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Hadrian Veska Dec 2021
Once to the head
Lightning to my spirit
A false visitation
Hadrian Veska Dec 2021
A bandage worn on the left eye
A flock on birds travel back the sky
The weather comes but never nigh
Unto such a place unknown

He would leave if he were able
Past the stone grave and table
From this land grey and sable
But he fears that he may forget

For none now left do remember
The calm and cool of September
Those memories are scare an ember
Within even his own mind

The sun now there grows ever dim
It’s royal colors stretched and slim
Though none remain who remember him
He will himself recall

His home before the fall
Hadrian Veska Oct 2021
The great pines stand
Laden with heavy snow
Waters flow unseen
Hidden below thick sheets of ice
I caught a glimpse of her once
Or at least I believe I did
That woman long golden hair
Who walks barefoot in the snow
Signing her odd melodies
I have heard nothing like it
In all my many years
Oft I sit at the end of the woods
By the wide river bank
Hoping to hear her
Somewhere off in the distance
On but two occasions in my life
Were my ears so lucky
To be graced by her voice
I was in awe of her
And yet I was fearful
For I know she was not one of us
The old stories say she came from heaven
From a place above the sky
I do not pretend to know
Nor do I care, I simply wish
To catch a glimpse of her again
To lock with her peircing blue eyes
Brighter and fresher
Than a spring time stream
To witness her one last time
And to hear her song in full
A faint Aria in the snow
Hadrian Veska Oct 2021
The clock struck a peculiar time
Reverberating on the window pains
When I looked up from the old wooden desk
To the stark white face of that piece  
My eyes were caught in a haze
The hands of the clock eluded me
The chair scratched against the floor
As I moved backwards and rubbed my eyes
My ears popped ever so slightly
Light headedness came on to me
I found it and remained conscious
Aware of what would occur should I fall,
Succumbing to that mechanism
I mustered myself to remove the clock
Lifting it from a single nail in the wall
I placed in in the top drawer of the desk
It's ticking was no longer audible
Yet I still felt the reverberation
It bounced and rattled within my bones
A pulsing echo within my mind
Never louder yet with each throb
It grew more and more distinct

Then it stopped altogether
And the shadows grew long in the room
I paned out the old attic space
For the breifest moment
Before the shadows evaporated
Blending and mixing with the darkness
Hadrian Veska Oct 2021
Vast oceans swell above me
Breathing in the cosmos
Submariner stars propel forward
Imperceptibly erratic
Obedient to their times and seasons
Lest they should fall to the abyss below

A thought, a feeling envelopes
Sealed off in the most pleasant way
Protected yet not wholly immune
A discerning eye is of no value
The heart is the basis of perception
Immovable and terribly wise

Should it but be still and listen
Hadrian Veska Jul 2021
All things have passed
Or perhaps they will
I can no longer recall
Passing through the void as I did

I know not where I arrived
Or if I am anywhere at all
I have forgotten most things
If I ever knew much to begin with

I do remember a string of words
An inseparable feeling attached to them
"I will never forget you"
Though who said it eludes me

That feeling has not left me
Though the moment has been lost
I must continue on through this void
Wherever it may take me

I cannot betray this memory
That last bright star in my mind
Amid a sea of ink black darkness
For it is all that remains

As I traverse this void
Here beyond all space
I whisper dryly
I will never forget you
Though, I do not know your name

For I know that you remember me
Hadrian Veska Jul 2021
The dry tundra calls to you
Whispering a phrase
A memory that flows
In between and through
The forest needle and pine
Something lies beyond
Far past the snow and sterile ice
Over the great mountains
The places of our birth
Nothing more than an inclination
That all we hope there to be
Has not yet been made know
That the secret hidden for ages
Has in turn hidden us within it
Preserving us in a way unseen
That when the time does come
In far flung ages hence
All things might be revealed
And the barren wastes
Turn to fruitful gardens
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