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Hadrian Veska Jul 2021
You may doubt it, but I've see it
What lays beyond all oceans
Never would one imagine
How easily all can be deceived
By a few books and a map
It is true that ice lays beyond our borders
In every direction it is inescapable
Some have pondered, guessed or seen this
Yet none but I know
What lies beyond even that
For you see this earth we are on
This place we call the world
Is but a mere portion
A section of the plate
Those things beyond it
Can scare be imagined
Unless seen with the naked eye
And even then they may induce madness
To eyes like yours
So readily accustomed to deception
Hadrian Veska Jul 2021
The greatest wisdom is so easily destroyed
Brought low by the innocence of a child
The greatest minds of the earth
Philosophers, scientists, leaders
They can never answer the simplest question


The truth is we know nothing
We know how some things may work
But we do not know why they work
We know the arrangement but not the purpose
We can mimic but never improve upon
A least a child has no pride to be hurt
So they fear not to ask


And there is only one answer
To every why in the universe
It is accessible to everyone
Should you only become humble
Shedding the useless weight
That the world has imposed upon you  
There is nothing to lose but pride
A benefit to any who try it

And after all Why Not?
Hadrian Veska Jun 2021
I've come to the outer limits
Where the stars bleed away
Melting into obscurity
Fading into the deepest back
An all consuming darkness

I've meditated and pondered
How I might move forward
In the absence of light
Without path or guide
Into the infinite void ahead

I sought to touch it
To feel the inky black darkness
Wash over my fingers
I imagined it thick like paint
Or perhaps far stranger

Yet when I reached out to it
I was blinded by light
Scarcely could I adjust my eyes  
But when I did I saw the nature
The true nature of that void

And it was only a thin veil
Hadrian Veska Jun 2021
To You
The seven stars
The bright cluster
Among the long dark
Do you not know that hope came down?
Faith from the lofty heavens?
And you know it thus returned
Which is why we wait now being sure
Certain of the thing our hope is in
Have you not considered that beyond
Far away and removed from here
Among the boiling lights of night
One not dissimilar to yourself
Might see that hope descend to them as well
And latch onto it as you yourself have?
For indeed there is but one Way
One eternal Truth among the cosmos
One perfect Life to which we all strive
Only made possible by this Hope

The Hope of all peoples
Hadrian Veska Jun 2021
You want to be healed,
but when is the last time you spent the time and effort to heal another?

You want to be blessed,
yet when have you taken time out of your day to bless another?

You pray for a sign,
Yet your eyes and ears are shut for the answer

You beg for money for your needs,
but when have you heeded another's plea?


Time, money, prayers, food, help, support whatever is needed

Keep your eyes open

Treat others how you pray and cry out to be treated when you are alone

Do these things and you will never lack in any portion of life
Hadrian Veska Jun 2021
The voice of one crying out in the desert
The waste places will be rebuilt
The desolate cities reclaimed
Make straight the way
But none have known it
None have sought or understood it
All eyes are shut all ears are closed
The spirit hovers upon the waters
Yet who has perceived it?

Do you not know that the waste places
The desolate cities and the dry deserts
Do you not know that they are you?

Make straight the highway
That the people may return
Make straight the path
That they may be rebuilt
"For a time I was angry with you
I hid my face from you
But only for a moment
In my everlasting kindness
I will have compassion on you"

Make straight the path for the Lord
The highway of our God
That we may return unto Him
From every tribe and people
For He has not chosen one people over another
Let no foreigner who has joined himself to the Lord say,
The Lord will utterly exclude me from His people
For he that follows the Way
The path leading through the desert
Is a son and daughter of God
As their brother was before them
Who Himself built the path
And who Himself is the Way

The path is firm
The highway made straight

Now return
Hadrian Veska May 2021
I've seen memories waft past me
Distant dreams of bygone eras
Words and thoughts preserved
Of languages long since lost
Their sound and use forgotten
Yet their meaning somehow retained
A faint feeling, a tearful sentiment
I fear, no I know I will share their fate
As all generations do since creation
Few if any have escaped this death
Though which death it is I cannot say
The death of the mind or soul
Or perhaps simply the body
I know our ruined cities
Will house the bright eyed souls
Of our posterity

Let us pray if we cannot solve the riddle of being
That we may pass down what we know
And preserve the progress we have made

That one day we might find God
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