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Hayley Schiete Jan 2015
I get so overbearingly affectionate
A sweetheart with a poisonous twist
Considerate, but passing the considerate amount
I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming
With a feeling of fear and lust
It almost crushes me as much as I have a crush on you
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
i'm really good at similes
comparing myself to things that are not me gives me a sense of good ego
and makes me feel like i'm not in my own skin
but i hate being similar to something
because all we wanna be is different, a bit out of the typical box
but somehow if we're compared to normal at least we have the mind state,
at least no one will exclude us

i've been abandoned
but what gives me comfort in the outcast
is english language slabbed on my paper and a slice of outkast at 12 am
we've all been taught in grade school that original is the way to go
the path of happiness
but consequences often go unmentioned and unnoticed

i've been normal, or at least compared
been a simile my whole life
"you're a lot like your brother you know"
i'd rather be excluded than have set up expectations from a man 6 feet under

i don't know where i'm going with this
a part of me wants to be excluded from the box
a part of me wants to have normality to lean on
a part of me loves being compared
i'll always been a good at similes
i'm the human embodiment of figure of speech
except i don't even want to talk
just keep on tak tak taking on this keyboard
hoping to find something similar
to self realization, self reflection
i only want the similarities to good feelings
because **** is all i've felt
i guess being almost there is better than never there
i'm a lot like myself
i'm undecided
Hayley Schiete Mar 2015
We don't want to sleep tonight,
because we're still young
and we color out of the lines.

So color me red,
that's the color my cheeks beam
and the shade of hair you love oh so much.

We don't want to sleep tonight,
because we're still in love
and we sing out of tune.

So sing me a lullaby,
the kind of comfort home brings
and the rhythm bouncing off our bodies.

We don't want to sleep tonight,
because we're just beginning.
Hayley Schiete Aug 2014
you came into my life like a punch to my jaw
and all my rotten teeth fell as love circled my head
and sedated me with all its gorgeous dreams

but oh my god, under all the gas fogging up reality
my mouth started to ache
and i could no longer whisper the words that could've made you stay
because i was numb on the actions, convinced that it would've made you walk away

but i bit my tongue 'til i could taste the metallic satisfaction of silence and regret

all i have is body language now my dear
and i can barely crawl, yet alone act like i'm fine
Hayley Schiete May 2014
i think it's ironic
because i thought i was the most cold hearted person until you came into my life late december
and made my heart bloom like my grandmother's gardens in the midst of may
currently that is the date and now you've given me the cold shoulder
so now i'm frozen over by the gusts of your denial
Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
If I could have anything, yet only one thing
I would wish to make 7:12 am an act I could
bless upon your body.

The hope intertwined with the tangerine sky
and the excitement that lies beyond.

A kiss that would make you glad to see the dawn,
and eager to lay with me at dusk.
day 8 of npm
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
so this is that moment
you've dreamed of
worry free
happily serene
even if only temporary

so this is that moment
you've lied to achieve
dead hysteria
luckily tranquil
even if only temporary

this moment is
so complex
but the feeling is
so simple
it's so easy to
to discard old feelings
it's so easy to
when you're always tired
and sometimes
it's hard to wake up
when it doesn't seem
Hayley Schiete Jan 2014
i've often been told
that the apple doesn't fall far
from the tree

but if i climbed the highest tree
broke the weakest branches
and picked you with a single touch

would you
could you
distance yourself from the orchard of your old ways
Hayley Schiete Jun 2014
i torched the haystack just to find the needle that was always resting in plain sight

i broke the glass just to realize the window was always unlocked

i broke down just for you to tell me everything is okay

i broke us apart just for my ****** doubts to be pleased
Hayley Schiete Jul 2014
i'm not the first one, to hold you
the last ones who hurt you, never deserved to
i want to be the last one, to hold you
i might not be the last one, to hold you
but i'll be the best one, to hold you
Hayley Schiete Jan 2014
you're so pale like the finest porcelain doll
your veins pop out like my grandmother's childhood toy
they trickle down your arm starting from your wrist
they branch out in the most beautiful, bright lines a painter could ever hope to paint
they leak down like rain or a river
and they flow happiness

i could drink your water forever
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
You linger beneath my skin in this familiar town.
The wind creeps on body and leaves a trace of chills that travel to the bottoms of my feet.
The cold travels, but I'm left stuck to the pavement and trapped in thought.
Maybe if I remain motionless I won't get bruised by tripping over my own feet, my own words.
But you'll catch up to me.
Fear pushes my stiff feet forward and I trip with every step.
I'm better away from you.
I'd rather be stumbling forward, slowly learning how to walk.
Than to be held back and remain unaware under the mercy of you.
Hayley Schiete May 2014
i think i found you, comfort
after you escaped my being some time ago
you ran away from the big bad demons
thinking they'd conquer
and swallow you whole

and even though your absence was the catalyst
of my dying nights through the years
i'm happy you're home

i just hope you realize
these demons still linger
they hide, they'll appear
vulnerability is inevitable
but i still hope you'll stay
and charge through the weakest days

i just hope you realize
your stay may not be
the best choice for you
but that doesn't mean
it will be regretful and wrong
because afterall
you noticed your mistakes
and improvement is your final call
Hayley Schiete Aug 2014
i wanna like, you know
kiss you so hard we can't tell which set of lips is whose

i hope you don't mind, but
you make the wax drip down my body and harden at my feet
you make me stand when i am weak
and you'll forever be the fire that helps me go

i mean, like
there's more secrets to be shown about you and me
and more whispers to be heard

so to be honest,
i'm all ears for every sentence, phrase, word, breath you want to speak

because, i'm really, i guess
deep in love

and like
i try to explain how much i do

but really,
i add unnecessary words because i am at lost for how much you mean to me

so basically like,
you're my everything

Hayley Schiete Apr 2015
The tickle you bring to my heartstrings
reverberates to my complexion
leaving a laughing, parted smile.

The warmth you bring to my core
rises to my touch
leaving a reassuring print on your thigh.

The gaze you lock upon mine
makes it hard to part away.

You could bring me riches,
and I could bring you gold.
But nothing can compare
to the wanting of us growing old
together with the same print on
your thigh and my permanent
laughing smile.
day 6 of npm
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
I was never too fond of promises
It's not that I was afraid of commitment
I was just afraid of someone pouring their time and energy
Into a person like me
A reliable person, trustworthy too

But circumstances change
Obstacles appear
**** happens
But within the time and energy I spent getting to know you
Falling in love with you
Circumstances changed
Obstacles changed
**** happened
And while I pull my blinds down
Covering the vivid sunset awning my homely suburbs
I cover my head with comforters, but I'm forever finding comfort in you
I'm glad we met half way, putting the equal amount of effort and compassion
Being the reliable, trusting people that we are

I fall asleep thinking
I have no problem trusting the whole world to you even if we're worlds away
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
when i look at you
i see fogged minds and fogged mirrors
only to be caused by the same love
that conquers us each day

when i look at you
i see the most comfortable silence
come to life
because not one moment
is dull
when i'm blessed with your presence

when i look at you
we see each other
eye to eye
and not
eye to carved shoulders
because i do get struck with anxiety ridden doubt
and i do wish i can repress these thoughts
despite your reassurance
but believe me when i say
every second i'm bettering myself
for the one who won't walk away
Hayley Schiete Apr 2014
there's a place
i wanna be
and it's not the places
i'd usually want to be
not my grandmother's
not lake michigan
not your arms
just to name a few

don't get me wrong
i still love all those places
i'd split myself in hundreds
if it meant i could be there
even if it was just a strand of hair

but the place i wanna be
isn't from point a to point b
there's no clear destination
from the paradise i choose to be
as long as it's away
from the person i'm becoming to be

the productivity of this environment is inevitable
and i'm just a constant reminder that death is coming
Hayley Schiete Jun 2014
i carved not only our initials onto the big acorn tree but the description of how our first kiss felt like but i found myself outlining the texture of the bark even more because just like the bark resting upon the tree i find myself wanting to touch you more no matter how many times i've circled the same tree for how many hours. our lips chapped with anticipation and obsession has more than enough friction to kindle the biggest fire to guide the rest of our hike.
Hayley Schiete Feb 2015
spent my whole life staring at the receiver
waiting for my calling

to receive you
I jolted awake
after sleeping on the living room couch
coated in impatience

you have a ring to your name
and a bell in my heart
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
i've always been afraid of butterflies
since i was a young girl
in my grandmother's backyard
i'd run and scream
from the delicate bug
that got anywhere near my hair
i've always been afraid of butterflies
since i was a young girl
but i'm older now
in my grandmother's backyard
i'm silent and still
letting the delicate bug
flutter in my stomach
while you play with my hair
From the 1st of June.
Hayley Schiete Feb 2014
I blurt out your true perfections
Every time I get overwhelmed by only your presence
You mutter how you're ugly
Nothing special at all
I always fight back
With pretty words and complicated compliments
But if it's true that I can't change the beholder
Then I love your ugly
I love all the imperfections you somehow manage to see 24/7
I wanna see you exposed
So I can I love your ugly the way it was always meant to
Like it was the most beautiful image you've ever laid your eyes upon

You're ugly in the most beautiful way
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
Our history is left-handed
Each word that's written
Is blurred with a simple stroke
Graphite is blended into the lines of yesterday
I type so I can move forward
As my hands click with each letter
I wonder what you're doing
I'll always miss holding your left hand
And I'll miss the silvered side of that hand
From blurring you and I
From late July.
Hayley Schiete Dec 2013
He was a new teenager
Went to the middle school down the road
From our decaying house that was below a great oak tree
Early red sky morning, riding his bike to that construction filled Hell
There wasn't a sailor in sight to give him a needed warning of that reckless car
He was hit, ****** and bruised but he was alright
I was only 6 when I saw him get patched up by mother in our bathroom
I was only 6 when I realized who I wanted to be
But my first realization wasn't my last
That new teenager became an adult 5 years later
Went to the community college down the road
From his grandfather's rustic house that was just like everyone else's
9 a.m., blue sky morning, riding his bike because his nearly blind eye kept him off the road
9 a.m., I wish he had sight in that eye, he would've had a warning of that reckless car
He was hit, ****** and bruised but he was alright
I was only 12 when I saw him take cat scans and MRI's
I was only 12 when he was diagnosed with something I only read in medical articles
I was only 12 when I realized who I wanted to be
Joseph Yodsnukis was his name, but we called him J.J. since I was born
I learned the alphabet at my elementary and I said J twice because of that name
I learned after 8th grade that cancer was ruthless
I was only 14 when I held my mother crying
I was only 14 when I saw a hospice bed roll out of my front door
I was only 14 when I saw him in his casket
I swear I saw him breathing
I was only 14 when I realized his name wouldn't cut my lips again
I was only 14 when I realized who I wanted to be
Who I would live for
Poem dedicated to my late brother, J.J.
Hayley Schiete Mar 2015
Our jokes align as much as the stars that brought me to you
Humor is the sexiness that draws me closer, giggling about
Whenever you're near, I'm never a shade of blue

Your word play, I adore
It only leaves me wanting foreplay, shedding clothes
Who knew puns could leave me undressed, on the floor

You laugh at your own mistakes
The red flush to your face, is the sun I want to bathe in
Your heart, I'll never break

Don't hide your face
For you could never do something worth a “sorry”
Because my love is more infinite than space

So please, exercise that goofy smile
And promise me you'll stay for awhile
Hayley Schiete Dec 2014
These multiple perspectives never expanded my view,
but only made me lose sight of myself.

What I stood for disappeared when I lost myself in you
and no,
it's not your fault,

I gave myself away when you only wanted small pieces hand fed,
and only if you said please.

So I'm sorry that I stuffed my love in a person who became unprepared.

My eyes were bigger than the weight on your shoulders.

— The End —