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I can see in your eyes that you are hurting, but you won't let me help.
I break inside seeing you crumble.
That I can't hold your hand to help you keep going.
That you will not rest.
You laugh every time I'm with you, but It's fake.
And you are awake, but still closing your eyes so people won't see your blood stain eyes.
Do you think suffering by yourself makes you tougher?
Dear love,
If you think hiding what's going on well make it better, just to wait till you die inside.
It's not.
Set upon some of your problems on me.
And if you stumble, and start to crumble yet again,
I will be right beside you.
Falling right beside you.
Bawling with you, crying with you, baring your struggles on our backs with you darling.
I love you.
Can't you see I'm not leaving you?
You won't hurt me.
It's love with knowledge.
Knowing that I will love you till the day I close my eyes for the last time, even in the happy and romantic times to the sad and angry times when we yell and want to run away.
I will hold your hand now...
even if you pull away from me.
I can't let you keep walking down this path.
I can't.
And I will keep trying to help you my love, until my heart beats slower and then not at all.
I’ve stopped wearing red lipstick because I knew it was your favourite on me
I don’t wear my hair in curls anymore because I know you loved it
I won’t wear that pretty lace bra because when I wear it all I can think about is when you used to rip it off me
I don’t do anything but I want to do everything to make you fall back in love
She's trapped in her own mind,
and she's trying to escape.
This constant battle she faces,
a battle against her self.
Because you see at one point in time,
that girl had nothing to fear.
But one point in time,
she was broken into a million little pieces.
She remained shattered,
unable to be fixed,
and you see,
that girl still faces the consequences,
of her almost lovers actions,
to this day.
She hates having to battle herself,
and fears that black shadow that hangs over her.
She's unable to function the way she once had,
because of too many people taking her for granted.
She let them in when she saw no good intentions,
for the animosity of others.
They used her,
and left her there to lay more broken than before.
That girl fights with herself,
everyday in her own mind.
She dwells on topics that could be the tiniest thing to someone,
but could mean the world to her.
She's afraid of her own feelings,
and she's trying to fight against that fear.
But when she's living in her own mind,
unable to comprehend the truth of things,
all because of someone who lied to her,
someone who used her and manipulated her,
and played her like a pawn in a game of chess.
She creates her own living hell.
She comes up with these situations,
that haven't even happened,
yet still acts upon them.
She's afraid of someone else hurting her like that,
thats why she gets so upset.
She will sit there and second guess everything said to her,
Do they really like her? Is she really beautiful? Do they just feel bad for her?
She has trouble seeing the brighter side too things,
she's incapable of not over thinking.
Because she's so afraid,
that they'll leave her there broken.
She lives in fear of herself of never being good enough,
of never being anything anyone ever wanted.
So there she stays,
in her own little mind,
hating herself for every little detail she second guesses and over dwells upon.
I am enough.
I am enough.
I am enough.
I am enough.
I am enough.
With or without you,
**I am enough.
 Apr 2015 Gabriela Maria
 Apr 2015 Gabriela Maria

The girl that I like is young, quite petite, I might add
Bluish-greenish turquoise eyes, like the forest and the sea combined
Her voice, a sweet, gentle overtone; the ocean, calm waves that reach ashore
The breeze, blows the forest trees; a rustle, soothing to the human ears
Her skin that luminesces; the white sands of the Riviera Maya
Here and there, little sprinkles of darker sand on her pretty face
Her natural dark, red hair, as fiery as the midday sun,
And her lips a vibrant red, that melt you in the summer days,
So warm and cozy as the winter rays.

Not sure about that last line, but here you go. Hope you like it.

— The End —