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 Jun 2017 Emilia Rose
Victor Hugo
Au fond du parc qui se délabre,
Vieux, désert, mais encor charmant
Quand la lune, obscur candélabre,
S'allume en son écroulement,

Un moineau-franc, que rien ne gêne,
A son grenier, tout grand ouvert,
Au cinquième étage d'un chêne
Qu'avril vient de repeindre en vert.

Un saule pleureur se hasarde
À gémir sur le doux gazon,
À quelques pas de la mansarde
Où ricane ce polisson.

Ce saule ruisselant se penche ;
Un petit lac est à ses pieds,
Où tous ses rameaux, branche à branche,
Sont correctement copiés.

Tout en visitant sa coquine
Dans le nid par l'aube doré,
L'oiseau rit du saule, et taquine
Ce bon vieux lakiste éploré.

Il crie à toutes les oiselles
Qu'il voit dans les feuilles sautant :
- Venez donc voir, mesdemoiselles !
Ce saule a pleuré cet étang.

Il s'abat dans son tintamarre
Sur le lac qu'il ose insulter :
- Est-elle bête cette mare !
Elle ne sait que répéter.

Ô mare, tu n'es qu'une ornière.
Tu rabâches ton saule. Allons,
Change donc un peu de manière.
Ces vieux rameaux-là sont très longs.

Ta géorgique n'est pas drôle.
Sous prétexte qu'on est miroir,
Nous faire le matin un saule
Pour nous le refaire le soir !

C'est classique, cela m'assomme.
Je préférerais qu'on se tût.
Çà, ton bon saule est un bonhomme ;
Les saules sont de l'institut.

Je vois d'ici bâiller la truite.
Mare, c'est triste, et je t'en veux
D'être échevelée à la suite
D'un vieux qui n'a plus de cheveux.

Invente-nous donc quelque chose !
Calque, mais avec abandon.
Je suis fille, fais une rose,
Je suis âne, fais un chardon.

Aie une idée, un iris jaune,
Un bleu nénuphar triomphant !
Sapristi ! Il est temps qu'un faune
Fasse à ta naïade un enfant. -

Puis il s'adresse à la linotte :
- Vois-tu, ce saule, en ce beau lieu,
A pour état de prendre en note
Le diable à côté du bon Dieu.

De là son deuil. Il est possible
Que tout soit mal, ô ma catin ;
L'oiseau sert à l'homme de cible,
L'homme sert de cible au destin ;

Mais moi, j'aime mieux, sans envie,  
Errer de bosquet en bosquet,
Corbleu, que de passer ma vie
À remplir de pleurs un baquet ! -

Le saule à la morne posture,
Noir comme le bois des gibets,
Se tait, et la mère nature
Sourit dans l'ombre aux quolibets

Que jette, à travers les vieux marbres,
Les quinconces, les buis, les eaux,
À cet Héraclite des arbres
Ce Démocrite des oiseaux.
I'm so far inside myself
Starting to feel like someone else
Getting lost in the dreams
Of the girl in mirror
That I can no longer see
She's beginning to scare me
And it seems like my mind
Is her favorite flavor of coffee
She drinks up my thoughts
And gets a rush of energy
All I can feel for her is envy
Yet, she's supposed to be inspiring
And me? I'm practically dying
Just waiting for the mood to strike
Finding the right music to surround me
It's tiring and
I've been living life so patiently
Feeling like
It's starting to get to me
Breaking the mirror inside my eyes
Does nothing
Neither does smoking out my mind
She just seems to soak it all in
Breathing in the fumes of my coffee
Giving me nothing but an empty space
And my face
Is just her face, minus the evil grin
I can't even begin
My muse is addicted
Trying to get her on the mend
Find the fix she needs
So this beginning
Doesn't start with the end
I’d imagined her in the fields of
Tea; one, “she,” with hair born ink,
Perfectly-lined pearls,
A soon to be smile,
Wells for eyes, lost,
So very starved to be saved
And a'tic-tac-toe
Scarred the earth upon back,
So mimicked the sun.
So clucked the tribulation.

We, and after, “we,”
******. We trust
And two necks rocked backward
Under an unrelenting moon,
Could become, “we,”
With an already, “she,” and now the

“He,” a'wander before stars -
A wish and the only she’d wanted,
By name of, “touch;”
So one, the sun scorched rice,
And second, red stained the field,
And so on, the son missed home,
And once more, one son stood ground
And another sun held his hand,
So built, this newer home
Come allowed and growing old;

 Aug 2015 Emilia Rose
I've been awake for too long.
Sleeping every night you'd think I would've got the hang of it by now
But the last year, sleep has eluded me.

Now I sit pre-dawn hour.
Preparing myself.
Settling an upset stomach,
Turmoil of emotions.
A sea of anxiety -
Chaotically churning chyme
As time goes turning on.

Fooled myself that I was neutral.
That I would be happy no matter the outcome.
Yet, here I am. Sweating fear.
Like I'm out gun so I have to out run bullets.

Radical Critical Acceptance.
Is my only line of defense
Against the offense of uncertainty
No point worrying about what I'm going to be dealt - pointless action.
Deal me the cards and I'll work from there.

We're all **** in the new dawn.
Naked in our actions, our motives
All wanting a plethora of letters
In a hundred different combinations.

So as that sun rises
Like a single old wise iris
Dispelling it's light on me
I wonder -
what will today bring?
Either way, I'm certified that I'm leaving.
Getting my results from my exam in 4 hours after two years of studying. So just a tad nervous.
It should be a simple question.

No matter the technicalities,
it doesn't count if it was against your will.
I wish someone had told me that in high school.
I remember once when I was three
I fell down and I scraped my knee.
And all I could do was cry to my dad because he was all I could need.

And then again when I was ten,
a friendship of mine came to an end.
And all I could do was cry for my dad because he was all I could need.

And later on when I was sixteen
my boyfriend was being oh so mean.
And all I could do was cry to my dad because he was all I'd ever need.

And now once more, I'm now twenty four. And I don't have many reasons to cry anymore. But I still always call upon my dad, because he's someone I'll always need.
Happy Father's Day, Dad.
Sensual healing
Remote vibrations
Contemporary beliefs
Dissolve within a great force
Of electro magnetic Sun's charge
Fantasy ride over the ridge on the horizon's
Flickering tales and there aware beauty satiates long lost
Trust in human kindness which is unmasked is a true longing
Immense need borne into a trembling moment revealing thy
Love energy is dancing as one giant leap in the realms of
Levitation on my shy sound wings as they soar magnificent
Wondering why thy tiny serene particles open
Everlasting desire to be as one luminous
Mandelbrot's rainbow reflection on
Edges of a pure cosmic droplet
Effervescent dark magic is
This darkest intelligent
Deep pertinet gaze
Absolutly free
ˇImagined by
Impeccable Space
Poetic Loveˇ
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