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Eve Lastnamehere May 2015
As I sit in this class,
boredom begins to attack,
my mind wanders, aimlessly.

My mind drifts,
and then my stomach sinks,
as I met your gaze, I remember what you once meant.

You were my best friend, my brother, you were family.
I remember the days we laughed until our ribs hurt,
and the way we sang, oh so beautifully out of tune.

We're not like that anymore, we are nothing.
We don't talk, or laugh, or sing, like we used to.
Just fake smiles and hated politeness.

But I suppose it's good that you and I no longer care.

Because I have paper think skin you see,
and although I was mostly happy,
I received all my pain,

From you

You cut my skin into itty bitty pieces.
Leaving me exposed and naked.
And at my most vulnerable

  May 2015 Eve Lastnamehere
Sara Jones
If you ask my friends what I've become
They'll start singing song lyrics
"Tried to find you t the bottom of a bottle, laying down on the bathroom floor"
"You're gone and she's gotta stay high, all the time, to keep you off her mind"
And by God they wouldn't be wrong.
I've taken up these habits and made them my own
Creating my own personal bubble that's headed straight for hell
I'm not saying what I've become is all your fault
But you certainly contributed to my status.
My chain smoking, my drug use, my increased alcohol consumption
My need to drive dangerously fast, stepping into traffic, my laying on blacktops
To everyone I know, it's as if I'm certainly flirting with Death
And I guess its true
And I'm not taking 100% of the blame
Some of it is on you.
pressed against my lips
Firmly between my ****
Tobacco in my hand
On papers and in filterland

I smoke with friends at parties
That serve high quality beer and bacardi
The nicotine is what I need
And sometimes I throw in some ****
*My goofy, simple poem*
sometimes simple can be as great :)
  Apr 2015 Eve Lastnamehere
She sat there, the sun in her raven hair, baring her soul to him.
He sat there enchanted, nodding at all the right moments,
mentally ******* her.
#⃣Funny #⃣ irony #⃣hilarious #⃣ life #⃣somethingsjustare #⃣relationships #love # you
I heard it,
a shatter.
Could it be my spirits broke?
could it be my tender heart
whose true feelings will never be spoke.
I know you don't want to be that guy,
I know you don't want me to be that fool.
But the truth is i never heard such a piercing lie,
how could words be so purely intentioned,
but cruel.

You lie to protect me.
maybe that's just what i want to believe
my heart screams "it must be"
my head says don't be naive
I been trying to move forward believe me,
I've been trying for so long
but my hands wont grasp the pieces
cause maybe i just don't want to move on.

I just want

As you are

As you've always been.

I wish there were a simpler way,
I wish the stars were better aligned,
I wish i had the courage to say

that I love you too
and i always will
Even if you really meant it,

I will love you still.
he said he loved me. then he said he was just confused.
When the walls of the house know your secrets a little to well.
When the bathroom floor has been stained with your blood far too many times.
When you can start telling exactly how many times your ceiling fan rotates in a minute.
When the paint on the walls has peeled of in places and you know exactly when and how.
When the beds in your house have creaked a little too much.
When the toilet has flushed down too much of his alcohol and your *****.
When you’re afraid to call someone because you’re scared that they’ll see and they’ll know.

It is time to pack up.
Pack up and move.
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