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 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
When you start to feel like your earth has shattered from underneath you
Remember this, you are the earth, and nothing can happen without your consent!
 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
who would have thought it ends this way?
The stars, how they had warned us.
Now I don't know how to make you stay.

I can feel your life slipping through.
My hands shake, you are cold,
and I never guessed, I never knew.
My heart breaks as I let go.

We never knew where this led,
and now your blood is on my hands.
As the lamb makes his final stand,
I wish this wasn’t how it ends.

And now the sands tell your time.
As the wolf shouts to the moon,
the stars above you, they align.
revised 3/27/17
our way
perhaps, stars do shine long after they explode,
maybe for millions of years,
who can really know for sure
 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
Nyx as our witness

I counted stars that weren’t there

Just to lay longer
Night Sky

My first Haiku!
If I could vacuum-clean
all of the dark clouds
from the sky above your head,
I would.

If I could make the sun shine
after stopping the rain,
I would.

If I could send you
an everlasting rainbow
to brighten-up all of your days,
I would.

If I could shoot
a wishfilled falling star
your way,
I would.

For you, if I could,
I would!

By Lady R.F ©2017
A little prayer for my family and friends.
Dedicated to anyone going through hardships.
If I could, I would!

I truly appreciate this prayer making the daily! All thanks be to God!
A world with people having the same personality and style,
Where everybody is a copy of the other,
We all have the same smile,
And just want to compete with each other..

Competition can be motivational,
But sometimes a killer.
Competing with yourself is ideal because there is no other you,theres just you so the only one you can make better is your self by ensuring you are better than you were yesterday.

Be an individual,
You are like a colour in a piece of art..
Without you its incomplete.
Imagine the world as a piece of art,
Everyone offering a different kind of beauty,
Don't change yourself for anyone,you are you and you deserve to live as you!
Be yourself.
 Mar 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
I was your flower but
seasons passed,
we grew apart
and now Your flower has wilted,
But I have grown.
Probably gonna delete this
Take this flat, round, stone
I told my son, and daughter too
Throw it hard, spinning it
Across the stilled pond
Count your big splashes
Watch the ripples grow

First stones they threw
Only singular sets of ripples
Then two, then three, then more
Eventually, their stones, with mine
Easily reached the other shore
Splashes, into ripples galore

Ripples formed by casted rocks
Have they lasting print upon
Hearts of those I've loved
Standing now on faraway shores
Gleefully leaping, dancing, tossing
Skipping stones hid in their pockets

Are my stones, living on in ripples
Marked indelible in memories
Cast in mind's marble and stone
A forever legacy or merely
A dimly lit fading thought
In minds and hearts forlorn

Once, when I was young
I knew, I could ripple the world
Now, I only hope a weary rest  
To lay burden upon the shore
Enfeebled arm, for slinging stones
Pond's winter death, comes nigh

A bit of time left, of sweet life
To cast a few more stones
Boulders, to toss into the river
Giving the biggest splash
Heavy to lift, except with help
From other believers in ripples

©  2017 Jim Davis
Ok, fellow believers, here is my pitiful effort following my recently posted short stanza "Ripples".  Playing with the word "ripple" and  thinking about the idea of the "butterfly effect'.  Keep believing!  "I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples." -Mother Teresa

Did you ever stand in a Cavern’s Mouth—
Widths out of the Sun—
And look—and shudder, and block your breath—
And deem to be alone

In such a place, what horror,
How Goblin it would be—
And fly, as ’twere pursuing you?
Then Loneliness—looks so—

Did you ever look in a Cannon’s face—
Between whose Yellow eye—
And yours—the Judgment intervened—
The Question of “To die”—

Extemporizing in your ear
As cool as Satyr’s Drums—
If you remember, and were saved—
It’s liker so—it seems—
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