Am tired of laying beneath this grave
It's damp, dark and cold like cave
Once nailed in, there is no escape
Just counting days in fear with grace
My spirit denies to go
For your love is getting hard to forget
Under this six feet low
I still crave for your love now hard to get
The nights and days are same here
I weep to live but shed no tear
The Lord of death has caste my spirit down
For it was not my time to die he found
Stuck in spirit world with unknown clowns
Here is a demon who wears a rusty crown
I met your relative who was a victim of drown
Unfortunately, we all suffer from this surround
Now, living with no visibility at all
It's painful to see, as you don't respond my call
I have to dwell for the next thousand days
Before my spirit is freed as the messenger says
Am saddened as I couldn't live to my vow
This world here is where we spirits bow
There is a complete silence with ugly spirits around
So I stay near my grave or just beneath the ground
Fictional write. Spilling imagination on a rainy Sunday :-)