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All I want is to go
back to that night
when our bodies intertwined.
The place where we became one
and our souls united.
And your hands explored
And my moans escaped.
Our bodies moved to a rhythm that even music couldn't make.
Our bodies tangled in the bed sheets,
the bed we claimed ours.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
Aoife Teese
i want to feel you
in every breath i breathe
but when i'm around you
i often forget how to
and find myself
breathing you in
by the lungful
If I ever forget to tell you, I love you.
Remind me.
I'm not to blind to see your importance.

If I ever forget to honor you.
Remind me.
I'll willing to place you upon a pedestal.

You're already upon a throne.
You'll forever be the Queen of my life and home.
Remind me.
Then again, I know many things. about you.
That requires me to keep you happy.

If I somehow take you for granted.
And I'm sure I do it.
Remind me.

Remind me that a good woman doesn't come a dime a dozen.
Even if there is plenty fishes in the sea.
Because even fishermen  brags about their greatest catch.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
I wonder who keeps you up at night?

Certainly not me.
Not anymore.
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
you've knocked my breath out of me
in a manner akin to dousing my head with ice water
and you've left me gasping
wracked with undulations of shock

but i suppose i've known it all along
that i'm just another drop in a vast ocean
nothing special; expendable

but still, your affirmation
leaves me hollow
like you've shattered my bell jar
and left me

and i'm waiting for that dull ache
that accompanies losses such as this
but i can't help but think
that those who lament broken hearts
are mistaken
because one that is truly fractured
can't feel

Love can be one sided but I still
Wonder if that is love at all
And then I think
That one sided love
Is probably the strongest
Love of them all
To love someone
Unconditionally, unwaveringly
Without receiving love back

That's true love
And true love
Never fails to
Break my heart
It's late and my mind is hurting I'm sorry
 Jul 2014 harlee kae
i dont seem
to recall
what your lips
tasted like

you left me
longer than you
actually should've
i miss you more than ever

you moved on
and i moved on
(at least i tried to)
but nothing was the same

i've had so many kisses
but yours had been
far more different
(i wish i could remember...)

your kiss
had been like
sweet bourbon chicken
so irresistible.

when you kissed me
ever so desperately
it had been like a ***
boiled with assorted herbs

i love you.

i miss you.

i hope for the time
my skin of mine
shall be  made love to
by your chilling lips

suggestions as always are welcomed! Thank you for all the kind comments I have received lately!
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