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 Jan 2015 hani shibli
Pour sunshine on my face.
Dress me up in your favorite
black lace. Run away with me
to a secret place. Where we
won't be found. I won't mind if
it's even a cottage built near the
river side. Or on the woods
grounds where the wolves run
wild and free marking each and
every tree. Howl at night to the
moon with me. Eat the stars at
night during dinner time. Let me
taste the red wine from your lips.
Grab me by the heart and hips and dance with me. Water the flowers
on our window pane with tears of
joy. Take me to a place where no
one will stop by just to annoy us
so they can feel pretty satisfied
from the inside. Guard me with
your light and wings. Drench me
with your love at night. Press your body over mine. Put your lips to my neck. Rip the clothes off my skin.
Give me shivers and shakes oh for heaven's sake. I know your fingers argue all the time about which
parts of me they crave. I'm all yours , touch me all at once under the
night's moon light. Kiss my soul
and mind kiss me all* ~
Silence is Golden
There are Times
it's just Downright Lonesome
~ ~ ~
~* * * * *~

Copyright © January 2015 Christi Michaels. All Rights Reserved.
Alone..Not Alone...
Read one side then the other

    Why it's it.                      Why is it
That only after.               That only after
We leave someone.     Someone leaves
We realize all the       Us. We realize all
Little quirks and.        The beauty about
Annoying habits     Them. The clouded
Are something we can't    Glass clears,
    Stand. The clouded     we see who
      Glass clears.       They are. Looking
         And we see them.   Past problems
               Wondering     Wondering
                   What we.   What we.
                          Saw    Saw
I would love to hear any comments so please feel free to say what's on ur mind. And don't be afraid to hit the like or repost button :) (I promise it won't bite)
 Jan 2015 hani shibli
Bound by society,
Trying to free her wings
Balancing truth with conformities
Leaving her hung like a child on a swing.

Torn by expectations,
Each piece a clue to her mind
Ragged in clothes not hers, but theirs
Bearing with them, of her, no sign.

Leaving it, she'd attempted,
'Integrate', they said
'Lose yourself, to join us'
They could've said instead.
A voice for every woman out their who chooses to be her own self in a world choosing who she should be.
 Jan 2015 hani shibli
The way you rapped me around your little finger
Twisted and twisted till I could untie myself no more.
Rocking and rolling my poor heart, letting it linger
Leaving it left so sore.
Yet this passion clutched me, hung from my every limb.
I would not leave you. As I knew you would not me.
The country moves of yours swaying, humming hymns
Every move so elegant, so classical, so free.
I could not grasp the way you did it,
Moved me from my deep burrowed Blues.
My hero in every form, like a candle lit
In a darkened, dusky room.
You will be my song, my tune, my being.
For you and I will breathe as one breathing.
First Sonnet
 Jan 2015 hani shibli
I opened up my eyes to the morning
Sunshine, as it blazed through the
Window panes. Basking in a moments surprise.
As though suddenly, the world had changed.
Darkness filtered with the sunlight's rays.
Everything glittered in the sparkling terrain-
like fairy dust had been sprinkled when at night
we lay. But as movement prevailed my body
the glint in the shine did fade.
As though all along I had been staring
At a facade. Untruth in the form of truth was it
Masked. Likewise the hatred could fool the eye
With smiles of laughter and packs of lies.
So was this life? Every morning was a lie to the night,
Hiding in the darkness, hoping to survive?
Or was it just me? Maybe my mind? Running in
Overdrive of hurt and confusion- longing for the past in which,
In which my soul was my solution.
Ever wondered what kind of world we live in? And our greater purpose of existence?
 Jan 2015 hani shibli
You've made a mockery of our beliefs,
And our prophet you defame.
I think and think and think,
From this, what is your gain?

We stand for peace and mercy,
We always have and will.
The actions of some may scar us,
While they remain sinful.

I will condemn their actions,
As every human should.
But apologies I will not,
For its not under Islam's hood.

I can't claim responsibility,
For something I've not done.
Neither can I say sorry,
For its not part of my religion.

Anyone can say 'Allah',
And do atrocities in His name.
But what of those 1.6 billion Muslims,
Who His name they rightly claim?

I have only one request,
That I'd kindly wish you do,
Look beyond the hate and hurt,
And see Muslims are just like you.
Peaceful. Loving. Caring.
We have families too.
Islam is a religion of peace,
Peace be on to you.
The world needs to know, we stand for peace alongside it. We are one with you on this, as we are one with you on every life that is taken in cold blood.
 Jan 2015 hani shibli
How very rare is it, that one should find friendship,
And together they find poetry-
Rather than merely finding poetry,
And as such finding friendship?
Special people live in hearts, not just minds.
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