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 Sep 2019 fdwit
w h a t  w a s  t h e  p o i n t  o f  s t a y i n g  a l i v e
i f  e v e r y t h i n g  i  l o v e  e i t h e r  l e a v e s  m e  o r  d i e s ?
 May 2019 fdwit
Her Memory
 May 2019 fdwit
Alone, shuffling music on my phone.
A song long forgotten begins to play.
My heart begins to race, beating faster and faster.
Memories of Her flood across my mind.
Our entire story had simply lain dormant within a simple pop song.
I closed my eyes and fell backwards into a memory.
Her breathtaking smile flashed across my mind's night sky.
A voice so kind and soft was calling my name.
She placed her hand on my heart and felt every beat beneath my chest.
Looking into my eyes, she whispered one thing.
"Forever and always, together we'll be. Out love is eternal, your heart is the key."
She leaned in to kiss me, I leaned in to try.
But then the song ended, and with it, my final goodbye.
Her lips were so close, her soul so near.
Tears ran down my face as I lay in my bed, alone and lost.
Nothing ever lasts, not even Her smile.
Forever and always just meant for a while.
 Apr 2019 fdwit
As She Sings
 Apr 2019 fdwit
I watch as she sings.
Her sound so beautiful.

She becomes lost within the song,
And dances with her memories.

Her voice, their song.  
The song they sang together.

A beat my heart will never forget,
and a dance she will cherish forever.

I see joy in her eyes,
She remains blind to the pain in mine.

A song that cuts so deep.
The hurt it brings she must never know.

I watch as she sings.
Her sound so beautiful.
 Apr 2019 fdwit
 Apr 2019 fdwit
Why do you want to die?

Why do you want to live?
Because life is beautiful
So is death.
 Dec 2018 fdwit
The poetry isn’t in all these words —
It’s in knowing I survived them.
Holy smokes! Thank you everyone for all of the support! I don’t come here too often so I did not expect this; what a beautiful surprise ♥️

— The End —