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 Apr 2017 Geetha Jayakumar
Imagine how many people
Have fallen temporarily in love with you
On the train
On the street
In the car
In your room
Or after you'd fallen in love with them.
Pressure and cream
You quake me love
and in a dream
I push your shove
You wake me Beautiful
Hands full of flesh
and YOU Make me feel
I fall you catch.

Pressure my love
You lean on the walls
Inside safe rooms
Hum sighing calls
I love your cream
Your stability
Your fingers and hands
Your pressure on me

You dream and I dream
and we meet each other
in the middle
Father and mother
In the middle
Brother and sister
In the middle
Missus and mister.

You move against  my tides
and in the pull it magnetizes
and you move against my sway
pressure on my flower of may
You move against my movement
but some how swaying in my tide
You give me illuminant
and  neither of us can hide.

I speak in tongues to define
Your beauty
I speak in tongues
speaks from you to me
You speak in mouthfuls
of fertility golden

I could never separate from you

you are the opposite to my pole
the north side to my south

You stick to me through electricity
A man who made people laugh and wonder
The man is Don Rickles whose soul has gone yonder
Laughter has turned into mourn
A smile from while
But this was Don Rickles style
I remember a movie Mr. Rickles appeared in called “Muscle Beach Party”
It was a laugh with frown
Don Rickles being known as Jack ***** in charge of a Bodybuilding Gym surrounded by Male Muscle men
Yet Mr. Rickle was the showcase in helping people enjoy life by being a comic
LAS VEGAS and HOLLYWOOD will never be the same
Lights, camera, but no Don Rickle
His life full of inspiration
Your jokes surrounded you
Hollywood has shut down the spotlight
Heaven was looking for Joy and Praise
Your name Don Rickles was the amaze
Thanks for making us all laugh
Your enthusiasm will always be remembered
But your comic detail will always be a reason to laugh
Your message in enjoy life as it only comes around once
But for us that is good advice
So long from a fan
Your Heavenly room was prepared
You were welcomed by Heaven in your eternal lair
Until we meet again.
The thing about time is that it keeps going through a constant process of change....if you're going through a bad time be rest assured that it's not gonna last just gotta be patient,endure it and fight it out..similarly when you're having the good times make the most of it..'.coz that too ain't gonna last forever...sometimes the good times and the bad times tend to follow each other..pretty much like the seasons..the various seasons come to power at their prescribed time and then they leave like they had never basically time gives us hope and at the same time tells us to be cautious.
All the passions of my long life
Are dust in the road behind me,
And all of that precious dust
Was nothing more than foolishness.
The trees around me
Have no names,
And the wind I feel
Blows from no direction.
The river I see is just a river
That stirs no memory,
And I know not where it goes
Nor whence it comes,
And I know not that I know not.
The rapids roar,
But they say nothing,
And I hear nothing,
But the sound they make.
I know the ones I love and loved,
And love comes flowing back to me,
And love is all that matters here,
By this river, under this tree.
Reconstruction of an old memory
A sound was heard at my
garden door
A feathered smudge found upon it

There she lay in frightened
trembling dismay
   A giant knelt ...
yet still towering above her

He reached out and touched
her pounding heart
Then cupped her warmth
in his hand

She stayed awhile until
she could smile
At the kindly human mystery

This love they shared
is uncommonly rare
She knew she could be freed

Before she flew
she whispered a song she knew
into the gentle giant’s  beard :

“I cannot make you happy
You're a wounded Bird like me ―
be Free...
you must find the strength to Fly”…

"A Bird in your hand
  is worth two in the bush ―

   Come fly away with me"...

March 2012 © harlon rivers ... all rights reserved
Thank you so much for the special feature this simple heartfelt poem has been allowed.  It is based on actual events that happen often where habitat
meets civilization.  As humans we can mitigate this footprint left behind by lifting the weight of caring with actions that speck louder than words. Who among us has not needed a helping hand when we are struggling with the unexpected?  Moments we must find the strength to carry on with a little help from our friends?

   Find the strength to fly ―

Written March 1st, 2012
reposted from my original account
Fragments, pick them up
Join and find a glue
Such a tribulation, not a clue

No more flights
Not even the dreams
A moment to blame my fate
What scratched out my faith

What's the point in crying?
But the tears won't stop
Wounds, bruises, left evidences
A spiral down to the sewers
Redemption - VII

The moment you realize that everything you dreamt of having in future has vanished just because stupidity stayed on your way, mind will come up with several ideas and ways to eliminate the whole belief in hope and lead you to commit the worst of all - suicide.
Roses are not always red,
Violets aren't always blue,
At first sight, I couldn't stand to look at you,
But now I can and I do.....
Silence in which our hearts and wounds heal,
Silence in which thieves are afraid to steal
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