, you were asleep on the couch, I wasn't shocked. I shook my head in disbelief and said, "God, if we were really soulmates, how come he left a scar on my soul rather than completing my half empty persona?" He scanned my body and told me, "Hayley, sometimes these things are difficult. Your doubt and uncertainty is much like what you have about me. You let people in just to take a part of you, a part of you that you may not be willing to share. This man has a part of you, and he hasn't let it go, he hasn't let you go. He doesn't want to. If his body was filled with red, you would be the sea blue standing out, alive and bright." That's when God tore my skin, and revealed my muscles and joints. He revealed my blue body and pointed at the red. That's when I made it my mission to get my blue back, and to give your red back. That's when I decided to make purple fluidly, and not have our souls separate like oil and water.
Hayley Schiete Nov 2014
Tuesday night I wonder what it's like to not care and throw myself out into the water
Plunging deep into a sea of isolation
Being too dark to swim back

3 hours later I wonder what it's like to not cry and drag my feet out into the desert
Laying still in a land of misinterpretations
Being too hot to crawl away

8 hours later I wonder what it's like to be happy with what I have and float out into the sky
Flying high in a cloud of regretful communications
Being too spaced to come back down

Wednesday morning I wonder what it's like to not have spurs of violent, ugly thoughts and say good morning to you
Hating every second I doubted
Being too sad to think through
long time no see
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
i was never very confident
but when i lost you
i was confident that i lost it all

i've been living in your old room
the AC never kicked in quite right
but i still feel breezes of air caress my body right into my core
and i like to think they're you
and not the cracked window a few feet away from me
letting in the taunts of the world that lost its colors once you were lowered within it

sometimes i wish i was down in the living room
so you could come back to your old room
instead of the children's hospital
even though you were 18
the dry atmosphere caused the worst of nosebleeds
but that was just minor to the pain you were going through

you came home
but you were in the living room
i was still wishing you could come back to your old room
i would happily fold all my t-shirts and pack them in a suitcase
just for storage
because i could never leave you for more than an hour

i was unfamiliar with the word "hospice"
until you were taken under their care
i know our humidifier has been broken for some time now
but they rolled that clanky bed in
and the oxygen that the whole family breathed
just got dryer
because of your new mattress and matching sheets
similar to the one that you've slept in while the chemotherapy was entering through
making you brittle, bare and pale

on an early summer morning i witnessed the biggest irony in my life
you died in the living room
and i started to hate myself more as i watched your chest pump its last breath that you would ever take
i started to hate myself because maybe if you were in the old room i fall asleep in every night
it would somehow make you live a little bit longer
like that makes any ******* sense

i should've seen it coming
i should've seen it coming because a few nights before you were trying your best to play the sly cooper collection on the PS3
because it was your favorite series and you passed out because of all the morphine in your body dulling the pain
but i thought video games would ease that pain better because of the nostalgic value
so i just hoped you were reminiscing of the ability to actually hold a controller properly
even if the drugs took up 80% of your personality
basically i should've seen it coming because games were your passion
and it was let go so effortlessly

it'll be 3 years in august
and i swear despite what i just wrote it's getting easier
and on your death date
we travel
because god knows remaining in the house that day would not be healthy for a broken family like us

sometimes i pick out postcards so i can put them on your grave so you can see where i've been
so i trust you send me a pretty tourist postcard just so i know what heaven looks like
Hayley Schiete Jul 2014
grow up with me
grow up with me because we still have a lot of experiences and living to go through before we grow old together
but at least we'll never grow apart

we'll start off with achy knees and torn elbows from rough housing in my backyard
sweating trying to prove a sense of dominance over one another
laughing because we swore we broke at least 3 bones
laughing because we're a pretty equal match to each other
laughing because there's no reason to be the alpha when love conquers
laughing because just like skin our feelings bruise but there's no permanent shade of purple on our hearts, because our feelings heal and they will never die

we can stay out past dinner time and then come home to our mothers lecturing us about how to be safe and how to tell time
but really, we were only around the block, at the park
but our mothers would still believe we were across the country
and while their anger leaks we can just giggle to ourselves because our imaginations took us places that were far beyond the country

I just think it's ironic because right now, in this moment, you are across the country
no imagination required
not finished
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
Prior to 18 years,
I didn't know what home meant
until I shuddered at the thought of leaving my family
and dependency became a luxury.

Prior to poetry,
I didn't know what exhale meant
until I inhaled the negative to ink my pen
and felt my chest sink in to create a healthy mechanism on paper.

Prior to love,
I didn't know what unconditional meant
until a wholesome you became visible
and yet, still fully wonderful.

Prior to death,
I didn't know what getting taken care of meant
until you were taken by disease
and taken away from the soil.
day 5 of npm
Hayley Schiete Jan 2014
I used to have these big dreams and hopes in my eyes,
but after you left they all formed into questions and goodbyes,
And for future reference, ignore all these cheesy rhymes, but remember the message
Because they're all created with these flying times and my confused cries

and I know you didn't lie to me,
but while you stepped out that door,
you took more than a piece of me,
more like the rest of me,
the best of me,
whatever I had left.

My mom said I should write you letters.
She doesn't know I have boxes underneath the clothes in my closet.
All locked up with memories.
But I'm staring at them,
hoping they'd turn into day dreams.
But I could never send them.
I know I had my faults but,
I'm never that childish.

I know I said you deserve so much better.
But you know how my insecurities choke me like my grandmother's favorite sweater.

With the patterns of words I should've never said,
I would've taken it back without hesitation.
I recited this many times before, so listen, and don't fake it:

"You deserve so much more baby, I guess, maybe. But I want you to stick around and build up a wall between my demons and comfort because really I can't imagine my life without you. Everything would be the dullest gray."

Now that you're gone, and miles away, let me put it this way:
I'm seeing everything through a dog's point of view.
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
I'm going to be honest, I'm really not a love poet
But every time I go to write down my aspirations or expectations of love
Because I truly never been in that position
I get up and distract myself with something else
My writer's block is completely torn down
My inspiration, vanished
And maybe I run away because it's something I'm afraid to experience
I distract myself from the feelings love brings just so I can ignore the pain for a bit longer

I grew up in my grandma's den with my eyes pressed upon the TV watching Disney movies about that one man who will surely wisk me away
He will wisk me away in a pretty dress that was created by some miracle
Created by the pain and agony I suffered alone
And surely I need a man in my life to ever love someone
And surely I need to become dependent to be loveable

Believe me, I'm really not a love poet
I grew up in my mom's living room with my eyes pressed upon the TV watching the local news about that one man who will surely physically and emotionally break me to the point where I'm going to court after I'm released from the hospital
And I will go to court able to walk, healed, some would say
But the outer portrait of my body is clean compared to the filthy, ***** mindstate I call, "penny"
... Worthless
And I will have to explain and try to convince the judge that laying a hand on me is horrible and that I didn't deserve it
And he will ask what I did, thinking to himself that there's a reason to ever lay a hand on a woman, or even anyone
And his hand will grab that gavel and smack the wooden block meaning the offender is let free
And while that gavel was smacking that wooden block I am tortured by the memories of my offender as he smacked my face, bruised my body, and murdered my self worth
I guess all this, was meant to be reality

I'm telling you, I'm not a love poet
The contrast between expectations and reality is movies and the news
the hot August day and cold December night
and the keys upon the piano
But you can't have seasons without the highs and the lows
And you can't create a melody without your fingers creating a united, elegant sound from pushing on those black and white bars
So surely I cannot have something true without having expectations for myself but with the fear of what reality holds

See I'm going to be honest, I'm really not a love poet
But if I woke up, whether it be early in the morning or late at night and decided I wanted to write a love poem
It would be about you
All of you
Because with the failures and successes I've seen that were about love
I learned something

Trust me when I say I'm not a love poet
I'm 17 years old
And I grew up in the same small city with the same small people
I hear snickers and sly comments about.. having to reach some sort of expectations to love
But we're all born with the capability to love
We love our mothers and our fathers
Our grandparents, our pets, our friends
Religious figures
So when you deny one's love because of who they are
Aren't you denying your love that has grown and flourished as time goes on
Aren't you denying the love you've given and received from your friends and family whether it's during a holiday or casual visit
Aren't you denying the love you've given and received from a man's best friend every time you return home
Aren't you denying the love you spoke upon on your knees before your head hits that pillow and you awaken, grateful for a new day

So I learned in this small city with my small friends
that love is always present since birth in different shapes
So I learned that love is strong since birth
So I learned despite the petty judgement
Love is there

I'm really not a love poet, I like the idea that I speak the truth
And the reality is that people will try to tear you down
They will try to corrupt the seasons and music you share with another
Because they are ignorant about love
And they preach about how you can only be this and that
Or do this and that
If you want to love

And your expectations are crumbled by the sheer reality of the world
You are afraid to hold hands with the person you adore
But the key is to persevere because surely your expectations will turn into reality
And you will no longer live in fear
This is my spoken word poem for the talent show at my high school that I'm doing next month. Feed back would be heavily appreciated. My inspiration for this was Love Poem Medley by Rudy Francisco.
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
I think I made you up inside my head,
I yell in between the lines of words I should've said.
I convince them it's really not me, but
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

I want to drop dead at the sight of you,
past six feet under, unfortunately making enough room
for us two.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

The whole world crumbles when I hear you speak,
screeching my sorrows, blurting my name.
I wish you didn't weaken my already fatigued physique.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

You're composed of doubts and wait for collapse;
until I start where I was always at.
You leave me with chasms, unfilled gaps.
(I think I made you up inside my head.)

You're from Hell itself, the deepest of low.
They're from Heaven, and left without a note.
How many more shots until the final blow?
(I think I made you up inside my head.)
Inspired by the great Sylvia Plath
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
With my womanly looks,
I shall ****.
These child bearing hips always
fuel a thrill.

My blood stained lips and
gunmetal eyes will surely
make a man's ego

go downhill.

I am a lover, but no,
I do not transform for you.

Do not complain about the ink on my face,
for I am my own writer,
so please give me my space.

Learn to love me coated or not
because I live for me, but also your embrace.
Day 7 of NPM
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
I feel something slice my cheek
It sends shivers through my bones
My blood is boiling
But the hurt keeps hell frozen over
How does something drift
But somehow permanently stay
I try to reach out
But my tongue is tied with decisions
I did reach out
But you blanketed the truth with promises of the future
The blanket that covers me
Thawed my own frozen hell
How long until my pores burst
How long until my bones crack
How long until my cheeks tear
How long until you see these promises of the future are barely keeping me here
I need more reassurance
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
I lack the effort
I leave it all when waking up in the afternoon
What's the point in waking up at all
When you have nothing to wake up for
I'd rather lay in my creased bed sheets
I'd rather lay in my self pity
It's 1 pm and I wasted the whole day
I lack the effort
I left it in my sleep
From early July.
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
The mourning doves sing their songs
about 3 miles away.
Chirping of despair, beauty, angst
and then of better days.

Mourning dove, thou is free!
The world is your cage,
and thy wings may take you beyond.
So why do you speak of sorrowful pleas?

Why sing at dusk, o mourning dove?
When the day is folding in,
and the sky drips pastels on its canvas;
perhaps falling from above.

I do not know why you sing, sad sad mourning doves.
Yet I still sing along, and rather leave questions unsaid.
Day 1 of National Poetry Month
Hayley Schiete May 2014
i cant hear properly
when hate has the horrid screams of sirens
and i am just the unknown author of this myth
i am believed to be true
explaining the unexplained, unmentioned
but if all the so called confidence i radiate is phony and false

what really am i?

the only thing i'm sure of is that i am my most hated part of literature
maybe it's because i never took the time to appreciate and delve deep
get lost inside what was supposedly true
and conflicts with the life of christ

maybe i never took the time to appreciate
the miles of how far i've gotten
get lost inside my ignorance
and find the treasure i wasn't focusing on in the darkness
because i was so focused on the chanting sirens

but when i returned to my loved ones
rejuvenated at the least
i couldn't hear their congratulations
the typical phrases of showing how proud you are

because i was deaf
and i realized i didn't hear
anything but my own voice
but everything is amplified
when you're by yourself
Hayley Schiete Jan 2014
4:14 am
i love hearing your sleepy voice lingering through my speakers into my ear and into my soul as comfort
the drowning of words and slurring of vowels gives me an anchor tied to my chest as it sinks its way down and splashes creating a sense of shivers
those shivers inch the frame of my body and give me the words i need to say the most
i love you
i wish you weren't so far away
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
my social worker
when he was dying
always told me
"prepare for the worst,
if you don't want the worst"

i know she's a professional
qualified and probably underpaid
but looking back
she gave some ****** advice
because out of all the days
i've been blessed with your being
i expected to:
fall hard
love gently
cry hard
and then
hardly love

but you, babe
were quite the opposite
i fell hard
love hard
hardly cry
hardly think about
hardly loving you
simply because
it's impossible
almost as impossible
as the worst
coming out
of you
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
The veins on your arm branch like the great oak tree in my grandma's backyard and suddenly I'm entangled in my childhood memories.
Short and sweet.
Hayley Schiete Jul 2014
i wanna tie you to a bed draped in white sheets
i've given up but i still wanna hold you and comfort you
i've given up in the fact that i can hold you but i can't hold you down

i'll tie you up in the most complicated knots making your wrists itch and your palms sweat but at the end of the day you still have your legs
my heartbeat vibrates your gentle spine and the amplitude pumps out the steady waves of anxiety hoping it's all in my head like i know it is
but you swing your legs and remove yourself from my situation
i'm sorry i come to you with all these panics and fears
and all you said is that you're here to help
well thanks for helping me get over my biggest fear by causing it
i lost you

so you walk out the door one night with your head held high thinking that you just got ****** when all you really did was **** me over
is it my fault i couldn't hold you down
or were you floating, no strings attached
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
when you trace my skin
every bump
seems to tense up
and be still
when you trace my soul
every flaw
seems to tense up
and be still
because now you know
there is a reason
for every bump
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
They say at the age of 7, girls start planning their wedding
At the age of 17, they pick out the right gown
And at the age of 23, they without a doubt know who their best maid is going to be
But at the age of 17 I'm struggling to find the reason for matching rings
Because the material things are just exaggerating promises for something that can part your lips with ease

But out of all the stories I've told
I must admit, I've stretched the truth in the most entertaining ways
I'm not exaggerating when I say I love you
And I'm not exaggerating when I say that potentially waking up to the wall that is your broad back would be the most beautiful sunrise I could ever ask for
I would put my arms around you
Your skin would be cooling from the friction of last night's 1 am hormones
But I'd still hold on and hope to get a burn of some degree
Inspired by Rudy Francisco's A Lot Like You
It's the beginning of a spoken word I've been working on
Hayley Schiete Jan 2014
you're everything i want in a nutshell
i want to crush you into the tiniest bits and pieces
and only take the good parts
but i hate being messy
and crumbs in my pockets are the worst
because if i were to take the good parts
every spec i created with my hands
would be traveling with me
in my pockets

you're everything i want in a crumbled mess
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
I brood with the silence and company of these squeaky floor boards that crack with every step I take
I pace these dark hallways in search for something to look forward to
A friend, lover, family or history
As the shadows blanket me like a weak child
I realized that this darkness is home
The bleak realization of discovery hits me
My ignorance guided me through these compressed walls
But the beauty of this darkness is that everything and anything is undiscovered
With every bump, crack or gap I come across
I learn something new
And for once
I feel purpose in this undiscovered world
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
The breeze sways within my study
from the Friday eve rain.
The gloomiest things make one feel so lovely.

The frizzy coils of my hair spring up while
I only hope these showers
bring him to my door with flowers.

I shut the window,
but keep the blinds.
The weeping willow aches for some sun,
and I ache for my sunshine.
day 3 of NPM
Hayley Schiete Jun 2014
You tied a knot around my life so your love became something I will always remember
But my hands are grazed with the stray strands of falling apart
I burn just to keep us alive
Hayley Schiete Jul 2014
i have a problem with thinking ahead
placing myself in a vague position that reality may not have a part of
knowing what i'd say or do to keep you from fading away
stuck in between freedom and obligation

you told me we'd walk on beaches
so i hope the hour glass is filled with the thousands of grains we sunk into

i'll always have a problem with thinking ahead
so i'll day dream about the future even if i get a rude awakening
whatever keeps me from the tide taking me in its whys and what i did wrongs
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