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 Feb 2016 Flo
How do I mend a broken heart
My entire world has fallen apart

How do I find hope in a brand new day
When the one I love has gone away

My mind overflows with memories of you
Of all that we've shared, all that we knew

I long for your touch and your warm embrace
The look in your eyes, the smile on your face

My dreams are filled with your gentle kiss
I wake and cry for all that I miss

How do I mend a broken heart
When our love is so far apart

My heart knows to love only you
It won't let you go, what do I do

Our moments together were precious and few
But I cherished them all more than you knew

I love you my angel and always will
I loved you then and I love you still
 Feb 2016 Flo
P Venugopal
 Feb 2016 Flo
P Venugopal
Flowers mesmerised
by their glow aloft the tree
do have vertigo.

A flower, lowly perched,
mesmerises my grandchild, chasing...
a blue butterfly.
It is often quite windy in the quiet suburb where I live. My grandson Kunhoottan is 21 months old. We spend much time daily exploring the surroundings.
Sleep does not seem to
Be an adequate remedy
For my lethargy.

I long for the deepest slumber;
A coma's freedom.
Rest not only for my eyes,
But for my conscience.

(c) 2016 Brandon Antonio Smith
 Feb 2016 Flo
Timothy Ward
the sun will
kiss the earth
each day
and soon
these dashing lines
of youth
hard charcoal, pen and ink
dancing, arousing
the parchment
shall also fade
portraits ought to
be lived
This began as an exercise in Architecture Design class. We each had to do a self portrait and design a space for ourselves for the rest of our life! One space! Very introspective n mind altering exercise!
 Feb 2016 Flo
DaSH the Hopeful
Narcolepsy* hard and heavy watch me fall asleep
            Lulled to bed in a cunning thread of the tangled web we weave
    I dream in pristine colors, windows of my mind anew
No fingerprints or ***** looks or evidence of you

         I find comfort in forever wherever it may be
        I may have left my home but it will always stay with me
                 The smell of all the smoke with the sound of all the rain
   On constant playback every second deep within my brain

        I found that time is all that matters and everything else faded
        I spent years and years learning how to forget everything I hated
    I've only gotten older and have nothing left to show
              Except a ringing alarm clock and blood on my pillow

Narcolepsy** hard and heavy watch me as I sleep
     Another pill, another high, another date to keep
      If I shall die before I wake, I hope that I'm with you
    Then it won't matter where I go, cause you will see me through
 Feb 2016 Flo
This is
 Feb 2016 Flo
This is a curse on the heartbreakers
that left us stranded in the island of
Hope-and-Love, paddling away,
unnoticed, in the dead of night, on
the only boat we sailed to the
mystery-filled lands

This is an apology to the hearts we've
broken in our self deluded attempt at
avoiding heartache by fading
gradually away like the sun when it
sets beyond the horizon lines

This is a thank-you note to Time, for
the penniless healing it affords, and
the scholarly teachings it imprints--  
never once failing us since we began
to exist, and

This is a lamentation for scattered
scars, for dispersed pain, for
heartbroken hearts, for dead or dying
dreams-- we are like souls living on
a battlefield strewn with mines

This is a goodnight song of hope to
carry us to tomorrow,

This is ink for our pens

This is for me, and

This is for you
 Feb 2016 Flo
david mungoshi
this is the part where we say
it was nice knowing you dear
go to your destiny with no fear
let my tattered heart shed its tear
as i feel you slip away from me
on a morning when nothing makes sense
because you have chosen to go and make cents
in the ignominy of a fabled land across the big river
and i shall without doubt in the days ahead be in a shiver
and weep when i think of the things we do for nothing
in this world of sorrow and intrigue from the schemes of others
 Feb 2016 Flo
I am
 Feb 2016 Flo
I am stubborn
I will fall countless times but I will rise again,
This time only to stand taller than before.
My pride will carry me forward; my determination will not be lost.
Life may have won the battle, but I will win the war.

~ a poem : part 7
This is an 8 part poem, with a new part added each day. Thank you for reading and feedback is appreciated!
 Feb 2016 Flo
Kelly Hogan
 Feb 2016 Flo
Kelly Hogan
Getting inked soon
To remember you.
A stain on my skin
Because the one on my heart
Was wiped clean
When you left.
 Feb 2016 Flo
 Feb 2016 Flo
what is the matter,
he asks,

unable to see,
maybe unwilling,

that there is
no matter
to nothing.
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